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Octohes, 1875-]

PROGRESS OF OMENTAL RESEARCH. 1R74-75. inicript ions at Aunriidluipara And Hahintale. As the former placn & now insert i > lemrtb hoi been discovered nod copied by him. have tho ruin-- 'rujjKirly surveyed by u & ■r«cm, niv' r.i^ringff, anil dei«riptiaM of tbcni public bed. imneoof Dr. A. IhtranU's i'.'f^rwn^ tjf ground in an important hut hitherto neglected brstsd >ry, Tho firei chapter doah tho varum* theories regarding the date *f t V trodnrtinn of writing into Imi I ,-ooiid contain* u u yf tliv ulpbnhcts an drfefrt; l^aeceu'. i if pnnctu a I lb ial ly by an oasay on ilm different kind* of Sooth- 1 , with ^rAphin «|>rr.iimpn*, ccti . i original c<> mdpalia< □tr*'i long-expected work on tha .' tohodthlnoauni . iilunifi deal* mora esporisilty with the principled of Indian architecture, and with tha sor.ul condition and >f tho Orh 'graphs. The aacond i kit the aril of KJuanda


•Saiufrfft.— Prufeasor At

  1. ior- -cVyana's common:, originally nnilor-

taken under thu liberal iiatrutmgu of the Diroclora ua Company, afterward* continued by Her Majesty's Sectv beau completed. Tbu sixth oiunw contains, las the onnelnding portion of Lhn text, and commentary, tbu itcoud pari of the useful tmhe vetttorum. and an index of '<"> or second members of compound words* prepared by Dr, G. Thihont. Professor B. Ro<h. of Tubingen, l* about, in n with Professor W. 1». W bring out tbo long C -liiraa of the AihttrvoBAtla, eoutaiuuti.' Ibi iutii lately given nit ajvotmt of tha manuscript ripd« ho has obtain inco tbfl publiwUl OF eapoctal in! iaa MS. which baa been duMQTOfOa 1 En Kasmlr, oonte recension of tho school - Faippabaoas, the text of which greatly differ* • known. Tlmbut rolumo'i 1 'lhn (Jo*- tiwjen JeaJU'ifj contain" a paper by Profosaor T. Benfey, in which bo states hii reasons for behoving tbnt the jiiiliitiw or combined tews of the Vodas bare bean, banded down to na in exactly the same

hoy wore at tho time whet

hyiiuia wcro firnt collected. Those and Oab»T pa- pers of a ainnbr kind will bo iiitr to a r-omplifM grammar of tha Vedaa, which ho hai prepared foj" pnhlii'j.' ■ umyund dlSSCttatiofl Dt, '■'■ Ilia publLthutl Urn tost and an index rrrborion <if lb lhij,ttj'^ wbiob, tlumgh reokonnd among tlio lupploinuaiary tr- rrffk, ii evidently of compantircly modern gin. " Atin- in tho legend bet batwean tbo two wives* of. Kn-a y a pa, Snjwu-jii 1 1 1 r limta) and Kadra, by which the former (boitavo of bbe luitor, iiiuil bar ton B u p u r nil (Uaruda) rcatorca bcr to li 'tin of 'aurbtosin be ^ ;rom the goda. i«ycatVrotnr. ^mtlLitvjeit of the ilunkik A "»L IffliJU boe tribntod no nl.ihnrato onaay on tha variona theories ami modes of Vedio ooo p.ilv •Irnwu irom sources aeoaBsiblo to him eieni: hi manu- cured by him in India. In tbo Hang endeavour* to niton- 1 1 imi bring in landed, as has Iwn gnnomily believed, for the actual ec- of. the buiguogo, it 1- only n kind oT musical tnodnlaiion. and the }nU has todoato tho Httdttn markin g accented syllablo of tbo word is eltegetbor ■ Profis&or Liang's viowa have luiwever* ab-uiidy drawn to m aovoral San* ira, by whom tha onmoroua analogies ata aad n«ont in tho iges, and tbo clone connection between it and the gunn- pell ba many grammiii ri'nl formations are justly iuaustcd npon. SUicii tbu pnl TlanAms, of din great rommonlary on Psniiil'i ^TntutnBtit'Al sphorbons, i Government has brought out its uiagniuo a '.[hngrapble re- producthiu of tbu ".tune work, togntber Wian communte of Kaiyate un ta. This work* consisting of *ix volumeH, of together 1-7-1 psgea, was originally on - a* the ettg- i afasior tiolditUcktrr. who bod liimaclfcorrw:tedallbut;lOO po§es when he was ovartatten by death, and thus precluded from Ida grand monnmenh of bis untiring onorgy. I'rofossor Kjelhorn, of Punfi, baa now oompleted llU translation of Nngojibbj^tu's P«i^A4«N*jida- «cfr^«ro, a work of infinite labonr, tor which ho deserves tho cordial thanks of all Sanskrit aebolars. Ln D r i*i opinion tbo grnater part of these UiU, or general mat imi intended to assist

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