! SWAX AKTIQUAUY. [OoToants, 1875* bars before shown, not improbably Clirisj frnsj and that tho Mjlnignlmjikar* bom Ho WWOuJjlftnOO rrhuU uns. In short 1 moat couthkijtly pluoe agamtfc the <m rod liifttrtricrtl notice on which Dr. Burnall lays bo much icmm. tunnel v. Al I hut afnltct •" ■ ,-kllfcl on lluid and Sin, and tha peo- ple of Khoruunu, EoacbiTw'aiiooouiit ol Panfcwnnt, which is funnily worthy of credit, and which, moru- y ver, ii backed by Cosmos's » i n rh.- <tth century, and the existence of Christians now. Luwtly, with regard to the statement by t&Q Syrians uf Travancore a» to the uuuiuuutign uf ibo
- Ia Thomas with the early Indian Church, I
>;» in ]i i.; ■ ■..■iluiTj.r Material] nerfcs bat I do claim far It a place above the rug-ion of miii. "pious fUttiiMJi." la the tint place, if u be ioa, that iiL'tiun ocrtamly existed in tho t century; for tbo .d*/# >. , to which Dr. BtntmU rofL't'.v r i-. ntetitlonoQ by Kplphanhis, who was tn.-ulu Itudiop of Salami* about ah. 308. The origin ■. uf i bit ylrf* o/TAoma/ is attributed by Photiui to Leucine C'luv ingfc I am iTiMaig to accent Dr. Duties theory, ua itited bj Dr. Burnell. that it was Barde&anes about the end or tbo second tcniury . This give* it m cotufidurahto nntiipiily. Now. in alt t ho Apocryphal Gospels mid Act* ihers is u certain groundwork oftfftariOal truth. TW ii-Kiewarj' to obtain credit for tbo Jabulona • traetnre. The object or tho writer whs to impnKO upon bis roads ra aoira now doctruiit, in lisp of rh I lary, ooli* bacy, or «oron other practice contrary to apostolic touching. EtalMM ba took historical name* wotl kuuAu iu the Chnri-h, uuij their prominent histo- rical surrounding*, especially wftern thrtf tin . in 1 in- /' 9/-Jnfa«0£- of .Imnr'K, among abundant fable?, we liml il,-. historical facta of Herod, tbo Magi, Bcthhdiom, tho rnt-rtnll, Ac So in the fiospeJ of flu- / > rfimda- 'i ntatBetbli tbo departure t- I this return to .1 Ll.i- lufittn iu (ialdeu are thu historim! ground- work. In tbo wiroe way. with regard to tl, "f the wrii evidently to inculcate tbo doctrine of celibser, jiiul while he in profoSQ in fable, and even in* decency, to Rain bis- point, be must hare nomo •nod groundwork to obtain credit fur Ida story; and tbcru h the bitrbesb probability that unndwork be studiously look *M aol anjfaf tbo correct name Of itklo, Judas Tbuinuu,
- If the nam* MaclBTimon l# wptlt mart eanrrtij vita
(ii.- uwotal iluui with tba oorebtal ■« I Dr. Itui . : r i i ihft Imitftl, then in thd nlifrrt ami tu-tl jm Taiiiil il voalq i Liwii be a rillai^e ccdnl u« a fn by fui *ltj, Il ituLjr tlutreftim Iuito flnt fi.Tciivd it* ^*n»* hut, sa in the easa ot'paando-iipcwtolio bistoriesof Obriit, the correct mention t/i ttg of bis i pherc. The writer lu&d nothing to Ruin in w ndixiK the A]! DndEOi hot much to gain if the Apos- tle whose name he forged was wcit knOim, at thd i the he wrot*. an baling be^n the AposOoof India. 2^or, it should bu well obaurveO» Is there any the .Li jut iiiiprnhnhility of the truth of the Apostle's mission. TheApoati' 'fall, were eutunitssioned by a .Master, whose words tboy wore not likely to forget, to u go into nil llio WO Andusauri-'illy, ondowed, m th«*y W-Tr-, with the "gift of tongues'* for this especial work, eon Id not tarry at home, 1 1 . bhon, the author of tho Ad* >4 Tbona* givea ue the right clue to the Apoatlo'l tpboro, all. sobsoqueut accounts are iu batmouy ■. mony of the Synac document on The!'■ , whieb was brought to light, by iXr. Curetou, and is most probably of Uio Ai age.fn whinh we read— " linlia receiTod the npoAtles' ordination to the priesthood from Thomas, who w<ia gnirle ami rtilf-r in the Cliurcli which be hail built ihvre. [in which] lw pita mbnetonid there" {Ai I $*Ni u t.fimsry ( To(< i be testimony of EuHobius : — the tealiinuuy r.Niimlr'. tln> nbrineof Thomas: — the I'M- Jimmy uf tbo SyriiUis theniseKcs.* — and the conneefcinn uf the Syrians of MaUbar with tho Christians of Edtrsso, or which church St. Thomas is raid to hare becm the ilrsfc apostolic overseer and director {Mu-Nfami Library, to!, xiu Bgriw D'KUUtftitf, p. '; '. I ftpologir,!." for tho luugth of my lettar* I have t me to yivr lot at, it, Audifl have added nothing now, I am mare ambitious to ho correct than original. Hicnuiff CoiJJjra, HJL K5KBTT M HI Dr. Buhlora Import en SamttrU tf88n L874-76, m I .r— Miming thu BrihmoQical MSS. pun haned is thu Bkdraiamu tjm-t, apoetbvi I rrj^i, It c|one!y follows tho diThuons of itn origin- al, niul bdii'iihil into the same number of Parrot. Its metre h the AnoMhtuhh iloka. Tho an f In r. Kahomnndro, npi^ora to to tbo poet who wrote tho opitouiu of the Vrihathi' 'Adhya, nsltia Burnamo V^yjUnfjodti bhows that ho was a libiga- falt* The AlH.was aixpiiril irr Hhnj, It is about tlirea hundred years old and lelerobty correct, wh«e«d«atoIm»iK..rtlith, ifijLn wprrrto», lyias laiyi^lf at |rn-».«it rlmiVj u» a HrAkt,im-M< . : ' r- tAialy the UaiiiftT-wnuinr wrn" ItnUiRuwt, »ro.«nJtOB to jMr» . niua'a aoiijunl, «|i«Uier eon?«rta or tuA- Tlwy water kuwevir, in scsne way eoBOCcfal wtth tbo Syriaa Cbanb.