Ociumeh, 1675. J
UIOORAl'IIY OF JELLiL-.tL-DTN HfTJEL last time, fend was on grieved ai UlQ »eparari<m Irow himself entirely Brora tho world* became a dereiah, and ft>i ardor of d. rri lies called after IiEa name, uud at P™*' rnpire. When Shama-abdin iu pjgftt Kuninh, iu i.u. 64fi, 1 1 ijga in tho qnar* terof thaoonf One iky Jollalal din, who wna engaged iii teaching rnHotu liappcu'-d to paw, with & company oflearned inuu from 1 ho roll i Uicounrtaraftho cuofbctinnfin. !: 1 1 Ann Shams* al-dir. nlgingH, o hold of the bridk of Jellut-aldins mniouked him whether B ai *id (a celebrated Kami) or Muhammad was tha greater p Jolli Lal-din slid, "h aeenied that on aooo nrrihJe gust;. wen boavcoj kid under been precrpitnfo-ii a largo iiro appeared to twn toy bowolic and bo onvolop my lirrtins, the wnioko whereof AwiCTiilud to* the throne of God, and [ i. " Aa Muhamnmd i* the greatest oi it coil B A ixt d lw ■*' JTo rejoined, l What do Mnhnm- ■ .!•.." in /. .t-- rwf Jh f t " imply P wo Air; A i« m : J replied :— 'iMi/.i-Tn kbit*! was quench- < nondrop, and he Ixia&tod of aatutfa^tnm. I tho ve#wei of his intalj i ivan dm much as like little window of Jus lionsQ could admit, whil- annul was suhject to a great .Ir op imacy.' " An then MulliiuA Rhamx-abdtn gam a foil down sen*e1e<». JeThibnl-rliu alii. His mn lt% and r him 11- place I tin? head of Shama-s!- din oa hi* own knooa, took him by tho han. thoy d Daring lore thoy livod In rotirotoent.engngecl in fusing and prayer ; thoy 1 1 uno cat once, h ioafeufod to disturb thai] luns-aUdin from Knninh in 1 in a winetthnt ■upcrnnturul way, tin- year in which it took place in given u a. it. &|5, ami not a. 11. £43 ai Btaii*d aboro. In th tit-ung it ie related that one night when Jellal- ul-din and 8liamj=>aldin were sittcr- iu rr'tir»MiH,'ut. n man fr it arrived mid beckoned to tho biter. Tha Sheikh got up pdiUteJy nod #>*id to Jcllat-al-din, ■ ftW i-ulliuir rau in order to kill mo." .ten • din waited long 1 in vain for his retem j sewn men had lain in (Uabonh expooting him drawn IWOMs, with whioh I ured unch a ftlioat Urat all of I away and fell i., tile frnmnd. Oa Hii-n waa Beha-nl-diTi, opbb n lithograph «l ropy itmud, iiw Ron of Ie1tnl*a)«dia. Whim arvn mon rororored their sen- ■ ind from thai day te uOro trunaptreii uy tjuit prince 1 world. The real canwj of the attempt ^■al-ltn. andofntf Jlrght ;• tenco thereof, mi j,j H - rn <liaD « .J -din wan al^ ways otmn'mg . ducguiso tolcmUy well in bin owi s a nd writings Be, mor*. ■ >lizwl the nociety of JdUI-al-din i,,Q ^ ' bgvthflT with -iK-al-dui, H w plain enough, from thu Iml p.r nrjaotnra im true, m will u[ipi".ii' n-um the fcl lowing;— ^ — ii ojJ^ j«> ibj tj ,yJ-* J** *J*vii tut ^ }j 1 1*3 j ^ r^ - !' *^* with hia friend retired rat, All aBeo Hplrju 'jnitoohiit fl EnjovTnjr tlu« pure l'Iiu* good friend; fun pupila did laaumi and " Whence cajms thin ragged memiicar. Will thiafrondriT, i To i rmiekly onr gtent I blimiid 3e«teOTod, loma ol I' I itrayl Tliiani 1 . hrntfc. By CJod ! hia blood U tree :md free V"