Tin: tnwaN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOMB, 187& menU in Turkey spent ihd greater portion of i'i i 1 ,' country, and is therefore , Urn Turk ; but, according to the Kafh&t>- nl-tmt of J A mi, his . ttgan nt n fnftr* early age in Ins own country. When he was yoniB old he had uiunLfcslutions from tho iiivi tlili," world, such us sights of angels, of genii, and of mun within tho denies of glory. It iat stated in a record bi tho handwriting of
- !:,:! li-... l:,.i,.; ul-din a ad, tb J when JoHiL
al-din Mohammad, on n certain Friday when six ego, Yftu pkj iug with same othi p Uttlo boys on the flat house-tops of Ttalkh, one of the Hi tie ftl Iowa suggested flint they should jump over from om i boo* bop h> OXkOtbor; JellAUal- din replied that as snob movcnien :uliar i i 'I" ■.■ • r ,!.,: -,1 oiltftr animals, it would lie a pity thill human being* should ImitotL- tlu-in, bnt that, if they folt tiny power hx their sonls, they ought to l!y i?d* together with him. Tluit moment he disappeared from the playmates, who hecame sorry and raised a shout of Inn >u hu returned after ft abort while, but with thu hue of big OOTOrte d and his eyes altered, and Said, "Whilst conversing with you, I saw a company of persons dressed in •_ • ■ ' mk ma np and showed too Liu? miracL tho upper world ; but when your cries and wail- ings ascended they again dupowkd ma lure." It U said that of lhui. ago ha partook of food only once iu three or four day(. It is said that wtan MhU-aWin emigrated from Bulkb lie met Sndkh IVrii-ul-din at Xisbapur, who was at tliat linn? well ■ :<m in yours, und who presented httn with ' ft, or '* book of mysteries, 1 ' w h ieh ho ever afterwards aimed about his partoji ; he also imitated his doctrines, n» it is said-— <Hf ^U Lb* >/ ^*_*i >>jj ^»
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" Mulhiu't on A'ttitr attended. From Shams' hands the drink was all nectar. " Jiy Julias hi* *piritord teacher, Shoois Tabrui it meant. Klsenhcrc wo read— ^^f jfUttlj ^JIL. ySj j t u M A'£ar was soul, Ssmli tnjj two eyes; Wc came after SunAi and A'MJlr." On being told that a certain man had said be it his service ■ with heart and life," ho 1, Hush! Among men thu I if* finds credit/' mid asked, " Whnnno have you obt your heart and lift*, that you can plne^ them at the eervw of men f," lie wus iievvrtliulesa in the liabit of Kuyiti^.% " I am not ih^i l.-.ily h appears to tho A'^Jtrkt (lovers ortJod), bnt the plaasnro and gladness |.>ruducuil in the hearts of Mnrifa (disciples) by my words. Allah! Al la h ! wheu you obtain that gladnesa, and tnstii that joy usidev ft happiness, and gire thanks t thot h mo!" Hisaiu-al-din was imiuntrcuMM, bet from sorirral tlattcr* lug nifisfOpcefl to him in tiwi Mttnari he might iwgly cuusidiTud to have oooxrpied n far higher poftitinn, r I'o him he aoiil, iJ It in necessary to sit kne^tj to kneo with the Avlii (pi. of r«li, saint) or God., because eneh proximity l^ears momimtous conw-qofnoes" ^ —
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i A m - u 1 - d i n was no d. ml it a faithful amanuensis and disoiplr, hut on some occasions II litUo admotiitioii uiight bavo 1 aqazt death of hb wife ho could not he induced for u long time to attend to Ida duty, and the poet remonstrated : — osad to be absent from him is not good, wpurutarm will iucrcaae mishap«. iLittcr what your Mtot* j attend on hiiu, Bocausfi proximity wi II fmani." ITe said tliat although a bird dying up from the earth cannot reaob bufoo, it n, lie udrantago of being further not; thus u man who boeomw a dcrriah, though attain perfeotlon, ii diitingul above the W&maa crowd of men, and in deliv- ered from the iroubh ,,,|,[ A worldly feHow once wronsed himrolf to him B» his remissness in vidting him, bat Jolhil. "^ El no need or nay , ^ onses, lieauuMi I am as thankful fin- your not I are for your com Seeing one of his coui[mnions in a ulate of Hyiy,heKiid 4 rt All sodqess arises from too grunt attachment to thia world ; as soon as yon are fiwil from it and considi-r yoarodf a Btrangor tiiorein, you will peroeivc, from every-