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277 pro daotton of tho jewels uf meritorious quali- ties. PAntlyu laid aside his fierceness ; the king of Chela trembled ; Yafiga was broken MalftVA experienced the fear of death : and an to other kiug.-r, — when king Vijjana was con- quering tho ivorld, what strongliold did they not abandon, And t.i wfaftj region cuuJJ they nmngdves when put to fii^Ut ? n Iiim sprang kinu Sena* the or all aOOOmpl iwhnwmfa*, possessed af a full and brilUri . dispelling ihts darkness of all rdgfoali aiming the white lotuses were the hands of all hostile kings to clow ■ tig the whole it of lib GutiCt charmingly placing his feet upon footstools which were the fore- Iscatb of all rulers uf the earth What shall Iki mid of him r ; — In his expedition*, which of till not bctako theniRolres to flight, ,,' J heir count vie*- P treasorft d sound* of tho blows of tho hammer in his tents (which wen 1 to be hoard) ©von amidst his terrible drum* Bounding in tho <d of batik* ? i and who were they whore hearts wcro not lorn asunder, they themselves closin i jos in u, swoon? While he pro- tected like a lather, and yet, wielding the *a governed with restraint like Yams, tnankuid I the lull mjoymunl of ihoSc plcft- saTBS that properh :w.»wnrlds.t After hira was born hi* yannger brother, was pes- t of all tho marks of one who bfio gracious and virtuous chsjacteristica, and who was by natuxu compassions to. After him his uterine brot i : < v.inmlla,— •.ras possessed of an intellect, and who t t hn earth with his perfect good qua M> king. younger brother Ural SifiehnnitdAva, like lo a jr ipoct of his virtues, the / of joy to I 1 lowed down by (tho very if as if by fear*

  • Till* U r» Khwil'y tin- iitrauiug inlay J*l t»* h» ei»«i la
to JWtuni th* whala t*mt#a flay

, , ijtdn, tud lbt« m i lining atHthcu art kw aiirlabnl in *wh n w»? tu lu apflj Lj Liu* raooa lata*), to which r^ awd- f £c_ tijn l«r»«trial tflob*, Mil th* Itjwrr reypon*. lis* ton* ..f w h i.. ft 1. Yaina, It* *ol ami j*hr« of tfc« 4***t 1 India anal wli of tin wtskt /Aijrs la abo tak* 'rtjdn'W *'« rt»t* ■.-< «n«- 5 8« nota * *7 b lli» aaconil aide of the ascend blab la tha '. 'V OWti his unemios utrovo only to preservo ttieir livei. Truly he is praised as a very etepliuui of a king ; tho^ngh hn has a per- pefcaal (Lovr of nharity, n*. no vEophant has a perpetual flow of ru 'ueur die lYiptYKif of being arroKttut^ au au elephauL dues with hl-t pannon.

uand one htuulnul and fxvtt years of

the era of tho aaka king luring etptr-, I the Soblinkrit *mhv-iifiira t on Monday tbs day nf die new moon of the month AiU-ina, under the I'uuieonjunc'.i I anale Singha- oadura, the snnrame king of great kingi,— whi> made guealaof lii-r'» liinh; of his sole aim being the aucctiou of all his sabjecU, and whose thoughts were ready and calm and profound fifoiji noaasi and spotless by • linppincsa that results from dnii i thd m or imperial dignify who and without obstacle tmorished by ihu r of gods and Brihmans who arc made to Lhrivo and are conciliated hy those who hare for thdr assistanco all the merits of polity § and abundance of villages (to bo bestowed in charity), — with tho greatest: devotion gar» ( with lihai ion* of water, and an a gti respected by all and twi lo !• pointed tit with >.i. mi nhjoct of oonftscation) by t h. * kmg 03 g*a pOOpk, «o one I ilhuitrious Brihmaiia, of many fiunilies,— who WQ& with sacred lore and good charae- tor and learning and hurnil ■us by reason of their holy were purified by their mm illaal ohKerraneea, — ■a'h viHagu of Kakkanurn, included in tho Okdavftla Thrco-hnndrod^ — a most sacred as being tho abode of tho holy i . the mother of tho universe, in the visible form of Jythsht|iad«ni r — together with its established bonndftrle*! ouryfng with it I bl to Ircafiuretmve and water and stones and proves, Jiuij thn right of TrifiliogaU, investetl PfAbabl; It iliwld iwojktIj htf 'on* throai ■••* not* t tu liac CJ La tin* 0m fidk -of tho liiml ptate la tat (act r THp tnoBiums of ihw irrnt la i. ,if !lw mmw imrpTt mftiv i»l tjf f*-" hj. At 1 nru irr.plnl,** (mm (■>*(" 2*>* XXV m , «« auxt with tho rtna,

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