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Oetoew, !



/ workers; or, as other* assert, from their on- gnjjing miJ combming to assist one another, and nut to u'ork nnle&s free and on their own terms. Tiii* waft no unnecessary precaution, for in those days king* and powerful corporations, intmit on building custhia or enure I small cutupu net tori in irapreseung skilled work- men, mil forcing them to work an terms dic- V.i nnlyhad- these old craftsmen a ftjetcail of secret signs for knowing oul: another, but also of tuurka or symbol* cat on. courses of Stones laid by ill oh dwolnsod to thi* jnir presence and handiwork. Much that is mystical mid extravagant hoe been propounded respecting thorn * Momm* Mark*, L-Ji it BOmi prolnble they wire noUl t.lian thu personal mark* of thu mauler* of the works, conveying, in forms determined by the nattoaialtona, directions to the set tor* how to lay tbo itton#s. Similar tuaHoi aw Indeed nssd in building to thw hour, and I mwin reeoguisia t tikr stona for baft correct workmanship ul" is answerable. On largo worl kept hy the foreman and any now uuui having a marking similar to one ulroady on the ixh must mfllco a distinctive [ico. Skilled masons say that from thi> i tho mark they ran toll thu kind it was iundo. It i| If uti-iking, however, to tin I same Mn>ous' Mark*, whatever their orifrmut intent, opou kl tort architectural tnouu- in Iceland lo Spain and Italy, and atQl more remarkable, and our pi purpose, to find I hem Himilarly used La luJiti Mtora countries. Soma oJ marks ar symbols, as the nbiqnitoiis •(vwfi^, 3J, which Mr gussou considers Hi ill uncxplumt-d. but i may hnvn been a signature of thu air I a Iceland it waa called Tlmr'a Hammer, M found on Hunic monuments, ancient m allan., Dl i»U, En.' Spanish ratladrala, the Minster at Biit «i »t Qsensts, and may be esan in relief on » brftfM amulet, brought from Aslianti, in thu South Kensington Museum. 1&0 tot* Charles Itorne. B.O&, FM. a DOtl diligent arohawlogist, DoUwted Masons' Marks during several years' service tn the North-Went Provinces, and published, in Tas Builder of 2»lth them, ae- oompamorl by a collect iuu of ciniupUjs, copied 1 1 [,. I ! ' I.-, 1 1 1 06 I 'i * He reuuirks that iu largo and ancwnt- buildings ho often found forty or iifty s»tom» near to one another mark* L-d in a limilur manner, having been probalily all dressed by the oune man on five fttd^a,. with tha rough nidi- left innermoat, on which he aet hie mark. This would then **•- useful in o«m- 1 waa paid for by eoutnwt, an is now the f»nwtiw id the Allshnbitd quarries where Htonu was cot for the ,1,-jTiitiu Railway brides. On many anmenl atones directions in Sonsk •■■ , such a8 hind, butt ■■■■ . upright eVt, vote oul charuntorn of tha Inntructwim (Xo. 5) iu llu: | nrr n p ta , circa HOC X.D., uud were toatiabted for Mr. Home by Hiihu li.i (I'udrtdila ilitiii. as NurtufyiriL- (I) " liVrhn." wwneuld 14 ->:!!il,L." hhh-r . -Kiebft," Vunxt, East DabAttit, ninth; (5) DpOTft,©/ Um ojopof eeiuw. iinningliam, in Itht «ij/ JS I I , hnM, in platoH xixiv. and. ujcviu, givuu fi^ur larkafron r n i t h and Tnim thu grwit 10 At Dehli; aevefsl of tlir hitter are injftruutioiui for n ■ and plaeing tbn «tnnea. Soma of the Lcttetv follow tag the (ton* (No. <!) are transliterated with il urions tignrf of tho eock (No. -t) u cut uu a bluek stone roof iu n small tow urost comer of the Atallah Ma* jid, uud from its position j»u>! hnvo l"K«n incised before the et one was phioed, which was probabty during imndan occupation. The murks frotn S^diyA, Lipper Ajanm (So. 7). occurred on atones bi ill. Temple/* and are token plato ytt vi i! I! of llio J-juntul Iff th> TiiH line of PflwiaU oaarke (tfo, 8) takeu from plate btixii, v d. Ill oC Sir W. OosBley'a Trunl* in Perria (page 54 eoplwl the marks (thi*r 1ft) from largo bowv utonee in tip "Tit Palace of Saadeks- ■V n/ ffup/'iVM. near l".pn,hin. Signs I reaomblinff Maiions 1 Murks i impress iiWoks of the Bilt*i--Kiitt- rM, or Tower of Babel. Admneing- 1 Asie, Thu lh . !J:1. JtxnD 1-7- 1 * oontiffim • TUe Aislkh M**jM sad oU*r bsilauig* in thi S. WA waKiy J»l« fwaa *J». WW t>l *W.

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