Ocronr.u, |
lUPHY OF JETJAL-AL-DJN- RT-UT thing you behold or taate, that tt cannot um'de with yon, an d that you i to auather you will nn |fl (U iy anxiety. won uliMj in the habit of raving that ho is a impcriur inun who does not gnovo on being uflVuiiied, and ho u generous nian who gives no pain to on* deserving to ba atfrontod. JduMnl Sirij-nl-din Eau»Ti wan a groat man of the period, bal n. .1 on good terms wit Ft dull 'd- al-dm, and v is reported to hi the latter had On u certain flow 1, rt I agree with all the* mrenty -three neci* *if the aluhamaiadan religion," Uo aSSarraie I he Mulli insnlted AttMrdingry he l j follower*, x» bo WW a learned man, to aide the -M Bill in « larga oontnAiiy whether ba had really ttUorod thf short) sentiment, and in ea.se w f ro- ceiringan al raply, to nlTi-oul Iiiin with bad language ; but to nil big taunts tho Mnlhi 1 1 agree also with all yon bare said," whereupon the man returned ualuuuwh S 1, , i k h R a kn-ald i n all A al- d n u I u h stated that he bad been much pleased with thin tnrek answ> Ha daily asked IlEs servant, " In there any. tint 10 liuuse to-day ?*' and on resell iag a negative reply hu became ojdiflurutoil and thankful, toying "Praise he t u God, this day our iiuiwo is tike that of the prophet I the servant aaid» *' Wnatorer we requiro is ml in tin- kitehen." he wrw displeased and said, "Ti 1 1 arising from this -seldom or never usi«d wax-liyhN in bis hmur, and wa>. "damps. Raying, "Those arc Jbr kings, arid these Fur On a certain occasion a company, in which also .Sheikh V*u d r-al -din Knnav raquwtedthoMailal Cmiim (leader of L 1 l . - prayxea), but he refilled, " We are Abdrtlii, wo si l down or getnpwh< >:ippen to be; fcfcjoae enda» 'uGun and dignity Are worthy (o be Bmnitli, 1 " and pointing to I Ut^adr-al-din iw«me ofituwo, herons. " W I loevor prays after M Bi n Am is just as ir In! prayed after the prople One day the Mulls being present nt a i
- Mt»n' csirml to a dervish to ask
1 b r whereupon the Mulla recited tUomng quatrain : — it; I'akr i* health, .ill eke disease, This world is nil deceit and frand, Nf ■ " I m ti i mi star/.* 1 Ii baa been numtioned obbva that the MuM WMaduciplu ofr'arid-ul- I hft reooUnobad evan during hi-, la w hrn inians, "Re r d at •ing, bevaiuw rioos bghr '•■ i-- li-m- tauliala i.-nru thu H | beikb Farid-al-i a r . Uenicmbernm iu whatever state you are, iluir i i loj whatuvergnnnent I m." HeftlflOSeid, ^«' ■ with any persons except snob as are of y oar owe i his suhjoot tny lord Shama-al-dinTabriai (an ■ret!) has win I tome ll: i eiplu (niiirA/} who has found aeeeptauee in that h* with strangers, and t]int whfu boauo'deoJj GUlfl mi ipaay he I illat ease, like a hypoerito in n nn.. child in a BCbooJ, On ;,. U ed he ndd to his compan in Uib, ww id I tut two eoi«i..f-rir.iiji— . tbu una with my body, 1 ll »u; this latter vunnoetion. ml! not bi auvurwl r I ehall, by the "initiKl and isolated bttworM I i i -lieaaroauciawi" i'A Uhn * visit and unid, "May ^ al tha il my restonition to moral uf thu only re- •nnniit which yet snpatules the lover from bu b.«tov<«d. mid be joined to light r 1 '* Denuded of body nm I, and H« of anw I roam and verge to bonndi oi last tojanotion of I to bis com- panions was, " I nv unijiftud yon to fair Ood secretly and oponjy, to he frugal in your etr to «W; .ud to speak 1 svnrjtlitnfr suxrat, to fast ail I tu pniy nueh. «ry kind of Itwl for overhand to bear itt*ul^ Do not keep up any interm .... arid vulgar pit>nons r tvoi 'e the BOcloty of men who sre pious and The best men are those who are m • Ferat] 1 Is « ralisieiu tvuw.Siiil be mho uuIh a tm>fcnh» of it in t Fakir.