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Octduil, 1375.]

CORRESPONDENCE AMD MISCELLAXEV 311 Sinno the lust anniversary tueet-uiK* M. D dfl Hoyuard baa brought, full tho eighth volcano of hi* edition ami tnmilntiyn of 2C&N ' Journal A' WM the tamo scholar haa rnintnhutod & highly interesting essay rm the Shiite |HH.-t AbuJIashont, generally ailed SctJ llimvari, who was probably bow L.H. 10 (a*** 72S-<»). llh,uj,,riik— IE, J. Hoh'vy no* oontiiuwd, iu the Jtmruat j4»i<ii*"'2' w i his JbViufcf SoMran**, am - g some further explanation* of tho tbIiimUIo eulkvtlau of inscription* brought home by Wm. I j r , >rms alau has issued tfiQ thirf part ufhI»ooul:ribtttiousUjtl'»lntorpwita.twu of lliiu- yaritii: macriptiotts, in which *U of M. ilalcvys iuiM'rinlioai are dealt with. COBRESf' ffCB AM J MISCELLANEA. MALABAE CTIEISi 1A lb 4** JBoYta* e/tt " > r •■' • /bifiijuoiV Srs t — In tbu / June (vol YT. p. 13S) Dl ,i!mwbi WO)* remarks of tnino on " ilunichumua on the Malabar Coast," printed at p. 153, and I observe ilmt ha reprc- 1 1 y argil ment an bai og " disfigured 4 by several niian dlttg8 M of iho bvoka I ijuoUs. This, I wish to show, is not the- 00 L And first nd to the account of Pan- txouw r— I acoopt Dr. BunuM's criticism in no flu- At H point* out uu inadvertence ou my part. J re- grot that I wrote "PaBhMWI q»MUW instead of m i'j nporfol i'f hove mid." anil have »pokoo curtly of his Inentiac of " a Thn I « fultjT di«m*«fti sebiu*'* MOOOnt or Ponwmnj** vwit to India, lui ig a Hebrew Go-pol of St undo report of a visit uf M one Of i * hm * Euocbius states to have boon lfcrtholoratiw. but whom I uopportcd, for ruaaona there stated, to have jKHSiibly. not Burr ' hut Thomas, thai in the short apnea ofn ' fi ttcr. mil tho cursory summing up of u number uf facts, I simply suit as presented to my nwutory, tastaad the i>i*#iMtt DW0M nfEuacbiua. But though i hnre inadvertently modo t*antamua speak, instead Of BtuwbMa ft"* bwn. bis testimony through BuMbna w atnt virtually what 1 Hiatal, as to tho oskU'noa iu [mUfl of o Hotewf (Joitpal of St, Matthew in thu eooond cuntury, aTtd iUv vilil | ." whoerer that Apoatk may m^lly ■* IBortbokmMW who riaitod lnduu be waa atill aa Ape 3. Again, with n^ard tn the history of kha Pahlavt laiig«»g«r I ™ W^J ?1 » ; irucU luw uti wu-lior edition of Max Mallar'a lUd* OiS inuiinyown. In the Clh edition^ Dr. Bnrw.-U H« ote » tho Mb ), toI. L p age •I ban itat^l ia lffti^n, ^"J^T^l *l ", SiiiiT o?Sa4 hi-or,. ^J?aTK£u1 JSS»3 iL*r£w &«, hOw P .rr an arKwryrO-i ae- 813, T rood, " Thw languaso (tbo IVhtevl), thrmgh mixed rritU (VOnSfli i* decidthlly Satmtie, . notf unppoaod to I uulon of an J. Aim cr i '*« undent Mpfn t/Jwyn'u, thoagh not tho dia! frian kucnptioiu, Formorly, L'titilevi was cuuuidorod aa u dbloot that luid orison on the frontier* of Iran and Ohtttdvcu. in thn first and wwond oen- turiLtx of our «ru -a dialect Iranian in gniin- •ounidtri.i Setnitio Tocablea, Lulcr reaearahaa, however, nave iUown that thia ii anl bitfl DOi ■ ood Lhat the language of th*. S n«in* *ud uucripliuns u purely Af'U^iuu I haTo not, thfirofora, m:i- undotfofcoad Max Jtnl r Hot am L yet aware that I aoi w utterly wrong" iu what I have aaM aa to tho probability of tho I'shbrl lauguago liavtni? boon known in the north or the i'wraian umpire, and eran at Edtsasa. 3, With regard to the " Syrian docnnwuW* ffluch I li quoted with prediekm," I jilt that tlifv wen pretty iroll known toorory one interest' <1 to li" 1 history of th ^ri*- tmufl. of Malabar, Tliese dooamauta arO the ae- oonnti thi; | » of l * wlr * mr ^ r r. Trajulatijiw or portions thorn 1 have myself pobUahod {Vmtomf Bntarpr At, pp. S&-T-2). Extracts from UlOm are alao to be found iu uthir books, Wbothnr theto docu- nwnto ho regarded OS throughout hiitorioally tsitt- ihti or noii "t ia at tuwt remarkable Unit, tboy t Malabar with Kdsssn, 1^ «, in one of thorn wo read as fullown r— ^ Sow iu ,Uy« there ap|«arod a riskm to an arehprt^t at rjnJil i txmsequOIKXl wheraof certain iii! ir luinti wo re oji d. from Jcrusab I <™nA authorities «'» the East to ski liare were lioro any Naxan w »aa."* • * ■ ** After lhi», soTerAl i nte, and Chrwttan women and children came later datoi and wHitAi «wiaisad«i la a snrt nMSaani with *h»t ',V:,, ii.'rfh.i-i-i .-.■'. i -.- inladTahi Do I ■"■*■! »a»"ffl < nti referred to boln»".

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