TEE INDIAN A2JTIQUAJLY. [JaSVAftt. the quadrangle ot St. Xaricr'a College at liamttajQ aitendttl by not leas thnii *XK> persons; at luiut two-thirds of the m warn of t h» (}a«uie*i • oh This meeting was presided ewet by tlm Vicar Apfifttnlkr (who il nly known, u yes atyle hue, us tho Buhop of" Ilnmtiivy', : !"■ Vi enj . General of tho ttaftagtteeo jurisdiction sal on bin right hand, and number* of earn juris- diction worn seated alternately on the thus, fcsydi motion waa proposed and seconded by persona of each jurtadu:-. ; uii Tho utuurafc Rood- feeling pro vailed, and the two telegrams vhtefi resulted from the meeting — one to the 1'upg congratulating him on his 83rd birthday, and tho •eooud to ihe German Bishop*, offering }v aynipothy under perse* -ignad by tho Vicar Apostolic and by tho Vina* fjh in the name of * 4 th-t t'aih>iU«$ of holh jurMkiinta™ I'ho clergy of tho two jurisdictions constantly o&ciatomeachothtf' BOhurehcsat Bombay, H and ihmdora, ant I doubtless elsewhere. It is true that them mint one time R !-".;tw«n lite tffojnri*dici ion* which rantothnecaiidn pate* in civil and criminal courts, bat whab I hare *aid abora m, I hope, evidence to that the quarrel was of short endurance, and that now there ia not only no feud, b^ I harmony between the wparato jtatiasljnltoatt; to tin- alleged* AJtkathotlkexi sympathies of too Ooancftj Cji'hi.«ta-4. 1 point to tho telegram of nnr Hard) meeting to the Catholic BiabojM of Ger- many in refutation | 1 Imv, lirod • • • • for four yearn imdcr the Uoaness jurisdiction, and have not been aide to m f i*t»y difference in doctrine or in empathy •••••, T nee that vou., jn. BOH with the English press, tite tie* Tory pursling word H tramontane in connection with tho Jesuits, The word was Arte coined in reform 1% to the temporal power of tho Pope, h«t it i« difficult to nay what it now moan*. I bore oomo to understand it to mean "a eon intent, fin.. t tiuatio Catholic f if you Use £k in 1 1 . m umu*, I take loan to nppjy it to the clergy or both jurisdictions here. tite god VJTHOflA OP PAXPARPr/n. The defilement and injury or thin idof. which hare been already referred to* form a i csao trfHi ffari [Mv% vmiu Vishnu— ViVhoba being held to be an Inntniation of the tatter), Three derotecs of gfo from one oT the great South of India r-hrinea found ncee^e to the temple of Vithoba; and Trom joalouiy, it in son. poeod t of bia popularity, and from rnrrrronineee of hia cmoliiro'juta, act to belabour him with I >cuded from tfu-lrnods*. 'llify inflieicU icrioua inj'arkM on the h»w.- T belly, and feet of the Image boforo they could be duarmed. They wtirw nearly beaten t lobd't TDtarina, hut aarod oltimntely by the polkM. t>ti u K ht before the magistrate (a native judiciotuly select, cdj, nn jj! i in appeared to proaoonto them for the auppoBfdi aarrilpgc of which they ware guilty , and they were duly sat at liberty, und hare dia- bred from the Mono, Th? calamity wat then, with tckgraphio tpced, brnitod throughout the of i he Maratha Conn try and other prorincea of India; Tiw iu<|ulry unireraally nroec among the natirwr. What can be done to mitlgat- cataatrophe ? The doora of tlio tomple were ahnt, and workmen wore understood to bo bn»y, cither in effecting rcpain, er in camtmetlng a »ew image likuly to be Uoated on a tank by ah* r ft hoard beneath it, and ginn forth ae tho ret urn or the 'Scir-formad" imngo w> long wor- ■•"Pr repairs ban been effected in tha way expected, the image worshipped in the f 1 frequented by the lowest castes has mterchangdd fdaeca with tho article that was mimded, and which was went to be worshipped by the thousands and tons of thousands of Montana pilgrims.— 1>- A g a r I : a numerous ca*i r in Tbtni dirtriet , and found on or near tho tat-cu. ra aretno, dirwi,, ou j |, JapfgarJ -2. V | t bu gart ,-tho former forking in coeoanut plnntetions, drawing '«Uy. In said to ho lutdietod to drinking, yet to rank as Marfltha. or Kunabhi! tlio latter, or rk In tlte salt-panni on the low. flat rkinnryarduoasaiid n long caposani Ift'lbo aun'« ntji , charaotor almifar ; also said to bo a branch of the Mafnj;b|la, but bar oat nor intermarry with AgarU; end ii hable that the whole of the T termed igaris are of tho entno origin at llm Ke It s . whom they aro aniil to resomble la nvtry part ofthcircharnrtw. InUnjarftt tiMraaJt- T n-opami are K n 1 1 e » ami in KanarA a corrc-apooding people bean no! ; K h ft r w I rr-wnmgly, it I *™mi r banned Sfldra. ( !n t |iu Leper n of that diatrieU-fntimatmg thai than also an trails that the caste belonga to tha ^Qdra JvliArwU are also compared to B r^ra probably of aboriginal origin.— Trcn*. t f«4 AM. ml. 1 1. r i&t, »ca **£. ^ lli. a. JT.