333 ROUGH NOTES Off KIIANDESH. hi vr. i a. tinmatfmmr. I Ukui'f I * 0! west or re all otitic t) k o r ili virion and rut L Tli* PnrvrA r 3j! of K ore iduntiial in all law. The Wkl '■■! same aa in ilii! Dakl Tin ruliararea wal oC |K'ople ©ailed tlie SI ft c .11 r 8h i >: ft r i .", who spend I wandering up rind down rivt-rri fishing, especially for crocodiles. Their procedure in it* cnit djo crocodile into some pool having mutow , which, they atoji ,■ had •■.trong aula, II Mn; mark on* in at nighi, they light fire* and watch the poo! lilt daylight. Tlir A ti Rhil was are a relitfioiur tool who I Ivog about, hut bavo now uvneralh mil agri- cultmv- T am not aware of their apecial tem«tB» ■Hint to be unpopular uuj a. A jcrurfl of lltift sort, mimed A j I b a , cxmriied ■■r.pnafc the* court of rrapt period B 4 i , after Yauiwackao Holkar hud become insane. A |HculiftT men of oV idea sometime* viai ni forests of air proper pastures am in lie- Lhu Deklmn They uppcur to bfl descended Croui ftravujtau immigrant*, but hnvu ct and no special Inn- 'iraxnorv "d respectable IJ ' Wid rnMm- bh) j!. • arityU coltJTfttort. In JM thr Xu.nl 'itindy to breed of hlaok and v "iu railed Etfttfcar, m in llio EkOfikon f-r th ,r. large. irorahlp Krishna us u, and lake good mix- al l( andar '&- IT,, FHiK or Fowart Tribe*, IW, we fold jutichthat »*■ in ih. Then- «t rr-rt ft Blltaii K o I i it takin armedfafo p hirr b t fldi eaar, tttk it ulod moot ari'l kin " in addition to ilitir own position as water-bearers* fishers, and fisrryuKuu IlUJj . Uouiurly 'ii the caal and south, where they generally hokl thr inferior offices of village. J A g I i a or gunaxal watch- gate-ward, and Tal.i ■ • if l1u> vi • if; nndri' village Ha vildAr who aim worn to tli .to of tin- lii itigtho head of tlui village police Ktnnoo he is respira- Htblv for order. ^-m >, as skilful in woodcraft m the IMi and far cooler uud vicudier. I tolorabtu cultivator*, lew given to arkno moat netting of tin* son, and withal a line mi follows, physically and morally ' i.vcvrtr (on acconnt o£ thuir iir nnuibcrnund IvfistrnuhlnisonuicharacUfr), ut tract ution astho nnxt raca on ...■ iih : 1 1 n-x ,'i U thn reflnlts of the last eonsiiH of £ln dfl&h, bat I hope mmv offifler now aorV- ingth Jirl rough h wan current when 1 wan in that dhrtrict, vi*. that I lift B h 1 1 1 a « otnbOrod 1 kc.uL*, or about ben per cent, of ll » fWI- brinn of R lading; tl:. Outh ■m tulukiM, linoo tnitiftfarnkl to SI Thifl , hownv' * several races who are not tmc K h 11 1 - , J call then tShnUNaik^'or-'Xiuk John in hu wiJtk OH Oaoitd I i tag i by which the d*>«**ent of the jlh 111 i raced to tho union of with a wood-nymph wl him "lien ahmo and weary In 9ha boro him a larga family, or raft A Kcauip. rind wa* accord- io the jungh liavft l>ff<m tl«f pu" I his descend* nnta, ii BhUlO In ffliaiufadi, Howl, ■- wiih i bin or anyniuular bgma ; ami, Oi far M I oould diaoovcr. tho Bl look upon thomwlron ax Autochthouea. t n>T are »c>YOTa l tum-*! ntp nti onad in ■JtoS Jit*, r^i ii. i«i. j-* sot. air. , »i i »«tnr.