353 THE LEGENDAUY ACCOUNT OF OLD NEWASA. BY. &&1 KRISHNA riA3THI TALEKAB, DF ~vr k w Asa u & t i l u k -*-^ imt of Ahmaduugur. It bfl many other places, it* own history or 1" which I hope will bo of soma interest lo kfa ««<1(im of the Indian A Tho legirnd ta given in ttio Mahdlaya Mi- fa ( or * UiQ grofttxiesa of Mahalay a' » , w!«i ol i fa a | Ci Fitr&fia. T: U written in both Sanskrit anil Pi . It has not been pub1ii-3i,d. 00 in Newas*. There are i there, and eoiuwqoenily thuir owner* ilo not , 1 obtained, with JilJ! a copy for pcrtmnl, f'»r * hieh I was indebted to n friend. It gives the goographieal position of N e W A « ft , and enlarges on the sanctity and legendary history bo£b of tho tit tha* named »i oomiecU I The legend reaper a w as Follows: — Formerly tin 1 a- was a doitum by name T . who having pleased Btntaha and got eutnmiu into heaven through hi* favour, be- came so proud that he begun to harass tho gods, and At si from heaven. Thu- gothl than P and went to "Brahma fjr protection, who mentally invoked Vtoh ^swtanee, Vlshna forthwith n|v pcaml, and having h tauum of Mis in- vocation »aid to him thitt Knrtika Svuuil (the rommandcr ■ in-ehief of tho ■ rmlas) was to kill the demote and bo born in the womb of PArvati from tho loins of S a n k u r . 1 trahmu t lion asked for a place for nil the godi to livo in till i Kftrtika Svilrni Huould take p! Uiey would suITer no annoyance from *hc demon. Viiihuu then points] our Sewaeft for thum, which he described thin:— <t=r*mwfr tft i rn <r =rfr spn i im* tf*tft r? V*rt wf toftf i 11 In ihe eonntry nyuth of tho Vindhya mountain* and on the tenth bonk of the God i- v a t i , there is u holy plaoo of the axled
- M, where there w the rifritoeiOM Va r«l : and
to tho uaat of tho river there is a Vaishnavi tTlOSAX iNsrKtrron, ahmadsagak Sakti * {popularly callwl Mb! Hi HrjaJ of n«ra- ordinary power." go*in tlien iuwiudiatvly resorted »o thw plaoo. The posittau given above isexueth I N e i* 1 i Tin - a mad in the Mahfi- hiju Si lire il a h I lay a and N i d h i - w a s n . mill the uuiuls oj » v a r a f Pilphara, and Viiri ;bofalltbesB names is given in the IL&hAimya by S ft n a t k n ♦ tailr. i sa. Vydsa a ; TTTTiT V3) ^TTfT ^JI Wfl^ T| "O gnntcat of tho fiafiVM, how did thin holy place come to be caHod il rt h i 1 ay » , and altio | v .i 1 1 '- W the name p ruvur I the nataa 1'ipharA? Why ir called Vara? iJomitkntnira answerM :—
- r?FPrfir?it it m¥n f^ir Pf%-
fn T • V4 -JTf=T TT^f | fSffirTTHPrii ^ft *?iif^rfT ?prt >$ ( »HT t^: i npfJnr?wj*T: g»r wi*H»nwr i
- ?V , nginfean'^ ufaiwim J^" i
11 .Vs tiuj phioo wiw a dwelliiig-plaeo of the great (the gods}, wise men called it Ma h ti I a y a (mfffttf, great, and il%« T a dwelling- plaoa)." HTTiftM iietook theniselres to this place, •* ban, " every one of tfa«ni brought with him whnterarho eontidtired most vnluable. O gn !<uber (tho treasurer of tho gods) lodged here ht« (nini.) tronsare*. which wore woahipp- J ani1 wurfl novur rt I HenM dw place gut tho good name mi N i ,| hi w lib a among Uiu people of earth iwsnrea, and wasfl, a depo The waiura (of thePravar*) «pnke (to tha pre- giding 'OLord of the three worlilft, make M such that wo "hall become poascaeod beta, pure, and unstaiuing all in life.' • Vaiibaari 6^ti-iiw en*rtfT o* Vkfcaa pmqailW ■* * F*W«--