"the stone are:— In the centre, tv Uhg&) OH ily ruchti u prii*t landing, with the sua above him ; and OH its loft, a reprMSfctitation of Rrtjwva, with tbo moon above it. In thin in- Klauco tlit* language i» Sanskrit throughout* The character* ore Canarese of the same »Uwd- ard as thaw of the prec toll. This, ngnin, is an inscription of the time of A c h y n tar il y a, and it ia dated in tin- J flM of « he &'riivaliuua Sat* L460 I • l^SB-D), the Vtlambt tfAnim^ara. It records the grant of the Tillage ofKandaT»d». other wise known as A fa f r i t u r fi y »"? i) d ra in a 1 1 a p u ru r to tin- anbury, by A c ti y n t a m a 1 1 a p u « u a Of A k tea pa, tnc nutuster of Achyi. faray a. Th« orthography of this inscription, as also of the preceding, is peculiar in several respects: iHirticulurly noteworthy is the insertion of y »ftf r thu compound letter j* in aoeordsnoo with the modern pronunciation, — d wj, — «f thu letter. TtuMeriptioH-* [ I ]ftj?^b*n=b ?dj; [ || ] ^%o?fi-TB^c^arfjEF^^£5^rf5» [ | j *)!>**&&** csjr ||( | ) ^=EjTi>*o^^3S^5(3S^?)[3]T*£530*/rf3crXvtcaa?c || ^^o» &»{ri9« ||( i ) A»^tf^^.?a3^^W*.S«rf»tfowse«ctf3f.»* Sfsgnydg^^TCgEMl^i^ ji,5»»as»M ^(^ttWjSPdsfc *:$*«& t=l(ll) S*^^** SX * v&a^ffvs^^wcnt^j^vd^^^o^^boAjXJ^fTj^a^wsXjfl ||( | ) onrfj.***.** oJb^tftfg wef-cei^f OojO^ ag a ^ c;&o&a &«* don^tS^ssaWax ||f | ) ccjT^j gjd«»fc&- tiutratttoc S^^J^^i^c^lo]^;*!^^^ z^SipB* tj^a |j ft $*<.• ^ 3^^^^)t^3l^a^^r?:r^ffOi^ei?i^^ai«4(^forK4) *tJ*? B ||( I ) ioi?*:3^7lj^;f n ti &io Bf^b)tftiga*5 fc aa n Wx£^5»jSffao pen*
- fc>4a || cs»a£iiS98^"»^« c&s{ ins«fc:rii]33*tf}tfS ||( | J ri«is«andjtft
Si II tf^o;fea£tf[is]qUd«d* toai>g«£5FM ^Jj-o || o || cr^fddL^^jSe^^cy^- iSjrfJei 9«iS^Qr SMrf&X ik3« ^f^^rf?5»sSoF*3£|(3- )[ 1 ecu** «3;j*>£ cdfl^ 'htnU?>W^(ti^)^»w^*j[u]a4j- **£,(%* )*# W 6 '* • Tbo twisi of lltu nw-nptipn hnay tw> ton* fw tit* pm^, ih. i .-»cb liiw hu Ihwii m«rb«| by * nrawtal in