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m ON K!TA i 330 1111 pdtii once told me his village contained "thirty h»uttt of our people, and twenty fob cif Willis;"* bat it tiwdwl thft flje of foith to ace any difference in thaaitdulectnre, which was all of the uncivil t Ut ennd-dab order, TiioN altars live in fcho SAcpurA jungles bordering on Hulkar'a 2Tuuir, They are&fttd tu bo olo*e akin to Bid IK but some of t hem at least are Musalxn.Yns, Thee urn not numerous, and I never aiut theni but once. Titer* aruMiias! Goads who aw wandering mwhenls, and have their Jaaid-quurtors chiefly •Jurat Ch:'; The j speak MarMhi, at!<*"* bar people, and don't seem to keep up any eonnexinn with GuadwiiuA- The Mnsalmina resemble those of the Hnlchan, but ore more Uiy and debauched. Jews, Christians, and Poiefe ore scarce* all na- migrants, and no way remarkable. These notes would hardly be complete with- oat Boran remarks on the antiquities gf the district. The most ancient and noticeable re- main*,— the Buddhist eaves of Ajunt A and •os in the Si i-tnala liilla,— nearly aJllia in territory belonging to JF ff.tha Xixiim, but are most easily approached from Drltiali KhAn- destt. A j an t fi bus been frequently desti most recently in tbB imfi'aa ,£» ol. 111. pp. 25, 2tffl). The easiestapproach is #M Potman. aStatinunftheO I P. Rauway.frum so¥CttU»n milea to S h v n d n r n i . vil- lage of the 1 1 i k a h i t family, oonnoatad by mar- riage with the PoohwAs, I think OOi) of t ham Wttf alao the spiritual preceptor "■*- I y. Fro ui th e comping-ptaoo at S h end urnt. w In t here is a pretty modern temple, it Ifl eighteen kQflBtn Fardapnr— 01 : pl« f*»- portanea in Muglml days, OS oommandiiu; nortfaara outran- to Hw Ajim'ii Pas* but now , onsistingof a heap of rums and mud fanta bud- . 1 , . ndor the wnll* of a huge imperial sural, and garrwonedhylialfadosunniif^i RoMUm, Ths pass in still fcrtiiicd hy a massive wall and tall gatewavat to WW*; the oaves lie in the »«"> of Lenapur away to therein, live mfl«faini thntmvmW bungalow at rW MB no* myself aware of any remain in thcSMmala* uiit or Ajoota, but ten miles to the westward and six from Shvn dumi oru the lull- forb^oT — B « i t n 1 ha r a (vid* p. 10ft) to Waisaga db . The fnrmf if jealous Arab*, th'- Iftiti I i! ttfc Si Local trnri:< rajs that it was built by " RAja Tirthi,'" who was a u Gnali RAja." Meat of the oxistmg v, I are Mnaalmln; but one bower in the centre beam the device of a winded monster shaking an elephant as if ho were a rut,— which Occurs also, 1 believe, upon the walls of the ancient Gond capital of C h a n d a , and of S nga r ga d h in the North Koufcan. tn the scarps of this fort andoi p or ravine to the cost of it are aoveralaaves. Thoy werodeaoribed toil r. Wilson by Captain Rose (Jewr*JVcwti. II r. IL At* 8o<<* January Ifl&Sj p. 3t!0) an Isniig now dedicated, one to Pudresvni.i. and otliers to Hidimba Urn It'ik^hay i wiicof Bliimatii I fif I .v.i. indlu raon bv him,G h a t o t k a e h. TIid esvc of G Fi u t ot - k a c h , measurxu-r L- ^uare, is probably tlif largnst siA^ra in India; and the whole* group, with thofto mentioned by Captain Roiio as exist* big at It i • i t u I ti A r a and J i u j a 1 a , dt* fuller investigation and description than fcbej hare yet received. Captain Rose ako supplied Ur ti with notes on the P utn a eaves, which hira sinca been tuorc fully iloftoribed by mjwilf and visited hy Dr, Rlilu Dlji; hut a few rountl the western scarps o: ■ valley alill remai » aninvestigated, us also the cave on the Q o ta 1 a paes above WargAm, ten mac- CaW btgam, mvutiouct by the in the nanv '"' uhi rupra). The only caves which I k < ■ ol in Kh&mk'dh north of tiJia Baimala an UiOM ol Bhamorfvide!»■■ ,! il p. 1^); btii • m don oast of 1 1 lem. in t he ugly wvlder- Oallod rim Pan riTirr fuel res orves, there is a B called V©hergim,a name which ge- ul' rally indicates the neighbourhood of eavw, ami psrbap* may iu thin iustance. In the eauie neigh- hourhood, at Bhauwr itself, and at WargAm and other villager on the Baru Dhnra platean north ii'ir, aresev-ral " ih-'ii.'ut I'ontP 1 tem- ples of wontuttiso and beauty, generally 1> nod qnito deserted, as is also one at K i II Op ttr 4 below the ghAts; hut UiCW ere. to the best «■» my belief, the «mly aneaont Hindu temples in the

-t; and the inclusion of B u rh u n p A r in

Xnuhr learea it ahnosl. ecinally poor in M«fi«l* nian arcbJteetura, ofwludithe best spc^- are the lontbo at J h a 1 it t r Thus* arc I gaitl to have been hnilt by « a Scnapati of H oU

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