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its, 1875. a collection of marks, copied in Plate II. Q, obtained by Mr. G. J, Chester ftt l 1 a r t 1j h (Tortosa) and J o h e i I , in iho north of Syrift, near Ara<Jas, now Hn&d, the Biblical A r r ft 4 , and eGinmnmcated hy him to the Com- mittee of the FuleaUnc Exploraiinm Fund, At T at 1 u. s there is a castle, on immense at-motore of massive drafted masonry of r-rnmding date, incorporating probably otill earlier conirtrnatioiis and masonry : tin: a tone* exhibit D Marks, There is sitao u cathedral* described as a noble edifice, extraoirdmarily partem, fit to be nsed nt any moment for Qbra t wn worship, oon- ftintinff of four bays, the out cud wiili three apse*, roirsh square outside ; thu roof of vaulted stone ; the west front lias a pointed doorway mil* a iar)?o threefold window nlwve it of nx* quisite proportion, and there arc I ' xticci . w* at the sides, Tim marks conn? chisdly from these bslldfaj oon^idirnj Lbcm to be Christian nml European, aUoh a* were used in the eleventh anil twelfth ten tnriaa, _h gome nro of all date* and ooim trie*, A few marks (10 T 18) from the Holy IsukI are added from Mr. Godwin 1 ! collection, timl soma from ruins in Lyciu (No. 15) ; uUo u. liuc of Roman marks from Pompeii (No. i-l), and exn > from Hadrian's wall (17) of the second century and Human altars found tu Bngtaul (No. J. + • i _ .Still further tu illustrate the subject and to assist comparison, several acta of marks (Nob. 18— '17 J from mcdcarval building* all otbt Europe are selented from Mr. Godwin's oolleeHiiii pafatfoltfid fa 2?* i ol'3Lartdi •2 7. 1 869 < vol. XX V II | | 8 1 5-2 10), T In . re- markable identity of marks need in widely sepamted (vmntries and agea cannot foil toHtriko attention. Same uro ft» uni venal an the tihA, and as fall of inystioul and typical iul-uq* ings,* Ruoh in the bom cm and the involved triu ogles, which whuu a ptmtn/ile are uu emblem of Siva and Brahma, and the famous " Solomon "a Seal," ait well a* a Masonic arm hoi ; tridcnt-nbaped signs in the Indian and Persian marks, like the Greek ^, which am identical with the Vahihtittva sect-mark, passes into the Government broad arrow mark, and (rev. In a Glob character } and the T in the Runic al- ■ Jn n dmnuV* <>t ibr Gtmt Pyramid li ml Hin ball TOrn)im»tr<l lijrw, imm, ihn ■•run m thu coTfitaiimi Hll and that nallw tap urSLJWs Cathodal; x*m*d it i. tn» agronomical met! of Veaoi. Tbowgb ua* *n naountlj Christian fjnbol, it bona widely diaWot ■ [puflVpt^m jg phabcl. On Europcun na well' as ou A baildin^R may be found Jlindu cunie-marks, Baaicrucmn, Astrological t and Cabahrtic nigan r and charaeteni oeomrlng fa the Rtntftcatt, by clou, 01 i ^lii.i! , African, Unostio, Pahoy- mid Cttfie nlplmbcta, as woU as the pro- gmaiionat varieties of the Indian Alphabets. Tin.- V, N, V. and A forms are of all countries and ugea. Indeed, out thu least curious point m This anhjeet ia the IHct that nearly all tho Unnie letters nro found fignringf for and an ilaaons" Marks, — a circumstance not to ho lost Bight of by thofto who affirm tluit Odin, "the inventor of thu Runes," and hia Aestr, were a people from the Bui. Amongst onr pre&eut inBtoneea from 1'eraia the not ujieumtuoji mark 1 U tic lluaic S ; tliin character also oreura ill tbo Asoka mid We»tcra Cave Iascriptiona, in which it haft the fiower of*/ ; it is alio found In the Arionian Alplijibel, as jrivenby th. Prof. "WiLmjo in bit Ariana Antiqtta, where it represents r, and finally in the Hiinyaritic ta- seripi; SoutbflEQ Arabia it is n :— astro- nomically- it duuotes Saturn. In connection with thi» nulyuct the alphabets and inecriptionni givcu in vol. L of Ptmsop's I&NaifM on Indian Ant.ufuific«; l*nsf r 1L 11. "Wilson's paper on Rock Inscriptions of Kapurdi Girl, Dhauu, and Girnar, in the Journal of tho H -lid AMiatkSocUhf, vol, XJI„ and the Aril II] .1 ml m 'i above mentioned; the pmcrressioaal 1 Kit in Hope's h f n Dhuncar and ify»>r»», and Plate 8 of Hindu Symbol* and CBste-mnrks in Moors II may be referrod to: as also Mr. JJumelJ's fffft of tivttlh Indian I phtt. Tim I j of Masons' Marks, it may bo mrmtimuHl, ' from I in, b^5 Si howover t are from 2 in. tn % in. loug. When J bootau alive to the sehjeot, I had no oppor- tunity of examining thu groat temples of Southern India, hut only the remains afdaina architeetiirc occurrme; tn Kuuora. On those 1 oould find no mark, though it is far imposaihle t boj tufty son t, rjenreh on bnil d inga ull met India, f as well as in A%hanisian and adjacent countries, would doubtless As» jiulMtudes, which it wouH be intertatln^ to tbn iirivKctiD; acre*. 1 i;>i^«ctlfittirfHwm,' Inark* ffom tho Tij «« U,« iVfS^WMP Qwrtrrly Jl^w wl. XIT 0&») m

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