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[19] jsdricfd)^^ rf^si»Jad 3-(3)^/ ^ [20] $d^lbo sjtetfKbris^rtr) [2i] ostfssaft Atibaf ^fd^ [22] sfcowtf 2rS«3oi>jTii3 7dn-

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[23] asotf la^rao^ [24] ^VSbtt^) [ || ] 2Va Sri! Hail! While the reign of Jags malla, the glorious Jayasimhadch a, — the asylum of the universe, the favourite of the world, the supreme king of great kings, the supreme lord, the most venerable, the glory of" the family of Satyairnya, the ornament of fchfl CLfilulcyas,— v, a.s continuing with perpetual in' crease : — A religions grant, to continue as lo: moon and snn n > . consisting of twelve httirus* (of land) by tho (measure of the) staff called A^i'adimbada-galet of the god ■ •vadevaj, was made hy the Thiriy-two-thousatid §, collectively, of Kunda- • which was the lucality of the A'jtahdra j| of the holy Aniidi % on Monday tho fifth day of the fortnight of tho month Pushya of the Vin <d, which w:; r of the Sakd^^O, Those who preserve this act of piety shall obtain tho reward of having g£v< n a thousand fcawny-colotrred cows to a thousand Brahmana at Yuranasi or Xurukshetra ! No. V. No. 27 of M*. ' lection is an Old uety-three lines,* each lino oontaining aboni seventy-two letters, on a stono-la' Ii formerly stood 221 one of principal streets of Saundatti, the chief town of Parasgad Taluk;i security, against tho outer wall of the MAuilntdar'fi • ' J/ii/»' in mi iiKtu Csinari'sa means fu- t 'THmbaf has ra mmjp ; thai intended 1 prob fort- parti or surface «"/ I p,-,. Si. 108 ■■' Major [> . 'ion, thisappeanc to be § Sonic re! 1 • Tli-e Thir in lint* 19, 25, and 9 Dixon'* work, In l 1 rand of ' Sruaanmaiitn-n.lla^riiiaa-TiJVVKniudar.' Kaeht-ri. I have published it, with a fa tion, in Ko. XXIX, Vol. X. pp. 200 to 286. It is an inscription, Saka 11-51 (a. vadbari «<uA~ ■.■■■'., of the time of Lakshmideva II of family of 'andhavarti (San: .-rania or Vehigrama (Belgaum), and records the building of a ling a temple of the god M arjuuadeva or BJallinat near the tank called Nagarakere ontside th frigandha* varfi. ,'ija or | .1 of K&-3 and the allotment of tithes and grants of land. It contains also an. account of the families of the chiefs of K61ara and of Banil It will probably bo useful to reproduco here '119 Of Suuudatti and Uclganm deduced by mo from this inscri ira at I:iiti, — ono at Mnlgund in the Gadak (Dambal) Taluki of k the -.— ono at OUIioli and one nnur in the ( tho same 1 . — in connexion with some other inscriptions which I have no shed in detail. Prithviran: to ha invested with the position of —by Kr monarch to whom he was subordinate. His descendants, down to Sena II, w of tho Chahikva kings j bur Sena II on: successors became independent, though continued to bear th Mahamnndaleavara. Lakshmideva n is tho last of whom I have as yet obtained any The only break in the Hue of descent is bei S;intivarm;l and Xanua ; not more than i cm well ha i . and pro- bably X.mna succeeded Santivarma, though ho may not have been his son, || i A-jralv'-.m.' ,— a grant of laud to Br&hmaRa I % 'Ho who baa no beginning, who en ts from nil eternity.'

  • Phi I also by Mr, Bargesa f"r :

AirlunolngacaJ Stu 1 t Kitlit-r K fnr from BklAdiri, as I tps, tho ■ raounced k ■ should be iti - which will settle t !

' Ratta' id an abbreviation or com:.
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