N*vnnsM, 187fr.] SAKSKELT n CAN ARK-
820 too to bri-Harikara* ! Kercrenoa to ijauibhu, who is mtido beautiful by a ckanri which is the moon that lightly rente upon his li'if fcy hftail , wad who is the fi) 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 i 01 1 - 1 1 i 1 the erection of the city of Luc three- world* I I salute lluit mighty tree of pnradisfl whieb is Lin: form of 1 lard Lara, tin.- trunk of - n nhieh are the onus of £rltttuIGftmrt$l Hail! On i hi* nnniversftry of tho incarnn- 1 i-Krishrm, at tho lu Jayautl |, oa Hornby ill -i-Uth day iliirk fortnight of the month Sr.ivana of the iiivaUara, which was the year of the rahaitt oftkn I IA2, while the glorious supremo kins,' of kin. iiio lord of kings, the brave uiul puissant great kn iTrtr/iya, wan governm . ■ iremit >n of plowing oonvoKn. X_L r ,1 yon ad 0" r a, tho son of T i in tnarawa | of Cfa :] "» lla«ag» ofVaffli (ftho rituatuiU- a] 4j .<• nil,— baring" allotted to the av-i ■; of the I iriharadova two xhare* of the village wf I! u 1 ! »*• |MirA,tt I'Vr/rt * ■" which has 11 1 i BkrA3r.ftpn.rn1 in Lha I. mien of (thn town of) Hfrribi ri which be ■ PArtdjnna da within the fii; which belongs to the ' of K.-fTuni, whioii Inn hiui fur the office • (tho DM of -Hikriimniiii"' . it. wit h yifU of gold and lib I ifl d n ibw, to V i ' : v 1 i v .1 e it rid k y n , the ;• luchundraradhya of Hariharn, of Lhu lineage of Iron t a ma and of tho riiiifili.iio Utihool of A » v u I a y ■ o a ; and (whh it) he gave a- roll) tho effect, that " Jn tin* manner you shall happily <"< 'illago) in ■ihure*, in the itucecMuou of vuur sous* and ■ >«! «f < tj wnuUtiiur of Vuhwn {U» " <*f Vwhita. 4 i'Arntl, the wtf* or $n. •of tin* Ofttfriuu BAbhd u- nil! 1 . Utl f..-ftllk*tit ttf S'rJttttir ■ -•• ,ei-m krialie*. || 8c. ' km* Timmn,' iaaiu*iutra' mwioi to bum],
- Anoiiior form of r MoV 1 •«• o«A» 1 i«xo 31 1 .
I , iuuii%fy iuiJ inttininif •( U«tu mini w« not Lnnvn, Ftirturpi w» lis** ii« iuifU 1 grn m u H mfl, aw long an tho moon and In {discriminating between) giving a gn ami pre*errinj,' (il r ihaa giving'; from giving a , bat by jmwrring gtnntornnoUior)baaUaimi Uu nnherw of A d h y u t n || l| 3 In this world land that ho* been girim to a Brahman w m a «i«ter to nil I 5 • ! Thi- preservation of y uiiutluir iu twii» an . iatf in ime'jj own (Hiruon; at4^«iliug U10 grant of another, ono*i own tfrant bee,' in bnrn j ««•» an a worm in , n land 1 b*r by another' uulioa, who woop v, of thuir wwilth, gntlicr up ; duriug rire kings or fchow bn longing ti> tho to lie* of king*, — who, throwing off lesimint. away the heritage of Br.i]irnttRH»— toruiunied* i 11 (the h all called) Knmbhipakafl They . ,l mothnr. ho abixo sake nontnry proaoni or oa ace 'Tie * gtmural bridge of piety of klnga should tfwr bu pnaorvud by you' — lUn/i de^a Rannv t'luitidra make his earnent nsjiieat to all future U it bo auxptcioaa ! The di -i: lariea of thii TiOagD are: — To the cast of the village, a tnma- rroo above a wild fig-tree j to tbej ••..., of tho village . * This is onotluT V i j a y a nag a ra buwripl frtim Plato No, ili of Jifajor Dixon'* work. ml if) on a atontstablnt 7' 7* high by ■2' 11" brwidut riarilu 'tiiAfttlho
- . ,t doj tli* Du«Biflc 0! thk wwd b rc-
..r ami mile* oOfi* ofatu! wLich thv> til l&£v- tiro Utuui iuul juasuuulaut tnuuoii Jbcsr 55 4«iw'r!tnilyUi'diid,~tUB ait> ■njKTOUl; trawTran'tviitdi i« a 1 f Indm w b«ajf Urf«4</<r il. U ■■■.!«■« tnl«#U0J10 of |f fmtrf battHttiiM and «f lu<»»«* rwili dnui tLu jiuainw of Iwlra, tiruca.
- T A iiUj- t.a wi>ft» h mt.tnl'-'t lutrc. maragnmifm
mtaaitiir abo t» Fj* tulrrit *'-. tkr kun,l. i.*. nuirrini. •ML, *ai. t flw keO in wluch tha «Hck#d m> L itMU. SSMK«Ui A tothie£S«rUi-