NOYEMUftB, 1875.]
JilSOKLLANEA m all but unintelligible, mud fragmentary fit f hut. Be- eped prevents native* from •dugiug in the pre- amoa of European*, except it a udth. whr-ro the BOftg i« generally a mere repetition of the glories t»i tho principal guest, or an importation from EQmtattitn o* EbKUKMd. Ill u probable that tiie faith'lt or fiOrnMrnmatio recitations, and fbttui* or playa. would afford a field for any unjuirer who Lad health and patience M radon iiivir "Unsaid hW'n.!:,!-: long drofrp out" nl impossible hours, and subject to tho con- ditions or crowd and beat, which aro inevitable:; bol iis yet no one has boon found to try it. Ono claxs of compoisittoriB, however, are an exception in this respect, — I menu I he boat-sougn of the Court M»m« of thatr undoubted chirm to their aurrouudiugs of ftvyh air Kqd beautiful aeenery, and to the pleasant leisure which the passenger enjoys, B) " kbov« The while r>fi even Iced, between low shores, 'Mir long ship breasts i fflcX*. 6f tlufi Seine"— that 1$, rnuf.ifrx mutandis, the tide-wave that sweeps the palm- fringed shore* • Hated island* of j tMrnmrnHtab-aaras of the beautiful Kondullka and Ulna* The roUntrriiK fraguiflnta woro mostly picked up upon inch expeditions; and I can only regret that my want of nuifriral Rciouce prevent! me from giving the Tunes, mid hope lluit Home more i Ifin trarelkn 1 may bn induced to contribute to out knowledge of the Bubj The fir«t hi a ftnng much in favour with the niaJt Kuliy; tbr? bflro, M B6 W Babft," iaaBportire KulL who ha* punned a ludy into his lions© nnd shut tho door. Her plain tiro entreat y for release forma the refrain, und l» given with ^reat eipres- wioii, Mtd a ftupprewed grin of appreciation. Are, BhoU BAba, mala kaahala dharatA ? Dhokj lUli*. are, mala nodan de i //. m •- ' TutH Alia HQDecha wa rupatchA diadu, She repcott; Bholct BftbA, are mal* aoduij da! SA* tptatir, Mtfiiff air Auanniul approach; Arc. Bhokf BabA, jmM to ale navari { Bbok] B&ba, ore molA sodiln do! TA* htuhaad tjwnk* : Bbokt BAbd, kovhen fihn majbi port ? TA* hi-J iff tlhoki't omwer icilA Bhc-kl BAbA, aru tunld M$flfj de I and no on for rteveral stanzas, or rather distichs, in the •am* stylo . I learnt tins and tho next from
- ' 01V—' ntfttldnf,* with wi idm nf tmtk* i " Nadi
Qti iMasoon. the gig*a crew of tho Pofflfcd Agent at Jinjlrn. Tin- (bllowing » bha tmnsUtion:— " Oil J BUoki Baba, why did yen catch me sor Uh ! tlhokl BAIA, pray let me g<» I" "" Von have nn onu of allvcr and gold* 1 (tins * a comphmant, alluding to liw brac^j ■ i>h ! Bhoki Buba, pray let me go ! " Bhokt Baba, i«, there is my husband coming (lit. that my husband has uouio)! Oh, Bhokl Bftbil" " Bboki Brlba, where k my little yi rl V (■ Q use of part, wbictt usually moani ones diinoA^rf. "Oil! Bhokt Bubal" Ac. Another aimitar song is a dialogue between a Kolf wtiman who hab gone into a gurd' uowcrs to deck horncdf with, and the gardener. trho hna dtscov4nil her. Ho «htita tho gate to prevent bar escape, and answers all her pel i forroloARO wirb tho refrain— "Tula hai re phalaena gnlyA," L« t "Youhnv-i got a ncoklcvce of flowore"— evidence of her theft. The following war-aoug is u great (km with Che !Ii caiman hoatmon j it has *omo re&vm- blonce in hutgoage. ami much in vigourandpower t to the Marawinafaa, and waa to be heard in every MusahuAu hunt during the luet Bombay rioh ftingera gnttin gj tfced t— " Huaaiu no bolu, Karbalumcu uk»r t Aj ltakhat ayA ladal kJL Kasiuii I bolik bade khijmnti karekar, Aj hakhat ay a tailai ku. Ijnkiuli- inwiti karckftr, Aj bakbai ay& huhu kA," Ac. Here iv a roOW birmloan fragment from the M&liAd river : — " Jhnr-jbori kultre,. Mogalya, Sassa jialilA, dongarya ; Jcvhait oaasane knrtr'ynnia pohila, J^vlianehen tevhati, laplnhi luiivili." " Two iToi.;ba] doga in a leash were they. i a mountain huro that ran away ; Whan tha haro those dogs espied* At Qtteu be sipuitted down to bMo.'* " Mttsalm4ni" , from 'ilianft. is al- most* nursery rhyme, ami not ■ lad ono either : — Mnrghu mnighl aliAdi kyi, Ihtuhl dya sola, Juldl baehhu poidA bill* Kulrnrd ! kukmru 1 IcukurA I Wla. " Cock and hen a wedding nuwh Sixteen egg* (the lady) laid, Out came a little cluck fpeadHta, ' i "r^k-a^doodle'doo ! ' qu abuA ti* ruiiaU" u t li»u of a Tbakax HOf m pnuv; of