THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MM, 167$. After this marriage Veriiwsdji. Bfl u S u r.y a ■ v ft n Si Rajput, was looked on not Only by the Potgars, but by the seven tribes of the S ir bead and cllioftftfo. find hi» went to the' Burr* .! .. lull-, lo receive iheh* aiteginna.-. ; then, taking the seven tribes of tb -with him, ho went lo 1 ) h A n k and set up hi lucre. J> h an k is said to nave bwmcallcd M a h* g i p u r i* a [■ i%n and" R b h e ■ ft* I* a t a n in tviimonl timeii* but it bad fallen waste, and wn» now repopnlatedby Yomwrdji. Another u> .'. Toruwalji received D h a n k in ap- puiBi- miuinli.biittbiK « not so probable OB the above. It i posed that Verslwwlji ml ou tho gddi of IV iuS, I2tt.* Mb 11S0. Vnrawojfl «U buoq on the grid mo WAIaji ■ lie bod Lone son* uud on© danghtcr, viz., (1) Wattji, iweoeded him, (i) Khnrnfeyi, (3) bain, bll daughter MAukboi, whom he marritrd to ulr R'ijpnt. The descendants bai by her Pannar husband arc C&Dcd J 6 be 1 i A K fi r ■ ■ 'Villi's death W.iL.jit iv- turnL *hi mt oP P a w a rg a d b in Kit eh li . ng about four hundred village? in the vicinity, rom&food th g over I lie K A1 ;hi s. At this tiiuu Jam Si ilover h portion of Keen h} be had a feud with the I of Dhat-Psrknr, aud eolleeled un ainiy to ..intnr. One of the Jam's courtiers, who know of V. ' <' »wess t nd vised the Jam to take "W ttdtb Jim invited to nocnnipnny bun, Wlien UaO Jams uira- ib massage to Willoji, WAloji til him v, i hundred horw nnd at once to bis camp, lfl han and his JvUlu* with much cordi- ality, mid beetowod on Wuloji a naiulsomt Tin- Km f b i '• mm their prowass bocai- hading pQ -my, wbieb soon rr tlw confines of Dhiit-l'urlcar.J When tin- news of this invasion reucbed tin- Chief i>f Fatknr, ho wiib his brothers Aluug and Suinaroth canto forth with thfir array and joined battle -with iho [•an obstinnta resistance f hi three brothers wore «liiin t ami CdoJAq) pillaged the whole country of lYirkar, after which he turned his steps towards bis own dominions, nnd on his t Tim f*ct 4>i Ytallnl Imrins Daaok and. returatna: Ia P*»i/ux-vI!i -Jiuw*. I think, tliaf tlto occnpatiirfi of tlhtnV ~MM 1iiiirtil> UiHiJurmJJ, Hail th»t it tli. BO) b ' • mr*-cj la, a|i|niuiKi>, iti *i htcb ckM h* HuiiEd Iia*o l*.'ou lAh t<> r»» way tbilhcr camped at the ffigiila trtnfc, whare thero wens but few trees- Tht Kii^xk formed agnard of tha army, and arriving fir tlie tiiok pitobod Huir Lenta nnder the shiuk' of these trees. W I ion the Jura arrived, he was exosaaivuly enro^'--l at the oondocl ofUio Katbh in not leaving Jiim a tree beneath might pitch his ten'-, lad wmgrt3ab Wfiluji tanas. WoJoj - rerengu, and the JaSO, uiawflHngin provoke a d ■ • gtyled him the Knilii Jam. Wfllnji, Lotv rofuwd rJ) tna uvirturea mid wjihdrew from th« cump with his Kiltlila, and u I finding the JTiidejns off tbjnr guanl, be made night attack ou the Jam's tents nnd dew biui end five of his brother*, thuyouugi Jam i whom tlje Abdjfci dlntrict in K » numud), alono I 4" "ill* ferae marched agiiins'. 1* A wn r gft d h , oxpelhd the KTif-hU from thence, nod iioally drove thorn across the Ran, pnrsuin ■ Than. Othfjr .: i ioonlfl tl il l pnnmsd tlm Kit his to Pa war tlietO, und oven tun! ly compellrd them to receive h. garrison, which was post 1, Jtfid also {brood Wiloji lo give fiii daughter ;• ■. After a ycoT nr two hod aliipsetl, tin? Kstbis on u fixed da I Jam's garrison and then fled ucron^ Lne It u » , v»"w Morb« and WAnkiSnor, to Than in the Pun- •., whit her they wert' hotly pursw-,1 bj Jam AbdA. At T b il n was tho Cfiebmlcd tetopTe of the Sun, aud il is said tlint that in mi miry a ' i Wih :: i rieonragod !;ll SO, UbV, who now retired to K n ibis oonlliet ihe 8nu appeared lqji*e rank, to axrrtU I img on a while horser and that wherever Ihi warrior went the cnumf'* man fell as thiragh tnown th« K S | h ■dves more thou worship. The diffcendnnts of Wotqji were colled W A I A 8 ; they with 1 ho other KAtlits n Than til) Bnihvat ltH0,§ wliun the three sous of Wjiluji ucqnirod iher.hiefdoni of C b i t n 1 , and taking wit h 1'hrm theh tbUWcri B I -.they ^ AUtn-li . I >*hlt (XSTMt, ihirint that ths fiariiTTit ■ ni'UnV.' Tot S. 1«5, sad S. 1210 lor S. I eat j oas fBocratloa had r Upwht, and tin** tLma w«« in* weaod fmarstion fruw Vfriwaty i.