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.mm*. 1875.]

SKBTlii OF THE KATttlS. reign i id nan of had ouu 000, named NAgpftl, — *o niimi'd from his having adopl the Nuga WAsuki. orWwsuugji a i, Xagpil hjul two sous, MAuhu E&achar. The deaoendanfc* of Muuvur MM !■ their grandliitlicr laAnji. MAaaur hud u sou named N.Vgww, who uotpi feed 3 :'» w a r - K u i,i d I ft t awl reoi there with Ills kinM" ancestor of llic Kim I In of Si war • K under BhAunagur. Lilujf, tbo third win of wnlji, lwdn*miuvuedKhfiehar. from whom all III] of Ku< '. "Ir:!l His iwii wan KJiim noftananwii wko had two mum, Ponjo and tf&girar. Pttnje <rpmn^ dm R .1 ml a ri Daudi'iQ. and the T hi gsati, tana were Kiilo tttid 9 lc A U 1 B , which rtub-lntiL' aw HOW to bo found at 3 t, K'lln nownad B nnd | 1 founded the rillagfl ofJC 111- R&r, naming it after hiinsidf. Kiilo wo* I worshipper ftl the ahruwofbirn Tliluy/. li ill*, railed ( pin It h r uud god, pleased wit3 ration*, to) "M g™** i te ahnakl be able to see in a h | r . win bin abrittO i ha also told hint thai a car 1 with g: .;ie for the supply oJ kt lm mngt nDt look hiofc, KAb K looked u 1 > tar M 1- I « * « «• « jn tuy bmt » Bludnr. Tbo caravan too arriviSd, and L- , grain; bat after tld-, to make rnnti) for hi "tally 1 back, when nil thu bull «ira- vuit wow changed into risnes, and 1l "* l?™" 1 into du*t. II ' stones may yet be seen be- d KAULwr tad khs 'Jtutnganith. After- wards Kilu KhAobnr, with the oswitftriOO of the took poswaawn of tfca land which liar hod t".,ur none, nivTuwl S lm, Juvnro, and ji', The tro arena! dnluU. Thebo liod two «wu», Dim) and Lakhr* ; the dt> ,u.ndanbiof Diiaowera cnlloil after u frlber Thebo, f'» ,jb4nU ! bul tf,fl * -aiw of Lnfcho ore called ftfter their fiither. Lakh A- • IHff^dl ^ Bt«aUy'aprot«*or<rf tt» poi«»* of I'alHdareThu] M,lu]t- UlO ■ ftdan and tlmir bhajide are LokbAnk Slmat had four tarn : — •>, IWiit. nnd .Swjil, ifgarrUng whom 1 lowing 1 tluhv v* said : — II 5^-11 «j>pFriiilr%iiiTOffilVnrT^i»pn3'll ScurtnAI nnd Rirao oru onttrely goodi I a protficlor of tho WOrlcL* .-; n TLtitoriotta matt,— nfl ara tbo four (flOAa) of S'imat. Snnnit KliAehar eotiqnemcl C b o t i 1 8 ParmAw, and S e j ak p Q r and 3 h a p u r from previoii Ewatahamg i n, Thcoonqnsat of C h o|il a, th ftnc al l nd Ch o t ga dh , wws on thi» wbe, bo^i I a wa* held by Jagsio I mA th« K4|bJ vol who in alltimo hant bueu famous for thnirb. ■ > Hell gnus*, Krowivxl, ^c, and won; note k21 in smcarin Ibmrs with oowdcug, On one oReanon 1 rv employed for tbw purpose in .Tagatn*n palace, Olid ho becoming anamoQXCd of klu m amd* tbom proffiiMo: which th fainetl tlwro for 1 »» no F 8 of ir conxtimcj. Wl home tbciT haalwndn and brvtbren naked tbem why khny raturnedwklte. THay replied, " You Biro not our hutlttudi . onr hnabsind a »tngsi*» Ponnar, who baa tliua darnl to detain tut." , rolntod thoiiiHult 1 *nb- jeoted to, and their hutfbanda and IrinmiuuKWori'- ,-nii to avmtfa iiu-in ><r dta. It I that Umbo wouwm eomo from (T a g I i A n £, 1 ween T hi n and C b o t i 1ft - ]ni ibandu want to Thin and compl t D gfl . and offered to «»i him 011 the thrvnv of Clm-ilt il Ijl would nvenga them on the ParmAr. S'nuU tbnngh 11 -reed. mud it wa» arrugvd to pw> P ftn - ft f ro . i, whoa on the signal "I«aM „; ,.,.• ( ■ Lakha, bmnege the «eOnto , • h .n I t -lay Jngsio. Tliis Lokha wa* i ha I a muntinoed a!»re. usjtl 1 ba*i and son of Thubo a» afbreaald. Jagsio Pa> ^ r " of the plot, aoccpted the invitation to Gugli&na, aud was received with ranch reflpeot by the t Tkp T»«iJ« mj U»t Uiw Itfl»™» K3^»™*, bat thk !• pr^wWy U/ kali their tlwutM.

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