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THE IXPTAX ANTIQUARY. [JtM'AJti. 187o, TADUtt, Soma my (for inmancu tho M uufehi Tirumalu Syfi manna of the Weeleyan JLmsioiianeB in Maiiuri that it is not more than abooi IN years old.* 2. Jfaadeftdrata, ten of the Parra* in £e{ This translator, who call* him* till Kumar* ' fljetotedbia rereea La fchotown at Grstdagn [nof Far from I)hAmViLi. In his time* he state*, there already existed a nniol natations of the [gwtto. This translation, as well as that to be tucntiuited nest, cannot ho callod classical, •>. ijdxt'Jit'UHi) translated in Satpudi by u Bmhiiksm under this assumed oan» of Kutnan, Yaladki, m it twraa, an inhabitant- nl Bw |>lio.'*> Torero (in the district of SolApur). This work ii Iuut limn Kuirmm Yyaea'B, aa Jio refers to him. (Can they bo identical! r) Ho honourably mentions the Yedantfst Be nkaracharya. 4. The JJA%apa<« Pard'n:a; 11*293 verses in Sa{.padi, Towards the end the author saygr

  • ' The gwd peel Chain Viihthaln NflUm ha* mod*

the KanaroKo translation. 5, Jotjnnutflita Vijttya; 18 chapters, by Rudra. Ho says ha has taken bis stories from tho V t*i»» Purrfn'j, niul hie object ia to glorify Krishna. Th* work contains well-known Krndina legends, a case lo various Sanskrit metres, thou bearing the iippcuratn,-*.-. of wttuir antiquity. Also the predeces- sors: ha mentions— Hiiui, Bar aba, Mag ha, SaSkhtii v iirnt u, Suntivarma. Gum. varma* ManaiHja, Karnnma, Pimipi, (* hand ra bh at ta, Po n mimnyya, U aj It a a a — are of a peculiar cliar.. 6*. Kri.i; hyrudaya, takan from the lihd* t Punlna. Tho nut bar invokes al a «1 h a v a Muni or An an- 1 ►£ U«l upa or djupi, on tho western coast, who died a. a 1273). Regard- ing his family, <fce„ he soys, " In tho prawn of KatlagatQr, in tho country I la (?), ia a man of tin-' JA rondo gnya gofrn,a serv.v MMhar a M tint, a Ka nan SO or tho northern dintrint, Hia sou ii YeoTkaryuTimma Aranfiryrt. Of | VoHltnyarya, an t-oont noil ; my mother ia Sc» hfcrabc. my brother ia N4i4yanflrya. 1 bear tho appellation Harid&an. Tb. -uyworkia f» Satui" (,". c Krishna of Tirupatl). The work >f(d chapter*, with ^VH rersoii in SatpailL It bear* air mo of A. 7, Jffflri B •idijatui by Cbidananda, 3j)t raos iu 5 chapUfn. In the pr ha confasicalie doo» not know tho myatci ■ Ooof. Wib*r"« . n, p. ass, t V«a* S of to* work I* t " Wh^n h mb.'u En nfbV m wt ta axiU (Ida • !. taiak It naiuml , when rdi m *ol iu m MiifJnrv Oitt woinirr (? hen- riniira a flaw in tk* kuui*niii1.|. Af«r the godi* V^lLuU fiaorL »h«

  • Iw*T* >.<m tbff ■potltii Bufa.jik'k^ (?i(knV^«4|

HtB Ytdfiuta, or tho Kapita, RUa^ala, and SAndilya methods, or the way of tho Agamat and Puviinn*. and will only writo by the grace or hi* poro, Ahcrwards, howirrer, he prafraaeB to givt u short ab>tni«;t of the Jtjitmiti and Fardnaa^ & Tho JMia Padai; longs by Kfi&hrs'a aer- vontB, in honour of thcif master. Tboy arc in varioti.4 Etagnle metrea, composed to bo sanp, and each accompanied by a refrain. They fre»(n refar to Raman aja and MAdhnva of Utlopu aa tho great gurus. There exist; many hundreds 1 1 -a popular Aongn bj Kanaka I) A « ft , 1'nraiHlnru DiV^a, and othcTB.J Krishna b always introdnaed aa baing raprasentad by an idal, this bring cither at Udnpu. or Timpu fandaripnra, or VolApnra or Hrira&ga, or 1 (in the Soda taluk of Dhirratll. Tho Kriahna Daaaa ia South India may stand in connexion with Cliaitanja (a. v. U*&— ISM) § and his follower*. I givo a Furnndara BiUa hymn that has the honour of being the first plena in a school-book In a prose translation : — " Hrjrain. — In the whole world those are fool*. Who Imto the ouo god (£rbfhno) and adore Jlyaia. " lz who leaves hia wife alone (not thinking Bui she might yield 1 saafoot; Fir.- who lends money it> no fix»l ; Lie who ontmats a person with his money-bag is a ! I[ • who U an impudent fellow ia a great fool, O master 1 Ho who sells hia own daughter to sustain him- self is a fool ; He who lives in the house whore his wife lias boon bom is a fool j Ho who uses bad language whan poverty cornoi on is a fa i He who has no Gted mind ia a great fool, rtuwfcif ! ! En who in hit old age takes a wifa la a fool ; Ho who plays with a serpenl u n Tool i vbo doea not support the twentyona Cuni- lies ihU) ia a fool ; If.- who does uot soy ' O Cithar Yi^hala X Krislmn) ii ft fool ; flu who milkn the mother tlia calf nr wWolj ha- n fool, maitar Eta who • is u fool; nn l.i- r.mwi tbat ■ like a in|<tiuwe (aan ntta) dta m« ihr* in Hut* hats printed at HanfiaW. and ■ »t llaasalan, | 8ea " Chattaaa m. ami the Yaiahaasm Peata nf Benni i" M. Ant. Tia, H. (1673) pp. 1 uqq.

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