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C0RKE5P0ND.ENCB ANT) MISCELLANEA. 817 tor, ami human eTistonna is it-B period ordsuLudimcnt, The object ofSufiam is to lead the *on1 onward stage by *t*go« ""til ** reaches the guul— " perfect 1c n owJedgn, ' ' The natural stain of erory U u u/. in w bl "ho disciple.* D u ftt observe the preoapta of tha law, Of Shtmati hut as thin b* the lowest form of spiritual existence, tho porfnrm- aneo of tha /niinify is enjoined on every searcher ai*r in. Tha following are the stages (wuhijijI) whl ' Safi taw to perform, Having bvcamd ft neftrohw cdto God (a TaiV.>, to eatem the Bret stage of ^nK, <n vine attract™ u ha« developed hil iaolfnafckm into Of God, mid to havo reached the aecond stago of h or Lore. Tata Divine Love fttpalKngall worldly ibfitira f rom bli heart, ha arrives at the third 'stage of ^W; or Seclusion. Oconpyiug himself honeararward with cmtaamplmtnm and tb* investigation* of tha metaphysirtd theorisa con- cvrnir. urc, Htlribntos, and work* of God, -mractftriffticw of tbo Sufi ayrtcm. lie rtttobort the fourth stage oT Mw'nfri, or Know- ledge. This assiduous contemplation of mi aioal theories toon produce* a atato of tnontal cxcitcnu-iit. which y l mnilr^asureprognoetteft* tioncf dn n fro™ 0°*- 'l* 11 ** nftlv Btago«ottlkdTr.«;ff.orK 1 to receive a revelation of tha truer ^Godhead,* a reached iho sixth tfagC, Hi*jlfa». W tha Truth, Tl ^jg,. J, or Union with God, which in tha highest stage to wliiuh ha can go whilst hi the body; but -sJv overtaken him. rooked Dpon to a total ren forming thocoii»«T' y, and tho eighth owl hvt ikoge, of Hum*, or BstfawHon. traveller Is atid » have Ba.iii.od to tin Lore erf God i* i to diSCuSS tbo doc- TheSaUkor riaUm i , the BflioVod <bv is the theon of m na, which ah Kind b Suflalic impression* wfcSflh wo diffi -lrpre* tattor. roanonlinary Bttgusil wadef. Forui g fla . .[ iiniiiatioo of Divine love in tbo heart, Gi**, ■ «fegbrt» tba dotoilii of ^fDiTimi .{',.tw, auvoru, aata^of the jounv.-y. Mirth. W.Lnionnr iation §ii cnthuwiMOi and ab* o from worblly things, flight aloge* wo havw givan aro ibon* hfu- •lly UntKh' bj s "" Uwwfoon " ^^ H WOrka, trai h Indta Jfr, Hugbc» law rro- quullymn with jmaoiM «^ this BOO* who bnvo learnt only Iho four foliowiug atagea .— The first, Xitmt. or humanity, far which there is tbftSAai or taw, Tbo lOOOtul) tahtqut, or tbo nature of angebi, fbr which tbcxv ia T^r»ju/, or tha pathway of 1 1 uri i v r n ic tlitrd T Jabmt** or tho po#46AsIan of powir, forivhiL'L i Iiit >- in Jfa'ri^bf, or knowlodgo. And. the fourth. Nahut, or extinction, for which than is Haii'iai, or truth* CAPE COMOHfN nfi KUMAfll. " Fr» Paniino, hi bin uuratiafactnry way ( F i, apeaka of 0*0 Momorin. u which the ludiauo call C any a mu r i FromoniuritiM, or simply ComarlorOnmari, ■a VirgiD*' becauso tboy pretend Lhot tuvi-ientry Hug goddesa Comiri, f 1 '/ who in Ui« Indian Diana or Hecate, naodto bathe," Ao. TTow- erer, wv mn dbcorcr frooi Uta IkkiIc flRewharo (too pp. 7: Ht by the Indian Di.-vtii ho moan* P & r r a t i t f jJ. D u r g a "-— Yiito's Jfurta •d. n. p, Mr. Talboyn Wbeator, in hi a TTWor* <>/ '**•« ivul. IH p. 3S0), aw (to K a mart 1TM infant bab> iCrishun, apprenlly bwuse tho tomplo ut tbo Capo waa built by Krisbnn RA> r,f Narsinga, a fcaloua V< nava,— forgetting, aaemingly, that ibis was only a repair w > , of a far older Sai v» bo Ka uy d K n mil r i , tho full vurnanufar naniOj and Fro I'arilino'a Caiiyauiari -hftuo i* no other than i* a r ra 1 1 . Tho Rev, (J M. tiordou (CM.!?.), who bay boen making tours through the Jhabun ili^trb 1 *, ays : " Tl».> viuafOrs araagrcat DDtXtstn i Hindu*. SOdis; ■ rimadans, Iwund togoth ^ h y ofmcoamidmmhdlvariiityoi' Mnhaui. inailaii (whona auccstow wuro HiaaOf) m ingles freely in Eiu.lu fflfii:irnls.MMla«dnW« foquira : while I , II i mill shows no luoa rOapaoi for Mohamtnadaa ohsrernuice?i, and ll»i t»oundary liuolxrtwiwm Sikh* ism an nanism m gradually <Umini-.bing. outward v-^ly dn mutual depondetico for tha nnwasariw of Ufa, the »tora being all Huhainmadatw, while tho aboffkeepow are ojfmtly Hindu Miibammadans are in the majority. Hinduism ap- pwir* under a very different garb from what one h liocuatomod to hwj in the Kouth al &&*> Tliwt bnoi, marked a«ccndancy of Brahman over iSodra ; none of that (duunclcsa oibibltion of waysi no coloMal tamplas like UiOao or ra and RwcbTornm. Tho Hindu in these partu tuentB ashamed to confbad to idolatry in tha presence of a Mulwminwlan. Bia roBg takes a moro (tpocidativc torn, and he in generally a Todanttat or PaOlboia*. Among tlife obuni, and nmrmgnt tbo Mnbaninwhui xamindan, BBOTO ia geauraBy a wtUIngness to Uston to tbo preacher

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