THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. rNuvotntm 1875. The author of P&a$*r*ng Thai puts in the month of an ass-drirer between Puui and NafiM sewrol wi*jg<* which I find still remembered iu tho Litter city. The beat is a nursery rhyuie r— Bing ! pori. ding ! kapiUachon bing ; Bing geli phufchun, port geli ftthftn. Which may 1m? translated— " Bye, bye T my litttc ksa (Looked at herself in) a looking-glass ;• Smash iu piece* went fchn glass,, And up and away went my little hiss." The bontimm have choruses, to which they tack Ott radio yeraea iniprovLfed fur tin- oooa4lon 4 Xfafi following ia vtsry popular on the KutuM cooat :— 1 . B ha rati all ; pefr bhuriln nu Kluuidari don gar tfkada jA g. TAmuada nhutela, po| bhuritunA KhiiUfJJVrl donga r ukndn jA.
- >, Diwaa ughawniit ; pet bhurit iiuu
KhoJiriori dongar (ikaii 4. Kahnb lolc hasale ; pe£ bharitAnA Kliaodurl rioiigur tikfulo jA 1. ' - 'I'd.- Hood has ooma ; Bffizu oar bslma (At, earning our bruvd) go lo the hill or KTlfttuBhf* (Hennery Island, south of Bombay, a well-known mid 2, '- The day has broken ;f earning our bread," Ac. 3, " The tan has risen ; earning our bread,' 4 Ao. 4. u The nAhoba bavt? ■taken tjh&fv ■'■ eat I (ha the boat); earning ntir brr,vt, The strain on the imagination of tho impru- visatoro at tho stroke oar is Qol torero. Same- time* thy chum* ii rinnsmui^ t.*j- ft " MnsnlmAid" ana "L&hamndta wa mcw» photo* lluro* itinei ro- pnatod. ""Mown phnla," fruit and flower* the roat is gibberish, Ami ill" OUOTUa ia fitted, like the lo*t, to any words that occur. CrtMoal readers are warned ihnt I am not rr>- spojjaii'l"- fur lM*irwnV grammar. W. F, Sislujo. (IFlAKAN, BELGAM. AMI CtlAKAttD. I. In u a.j>, 1130. X o 1 i k • » t .Tl j A r . L i t iikon the conduct of the war, marched at the bead of a choice body of troop*, tho flower of the itakhnn army. This officer began an a vyatemniic plan of ermnnernitjaiid rognlating fhn roair hf> subdued. He established hi* liMul-ipiBrturw at Chakan, and ranted a fort near the city of J unir." "ChAkanlsajimall fort eighteen miles BOrti from I'unl. It is nearly square, with towers at -^ — • ■""■ " ■ ■«
- ftipAIArA'-ik ft«n«j i* ike small round U*ad^la» wh'wb
lartn'm enrry nhil jpvn In 1 !-.■■ jatinul to L-..L1 wliili- liinjr t Lit " It I»k brutal rvd"— *«i i ^mwiflu for tbo angle* and eeutren of tho faces ; it baa m good ditch alh'iut, thirty foot wide and fifteen deep, bnt wet oa the north aid© only ; the walls nro higb, tho parapet and rampart narrow, and the tower* confined. Tliem i* but nrie entrance into tho body of tho ptaflfl through Hta or six gateways i and tbBTU in » mud oaiwork. which ib*o haa a diU>h. I in-'iit 11*11 u partianlarly on account of its reputed ant upiity ; for, althuu^h it pruhably is the iiilt by Mnlik-ut •Tijilr, arfloriling to concurring Hindu legends it was constructed by an Abj ssinian I' o li g a r *.n 1S96, A* to how ho got there, tbey do not pretend to account,"* ChAk*n< Hiiityiive rni!f!« math from Junar, was built by Khal a f Hasan or Basri (BOMora ?>,*tyk'd M a 1 i k - u I - T i j a r Further information is re^uiradregariliug the family history twu Mara^hA Itaja- by whrnn be wafl U©»' troyedi the wdy Poligar Sirkhd of Panftla. nod his abused friend of Fort Sifihgu K A n d win a (Ketuftti »n Soott'f HHOl 'A'hut is known of V i k r u in u B u y a of Bel- gam — thft Birkana Uay of Mnhammadan writers— bj Muluunuuid .Shah Ikihiuani in 1472,
- " Horn rwr, it wnA doOrOod thin for o ecrtatu
time that kingdom should remain in the family i r>r thin roM n»an, n of Arjuna, was killed in the battle of C h a k u b u , his wife happened to lie pregnant ; ! tigiy, after oh shf? gave birth to a fortunate son: lothiar darl m lighted up."]| In whieh of ll»« Fur/UtitM tn I oceount of the battle of Chnkabu given P tt.IL W. Ki.ua Tom, jwar B**kr. Wk ticpUmfttr lS7o. CllAKAS. C h n k a n — probably 'Char kan.*— fatn being among Mnr&thfa a dlvklot. botwoon t»ur pottf. by which they reckon tho siac of all buildingv.und i* tho narnn of the Til Inge,— probably older than tho fort- The tradition of tho Abyssinian chief is norr catinct, ulnl then- | it with C b a k a h ft . Grant IhiflV account of tho roc* in o«ry pa lovpl u to mxa. It was captured by Sir:. . his career. For the subsequent siege by and rtijiiitilntiiHi to JShuima Klulri Amir 'il' TJura inA Ornnt DutT, nil. I. BhnUta KhAn repaiml the ocordhogto town^p ;ud there dated li'th Zulbej a. li, 1071. It wtw nnaily tbimantlcd iu 1856— Tide 7«d.A«i.T0l. ILp V, 1 a r ml ■np^^ni.nrr' nf lb* iky »t t-aHi^it "po^p if iky."
- Cnri Urifl-. Ift<f. rv ,yfth* lfor-JHA., », I 1 p SI.
I p. tfU- H AnMh+-M*W, troa»lM«d by UaJorU. Court, Iffl-