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'vi B

THE DTDTAN AJfTIQUABY. ' not differ in person from the tutelary deity of the family. 4 She who ttoh his wife, and observed ill dnfcicfl towards hirn, reminds utt, by her pnre actions, of I ho wives of Atri and Vasishtha, Annm in' and Aruudbatl- 5. Shu manifested hfiflMsU K>tx the earth for the protection of men, being viiuui to her itamo in parson, i.e. resem- bling thu old Aim ly u (the wife of Gautama), -i.l in cartiata in the form o f a quceu hero in order ii down by force all quarrel* uud dtap G. He who having obfcainsd (for his support) (a faihjti) thu g r -o of Mahndevn, through her favour was known hh the great and gener- ous STibhi'tlAr, endowed with wealth, good conduct, bravery, ami other qualities. 7. This was T u k oj i , who in the splendour of ft king wns the jewel of his extensive kingdom. Then his sou, who wm* great in bin faun*, extending the forests on the banks of tbo four seas, & And who had exacted tributes from hid enemies whom bo bad destroyed bj 1 1« dagger that was set off by his ten as the great king Yaskv untrue 0. Theu observing lIlu IftunttidA, Lcauiilul between liur two banks, and thu robe of her current flowing to thu semth of the town 11 a h i i m 1 1 i ( Mains £rnra), and thinking of A h a 1 y ft a* resting on her hip, 10. And witb fchfi hope that hut «• viees towards her be promulgated through other worlds, the genornus king thought of creeling first a ghiit on her bmk, and. then a palatini tomb. 11. The foundation-stone was laid on the morning of Monday the 12th of the bright half of Ksrtiku, on inn So b i hatn i in year of Yikrama Suzuvatsara lS5o", or the mi s.i^Ahana 1721 (Le *.&. 1800). 12. Then his wife, genorott* in all her qualities and bear- ing excellent conduct on the earth, wna incar- nate like another Tiri whose fame had ftpreod beyond the sea*. 1;>. She, Kriib.nl by name, erected a palseo in form like an air-chariot, and in beauty like the pnbu» of India, in order to fulfil thu already i of her husband. 14 On Thursday the 7th day bright half cfVMlflkha, in the year of Yikru 1834), she placed the image (of Ahalijt!) willi Siva (in the temple) Siting here placed with devotion, close to tho iuiM .: i Siva, A h a I y A wh i-iinod a divine position by her conduct, and having thought of placing 6iva close to her image, 1*5. She, Kr ishn I, placed tho li «g* of £i v* before the iran^o which appears in the nnme of A. b» I y el vara declaring liar final ant- ra. TiiL-ro iseM much or poetry in these verses, but they serve tbo purpose far which they WOT6 intended. The line i i the Holkar family bus been traced from its founder, MajharrAo, to Krishna Bal, thu adoptive mother of the present UaharAJ*, H. H. Tnkoji Rao FUtkar, DuO.S.1 I have dwelt OpOtl this ■ Tj-Titiil bulliling n' kntgto, as it carries with it a good deal of historical intore-' which the present generation participates to a considerable extent. A COPPUIU'LATE QBAK The plate is a facsimile of a copper- f< grant belonging to the Udayptir Dftrbftr* It was tbo subject or a dispute ft few years ago, as to the possession of thu ground granite I by it. As Mokal RTins is said to have ruled from Sam vat 1-ti-i to 147-V, there mama to bo socio disorepamy in r be date of the grant. 'When Clmti.l.k monneod thu throne of Chili favour of this Mokal, it ts said h& fitiuulated that in all grants to the vnsaaU of tin- crown hia symbol (thn lanoe of Salmubra) should pre. cede Ihe monogram of tho EsnA : this is ibowu on the plate, of which thu following ii a tran- script: — 1' FitOM TJDAYPUR. Arl Rlmji. (Lance nf Salumbra). Saiia — (Tho RdatTg nwwtgram). SiiMUu ^rl Mnlmruuuji ^ri i>ri Mokal Slg- ji kl ilatt panlait Hamitna I Mi lHiivsU Vi- la na gain Kavatt, udaka jamt big* B2O0 ashar bajar do do-so nim^lm su- dl mi raj parbi ma Rami orpivria,* kar di dl, js ko tsmpi potar kar di do. Aiv aksluuihal karsi, }t na Sri AldiugaiM- Uui pugsi. Samvat 1127, mati Mlha Sudi V6. JDosgat Paucholi Msna Lila- ka. l.uatu nice : both t<rsu Imply ui irm»<jc»Uij jmnt.

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