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[Dec Earn it, JS7&, t live prcrrineeg of the east, each Kshatriya, Brahman, and mcrcliauL eoiw United himself king ol' hm surroundings, but I horn was ,".! _ i. , DOttOtrj : win',). The • kiiiL r ^ by night feta&j&Li /y out" of tkosas . to be king*, but after a certain number of years G op A In, who had been elected f | hlm*elf from her and wa* made king fur lift 1 .* He began. to reign in Bengal, but afterwards r< Magadan, also under hta power. He built the i | Inn d R r n trirnpl- mapuru, I nuil reigned forty-five years. Sri Harsh a* deva was at thin time- reigning in K ddi.) , op A t A was bucccv dud bj his son IJ o v u p A I a, t who greatly ii, power and brought intvj .- ou the kintrdurn - r 1.1 ml r u Lu the vasii, and afterward* llai r' 'I i v i a a ; ho appears to have ro- ■ Linked the Buddhist religion (be hnilt the Soma [mm DevapAln reigned ace. His Kin H a & n p Ti I u, by a daughter of Vibharata, king of Uujann in the wast, sneoeeded him, ami reigned for twelve ye*** 1 *- &'*' <*p. xxx.) Ph/irniri|niJa waa raised to tlw (Jimnu, ami reigned race j-fanr years. He suhdncd Kamnrnpn, Tinihuti, Onndn, Aft* so that hi* dominions tArclchud east to the sea, west to Tili (Dcldi), north to Julmidliara, and wrath to tliu Vindhya tuountouui. In hi* ... .IcrAyodbya lived it. fehewes uoeording to I the Tfaibetou king Ti. erong-7de-&tzan£ al * ft reigned at this time (-hup. xxxi.). After I) harm a p a la bu ., v £} a .

  • u r .i k s lii t a Oceania k gib t yea i

Van ap a l.i, I Mm r w :i p ft t a " s son, was raised throne; ho again wn« succeeded by M a h j. pal a,§ who reigned fifty. two yoars (he waa tha nantnmporary of the Thibetan king Kin During bin lifu mention is mada of king ■ h u h A r y a in Oriava, who waa, hot Mahip&la'a vawuU afahlpj I „, tbn soil «f M a h i p fl | n, the mxt kiuy, reigned four ywr*, »od wx* n.ilowud by bis soa-in-bur nvplla, who n%nfid bnftra .. ui | xxxiii.). areMli to, MahApaU'g eldest eon, waa next | ., the throne, bo* hu died three yuaw iJW. An he l^ft buhin.l l.tm u aon wiiu wrw only fri-veu ytarwold. biMnuitcntul uiil1l< C h A n n k a was rained to this ihrontr. nnd rnh'il for twenty- nine year. wtth t he kinij ofchuTuruiilika^ajidiu Lbs end wuc The people of Ileinral ah*o roroUed againut him ami entered, ilasnullia by force ; but he ftibtlmtl them. In course of 1 a p fi 1 a to tin- throne, and retired I kingdmn «t Bati,ax I Jan I itfa of after flffi yi'iirb he died (chap. xsxiv. j. B h e y a pa 1 u reigned tbirty-rwoyi»r« r and preserved bis kingiloni in ita preriooa extent (bo hwl with him Jo Adiehn, tbo real pn.»paga- ii in Thibet). He was Rnrceoded by hi* Hon X trjapl in, yenrtf (the year 1-. ..hieb Jo Aduiba ari'ivud in Thibet : thtip, xvxr.). A m- rapAla. - • • yapilln , mgntd if ywm. At lib dvalli his van H a ^ t i p A 1 a m^ a minor, and four lords gv Eat eight yrant, aflet which H u * tip A 1 a liiui- aelf BMunpfl the gOTemmeal and reigned i years. After him hiu matornal brother K : Si pi 1'B reigneil lev While ho was yet young. It a m a p A 1 a , Hon of H a s t i p A 1 a , next uccendii i tbe t bran I governed with gn. , nn il extrude*! bis powiM i_ti laatad forty-ctx yuare. Ron hi* il.-AtJi fa tab a- pAla aaceudnd the throne, 'but nrignpri rear ; after his «U«ib« a gnu a v ft«  - " ' ■•• iisiiroi I -in tbroDeeJul ■ cpulfod tin royal fiunily of PAla; IbJ Duanwas a de«r Uie s u rj-u ran r«s (the Solar race) : he m*o- cinted with tbn common people, and wait hi ill living ri Tin -v.-.;, TArAnntha. He WW Bttoceeded by iIlo Sana dCTcended . , 1 1 u or Lunar raee ( xxxii.)- h a v a a e n a, bat eon Y a k n h a sc o a, II unit A ROBtt, and his great - graiid>on B ••en a— four kmg^ ol Sena hiniily — reitrnt-d alfout twenty-fourycftr*. After thotn, under La t a • en a (P) r f ' a «n kingortlit-TuriwUS; -rabid a kingdam( ; atboOangeaandtai na) T oatared iuto allianeo with a number i«f Turnshka kings in Bengal and other places, oouqiicred all the ktn [fa a, exterininnted the primrta, - nn WO ff. •«tonr. S hul.Awt I ITI.rLrafl

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