Duetnuta, 1S7S.]
SACRED FOOTPUIXTS DT JAVA understood in u double sense, and sparrtally in HI r.i Vidimus tririkriimn — 'the * three strides' with vrhfoh he is supposed to haveover* stepped t Sj • lord of the soil, printM* ; Srbaun, * illustrious' ; Pinna i . ,. . iiia-nnjfrtrtmfrt*. * prince of tho city or LLju 1 a of. • - ■ "*■ »' and Firffc- i I. A ul the iruoi i lay bo translated S3 stepifof the striding (or mighly ?) Prince. I hi; illustrious Prnmnavariunui, lord of.....jmi*-t»agurn, nro like (those) of Vishnn." to the peruana! name. Prof. K. m point* out thai in 9t JuhW* rtreei eotidentafe*, /»*rr //louea Thmny, 11- p 463, ft Buddhist king of Mftgadhn id men- <amo UnittC, as ft protector and itor of the Bo-tree, which the heretics (non-Buddhists) had wished to extirpate. Whe- ther tlit- flame person is here intended, or perhaps another in Java CftUod ofte* him, » difficult to del ho long a* the uanui of the place is unknown. with Vishnu," remarks Prof. Kern, "the Brah- manicnl character of the bscop l not fellow* at least with : the whole Htodo
- fully neknowlcL ■• Bnddlt-
iMta, nml ( iud enriched particularly with evil spiriu and devils," Ab ii .rtniu tL of thMO Byliblofl of which the last is mo; tliu middle syllable appear* to be tu ornf — probably the latter, at !■ ' »s to be couside' short, seeing the metre require* a long syllable. The first, which as to metre may bt iit.li! or short, , dined conjee 1 i nsad
- k no or ' appear- .ithnr
run both in thi* character, we cuuuot suggest a better The last character dosorvw special no- tice, vis. «> which to thus oqai and If nceeuury it muff he w understood hf tfcv stroke run on &* 1 "'.'- 1 " of the letter m ntamlir waul term of M Of polea En Bfiwit not the unusual form anil positi' la**" 1 readily fugapit the p Bnroell ( | — M Pinal » i* rwprcwm ii infill na— loM than tha nther letter*— which • TW- t»pr««uiw n» mud; •*» af ,-,teffT«petL" >m ll« &>•* u*«r th* top ef Ui* uwHRntnr itiai*, w peculiar lo the Vengt character." So, though without the crooked Hue, it w nearly repreMaited in Im flint plate, 4th century !♦!>,, expro«rieg the eyllnhtetem.-tnthufullowing. itaplacn • by a uruall circle t' bill near the taped WI« hiter (X.n. *JPl») I' . n nhore thepreeediug 1' and passes into the well -known term of «inarrrfro idtt, though at ifiah iriho two star-like figures before the foot- prints represent spiders, as the catalogs Jitatos ^aud they have really. MA rf that a ripear- ty Ihi imputed, a* Prof. Kern thinks, to the Jaim dootrine, which ; ship to be cartful net to trample upon any living croaturu- Above 'i arc some strokes, as of writing, that still wuit explication. Thus, without being able neoumtely to deter- mine the ". ica this mtmorliil datra, wo may regard it with soma gnmntL, of eertointy M ,»if. of the oldeat indioatJen* of Biuduiaiu hi en Java; a bw- I hat . I l- rives a lugher interest from it* nm-rounding*, — on a living almost tihapeleftt tuim of rock in the middl. t stream, scarcely alwve the surface of thu water, where it hni lab forat least ten it-utuhes unproteofesd and ttim^itttTbad, pout- ly having eaMoined utiy injury to the abtuptie*" yfl'r , ith which it in earved, t« of the catalogue follow two stoues of the same sort,— ilm urstal JambtK' soscrilHHl with No footpint« # nml alreadj serilwd by Rigg and Kredcrieh in the 'F%&' 1 eew ln<l. T*il in, IBS fi"- It has two Hues of writing, envh S f«t 2 inches long, of thu same Bortj cmd npi»- nmtly not teas distinct and n I hit op > I'X but in thu photegrnphic copy b foreahuKcueil t^. bo equally - read. So, 1"J B » ■tooo at Kebon Ke guidon) OB I he way from Clwimpei to Puseron Moewara, and show* the impresses of two with ii line of inscription be- in, upparontly of the SUme kind, hoi not SO well piOBifTOdl or copied, and not do- oiphored as yet. ...... Profeffior Kom luis been able ia ft great __ —A , , ■ K&, mat* flrifuWlly aalwl, but probably Iwn