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THE EJDU3T AMTQUAEY* [Ocroua, 167&. august Majesty and tho exalted refuge (of tbo people) the title u f D u a fc a r u I - in u 1 k (may God iMinttmw hiiu in liia exalted position I), in order to obtain the morey of God and to secura his great reward. This wan on tlie 1 Oth .Slia'Mti Of the you* 8".

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J isfij^^ ixmgj} ixmti, Ai*# JJt A ^ Aj'f || ArUw '/V.jjw/rtf/ofl. God who la Messed und high, lias said, ,l V tlic Mosque*," &c. [a* above]. And the IV has said, M He who builds a Mosque for God Almighty, will ham a m for him by God in I'jnudiso." Thi* Mosque was built during the reign of tho great king, who is nested by the aid of tho Ail-Mereifnl, Shams addunra wadd in .Abnl-nasr Mnr,nffnr Shah, son of M a h m u il ft h A h, eon of .Muhammad ft Ii A h , son of Ahmad fc> b u li , son of M n - h a tu in ad Shili, won of M u /. a f f a r Shalt, tho king,— may God perpetuate his kingdom! Tbo builder of this Mosque is tbo mother of linkr Khun, sou ofMahmud Sul- I A ii , who is called R A n i A s n t. During tho fourth solar [regnal] year, in OflO, [a, I*. loH.] VI. — >3lin»6 of Ahmad y* y ^tkU ,lt *«., ^iu Ltjj Lm ^Uj j*B L jl iyif y%A£f Ofifc UN , J-r T o- ■ *J| I^Uq J - j y ♦e* 1 - of tKi wli j**»

  • Th« TMT OUT ttf 800 Off I

a*. 1433 or 14S7- a.h., wLuca woalil l* 1 - ("This is] tho Iftflrv 3f ansoloum of A limuil Shah, tho king, the dome of which, oa aceoaafc of its loftiness, matches the vault of tho heaven. 2. Tltuugk inf had many nrticttr*,ftnd Hion^lt Limy always cxertod thomselvm to repair it. 3. No ono has hirJierto dona so in so splen- did a manner ns tbe perfect mind of that re* speeted and cxnlted man, •4. Tlio benefactor of the present generation, Fnrhat n 1-lf n I k, who is pious, Gud'feuru:?, liboral, and faithful, 5. Tho chronogram of his office tenure has been expressed, with God's help, by (tho poet) Ynhyfi in the words — " Fnrhat i M u I k, theso Mhm giro the year/* a-el 04L[a.d. 1537*38]. The meniopiul Is exeaai«l h? Ahmad Chhajjfi." VI L— 5/^Am& Saifyid't Ma*j!d, aU|Li g«U *=r* *LL> u*jjj& yoiti aJJib b$m Sj*JP ^IJ A,!^ jf &£* ***& j/F* y j* *=*-> (_r^^-" /*Cf a**; tjtjliuo— uAAbJ ,tl ^i ^^*- (Li £*! *Jihjj ^1 JILJ| 11-a.ji t Or it (k. ti* i!iio»]«ttm). Tbe metre h Twtw mm 3 1 .

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