NovEtfMB, 1875.]
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Tin? following version and notes arc by Mr. .J. F. Oouldlmz, Principal of the Ajtnir Govcnu ment College : — Sri Baiaji. Sidhu i ihAranikji £ri Sri Mokal Sing- ji ka datha pardatbu Brahman BadA-Tibii la vA* la on g&tu. Kevall udafc jaml bigAh 3200 (akrA do baxAr da 00] oim-slni AUtlAtL. B I '»ji ILSm arpan k»r "li di, Jin ko thamba potr Ions di do. timri kw> khaahal karoi, jo m; Sri IklaDganaih ftuhriit U-7, MUM Mahfi Sudli 1» (t-tiirns). Dastkhut Faachou Man Ltt* kiw Tmu*fVilicH. Srt l&niji. daliArunAjiSri t§ri Mokul Bififli has on hii own part, by way of an offering to Roma, given in charity and confirmed to tlioBrfthn EtartDhiylatalafclw village of Kavali. comprising go bigil it, two thousand twu hundred bbjpttt*}, with its foil and boundaries, li j a gjf( ' an eclipvo ot the? sun. Tn of ho but given Ilka thin copper-plate* Should any one disturb him in the possession of It, &ri Eklinganftth will t Ira. Dato ih, Sam vat 1127. Signed, Pancholi. 2fcffML Si'ldfui, literally 'fulfilment/ 'com pi wurf denoting wish or vow, and termed "Mangoli," i.o. -i riu m pliant.' It m bo mtiifn-d " tira Bare*, ' large." bow 'inalifles Dhaila, which may also be rutf (A itfo, It is of frequent application in MU^rwirA, wh> , i 0l two village* of the same name is always distinguished by tho term foirif, n.a. HarA Larnba. Barn Kanai- win. iJ&ra Khera. [I moans literally 'water." The ceremony or Sahkn-lp* '"» hen referred in the donor taking a small quantity of water in the palm or his right hand and pouring it into that of the right hand of the donee, repeating the ttu-rrtn Anil cireiMtfltance* nf tho gift. Tlio binds thus bestowed are tlwmcofotth termed UJuk, and the gift becomes irrevocable. XLu-: !• t it an iili mda* tion and hciuiularli-'u' in Ita ntons eomji: f,cjf.a. "m all ita entirety .' KLtcJutl it literally * interiors ■i, literally * will visit him.' that fa, ' tor; Mm*' Kklingao! ha god wn whipped noraparLivninrly by tho Mnliriran4aofUilaypur.* An die name of the donoo is DD( ' >" . it In junt probable that the Rift I'.r.iHmona of liars, DbailavaJA- The word BrAhnun can ho made to Hi^nify Lin- plural by pTiicingan nnuwtdrovor the Baal • in the word lMuularitia. Gilb ofthia kind nre fri> [uniit ly made to oomnmniticj of BnVhn .lr. L* S G B.CXS*. who lnrui*hea a version subsbxuSiul!y thosnnic, iJsaTemaarla thai "an both Dailrudl iuid Konruna are given ta fofl i" I'dnyptrr, iJioy are probably iho place* inlondcd. . liowever, a dimcnlty about tha date j for Ifolal tfinha, the liral Haul of of the younger branch {his elder br,r
- baring ceded to him tho th
not commence Ms feign fill 8-zthcai 1-1(54 (a.P« f, and. if the ilates given in Tml's narra- are to ba implicitly accepted, oan scaroely have hoou bon: ta H-'i t ir W71K — twi> yearo before lai father LakhA ascended tho throne. As to tin lieal ooiwtrno- tiua: nc w oeoajuonally used to the pTQMml dftV by rillaijvni in Matluirii instead of f»; and it for 'ja t as too a%i Bstow tense, is of common odmrreneo in Uiu Haul: ll&m&yt^a* rl I tuke to bo for mtritf. Of uk*htj&l paffti, though tlie meaning of both is eloar from tho context, I eannul suggest any deriva- tion." G AttXER IS 60 lil P TIONS. TttAN- HIT R. WniATSEK. &OJL, M.-ia. D. B. K. A. S. pte of the following th«ve inscripUottB bavo boon ecnt to mc,t aud ftlthongh liury axo very good, cHtampage* vonld liave been pra&r- • Ouaof lbs Valiadhil^ Utl* a " I*w*n « f Ekin«ab . Tti» tfrrttt l«iip1 imlaS **i to ' anKMix <t«t bilk, about riirkt bu'U* i -Kl». -«f. „/ ft ^ U f Kin, vol. I • p. 28ft i JladnM •«■ p. jBf . I Ta«ar*taa^ loadlascriptiutv an upon a pwtty hWe able, aa T have doubt* concerning several if however, an they are, without I :— Iteiab javteut' » B «** .anadaaaardbl: nlmtftahb !«*» , lax* b»n the »rintMiJ «•»«!** "f Alamalr ,1 il^d-iaw fc. attributed fa> alatw.bat I — W. F M.