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THE INDIAN AKTIQUARY. [Octobm, 1W5« kingdom') was a "noble of the court of N a s ir - it d cl s n A b u I F a t h Mahmild S la -X h .

• known nnder his nickname of

rah [Sj^a). I ilo not know the correct Hon of this nickname. Some people pronounoe it bigadh, • having conquered two » the conquest, on the same da j, by Mahmud's armies of C h a m pin i e ■ i u u.ig:i (lit. ButJahAugir* in his M:- • ) rd is :i i term, ing * having the mou burned up- wards.' There is no dribfc that the latter ex- I may quote the following p;.- m Varthema's i .-1st • — "' The- Guzur.ite3 are a generation who eat nothing that had. blood, and kill nothin They are neither Moors not- Gentoos, but By wire baptized they would certainly be all 1 on account of the many good works which perform. This i ' goodness lias rendered bhem the prey of Machamnth, the pre- sent king, who is of a very different disposition. The beard of this prince is 80 huge, that his monstachios ax ia head like a lady's le the rest defended doirawa as his girdle. He is continually chewing a fruit like a nut wrapt in leaves, and when he squirts the juice upon any one, it is a signal i Ids person should be put to death, . tee is executed in half an honr." The year of the inscription is not clear, but it may bo 892 or 800 (a.j., 1 fc97 ox 1 : V is from Rani A B n i ' s (com- monly known as I rVs) Mosque, which was hnilt in 1514J, during the fourth year of reign of S hams add in A b n 1 - N a s r M a z a f f a r S h a h , whose full name now be- oomes known. The inscription also mentions another son of Mahmfid Shah Blgarah, of the name of A b u B q k t K h a n . The name shows that the royal family wore Sunnis. I do not • When ,: - in Ahmad AhAd, of which I Ki»en u length* d that !: Dostvillo.' (EL 868). *" pp ' array, Historical Account a] sand I • ia, v»I. II. X This is an important, correction of the date moally ascribed for the erection of thai beautiful mosque, the gem .rguseou's Architecture ofAhmad&b&d. pp. 4a, 84. — Lb. know whether the name of the Kini ia Afin ! , If>ni,orUsni. Ime VXa/nd YIT — The former Tcfers to repairs made by Nan Khun ETarh&t-u] Mulk (• Joy of the kingdom'), son of Chiman, on

<;oIeum§ : anil the latter to a

Jul mi' Mosque built by the same grandee. m VIII mentions the full name of N .'i § i r uddin Abul-Fatb MahmAd S li .i h, son of Latif Khiin. Mr, Thomas, in his nid&efthePa Delhi 1 (p. 352), gives Qutbnddm as the name of the king; but the coin figured by liim does not give that name. We may I his inscription gives the correct name.fl In paint of penmanship, the first three in- scriptions are better than the other fiVe,^" — the ur.it especially is beautifully carved Like the Bengal and Jaunpur inscriptions of the same < iliuy ace superior in this respect to Dihl! inscriptions. The grammatical and orthographical mistakes 80 common on all Indian inscriptions are also found .. occasionally wrong articles and genders; non-inflexion of the words abu, akhu, <fee. ; mistakes in the construction of the Arabic numerals; the interchange of and 5, &e. 1. — Ahm l^iyi iiJ*l| £J~^f ■»*"■*■'[ **5jJ| slljJi ris^u AiJbjJiyi i^iaUi^c i^aj^^u ^ujf^y || L-.^X^jjLf Trm This lofty edifice, the extensive Mosque, was bnilt by the slave who trusts and returns and has recourse to the mercy of God, who is wor- shipped in Mosques with bows and prostrations, § Architecture <•]' Ahmad&bte, p. 47. other Gtyarilti kings ^rn W Mr. (in J that Buh&dnr ■■ III it men mHi Maaaff» r shah biu Mahmdd (No. 16) caunot be

  • u' ^v mB 0i '"" ^"■O'feMoaa nrc oln'pi' l and,

though eanod on marl i h»«e >>ecn again smd again whitewQiihod, until so u to get perfect rabhings : thie u Que main cans.- want of sharpness in several of them. Nu. I. u ciackvd ac»oss.^Eo.

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