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THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. fOcToran, 187*>. Two copies of tbe old Vh<irmajr&tra of Va-tishtha are- complete and Tory correct. Tho Unit m presented to mo by Profeaaor ttalalaatrt ot Rau&roa Collie, and tun second by Dfeaodwa Sastrlaf Bhflj, Like nil similar preaents, 1 accepted them for Goremmeot. A larg<? fragment <rf *ba ancient Gdrgt SaridtiUl firat discovered i,v Dr. Ktrru nnd described hi the praCac IJtSon. of Hw l^lrdM SawaiW. Uo ftiiicfafwMhfM'ttd of VarAharai- him ii one of those rare work* which have been r nfter for a lung time Tin- copy whloh 1 bare procured j» n transcript made from a MS. belonging to SadAromu Joald of SojifcrA, who trail good enotlgb lo I"'"' mo hi* copy ior some time. The anginal ia anfori-unntt-ly so incorrm thru it is hardly possible evan to make out the general drift. Tho work ia cv fenn-i/nr winch giti ■abstain" of live older works, tbu SUdkilutaM ascribed to Pantiaa, Romuka, Vuaishjha, Snrya, and I'irimiiluL it i* written in the AryA metre, and contain*, 1 18 Adbyiyaii. The first, colled httamdMtdn [fttofcaa tiiii), contains the well- known verse* giving the dotal Lh about the older SfdM^drj'cK (vs. 2-4) and the daia oafca 4«7. which forma tho bu*e of the enli e [ '""' tadeutatkwMI {v. fi How 83 verses which ■d into AdhyAyMi but at Lhe end of wbicb ant placed th"" «<»«!» ehandraffrtthanafk tkantyh-MOiy-t- vah, * eclipses of the moon*' Adhv.iv.i VI The following Ailhynyas appear to ho in good order. They aro AdhyAya VII ., rclipjun of tho sun according to Paulina, iti pamiidiu i ddhdmh rxangjw- haw AdbyayaVUL, ecllpsea of the ann according to P.oinnkn, it; ruma* kawi*Llh>, 'nam a*Mmnfnlk>t4<i-<tl lalokaa 19) i Adkyaya IX.. ecHpsei of the itra oocorsl Sftrve, hiirunflidhdttltrkagrahiinaniima (P) na- tinvxihtjAtja Ma loluw 98); Ad byoVjn I X, eclipses of the mono, nrVmi'Ji'ajjriifton* ././iainorf Aj/djat (al>~ikas Adhy&ya A I. AvarHmtdty (?) (aloknn fi)s AdhyAya XLL, Lunar and Soltf yean according to Fltatnaba, *'• todtMolitdhyUfah lalokaa o )-, AdbyAya XI1L, the ardor of the Dtsifetsoi trulnliif(ua.nuihilAafo*iiriHa 'fcUikft* 40). tn this chapter occurs (r. 0) the rvfulqtam uf tho opinion <jftlj«o who bold that tho earth move* ;— EhrwMti IthranuuthittKa LsaititiiyttiKir* t.idrt*. t'k nod "Ii |t rife | r,p. i'AiU/miioA ■Pffu/(,i^iirti». 1W" • (j! tend that the earth standing an it wi-re in an eddy tunui i omul, n«»l tho crowd of tho •tur«, Ifthur were thacaao, falcons and other (binb) coold not return from the iky to their neatH/' AdhyAya XTV. describea the Cliadyakayantrao (alukaa k. Adhyilya XV. ia called the JjotlAhopaniauatC Adbyuyn XVI. iMnraina tho oorreottnd nf the position ol' tlio stars and ptaneta, Mrdffrmhaaphu- iik0wtwiii.sh<Yitrtiidhti<liti}i (alokai 28). r tUcBs Ibl ighl tonkas without wiy divisioni finrl the conclusion of tlw wholn ifi ittfdthdrfflttctr4hamir< i fMuehattidhdmiikd ■ytd (flic). v .j'-.- im -1m tli ■■■■•' ■ hftobl dm d hi US. from HumiliTm, and that better copies and a wtamcutary are to be bad there. 96 ix a manual Cor indigonoaj wbool tnanrew. It* nutlmr, tv-lifmendni T wan the aon of Bhodhani, a Nilgara Unlbman ni Bajanagar.< baifl creatine by order oTSankunduln, I ofPitlad(Peil|iU.MS.). 5 Among tbeJaina booki two deserve wpeoisd noijee. Tliu finst i... ibb 0«iriy complete copy of FrhtuiAh tiiaUkfyuni thaeharil

. whii-b oontaiDieJ e ofMabaTU-a, I foundor cf Jninism. It gives e great many hilbtfta unknown MtSk if>garding kfafl life, Thoaeoond nnaarkabloac«.uif»itino U the old co]*y of the Po^nJaiaafrrfaumdM. US i », correct and aennrate. £ lmvo already pnh- .diVjMdry.* end have ehonm ihet the autbor'a name waa PA4- l An edition of the book lina boon prepared : I alt nil print ii , <w wpII m Ilemachandra'a IkH&niha, as soon as I find a littte of that li-i-mre and quiet (tbidh uro iih-rtlutely nocenary for acrioua work of tho kind. _^^_ 8nTT HA2R5AU9. In hit popular " Notes Oil Mfdiomeilanhmi" in the (Ihrittian littaUignutr, tha Bar. T. F. Hugbca, baaalivudy dc lerlbodnl length the diflcteot dnasea cif Musalman rtirjiro^ togethnr « doctrines. Ho next proceed* to notice tho system of Or myitidnin t aa taught by tho Sun sect. Baflsm «i|i- peari to he but the Muslim, udaptation of tb trta* ol Utc nbiloiophe) ( of tl <tn school, which w« abio find in the irriting» of the old Aca- demic* of Gi d wuleh Bir W. Junea think* i .r.fd fjpoan the niigee of llin Kast. In Sulbun the dinrriplo [muriJ) ia inritod 14 nroceod Oil the jonmey iMi'i'^iirf q gn (dance of a apiriluul !end>'r , Trim nut idetod jMippnnrtn any other bntx The great buaincM of the tniTcUer (tnlik is to exert himnclf and t tiin to the I>i i ihe knowledge of fiod. C!od, accords IheSuQ b*dief, ia ditfoaed UtTOOgbj 'nogs.; ii'j soul of man ia part of God, and nut from Him. The tout of man in an exiki from It* Crea- AmU,

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