275 This agrees with the corresponding' portion of nealogy oi' toe Kalaeburia oi Kalyilna as given by -Sir W. Elliot, with the exception that he gives Karua instead of Krishna as toe name of the father of Jogarna, and does not me inaK-.n, the younger brother of Aha- vamalla. The object of the inscription is to record the grant by Sin Jiina 1 i q Saka year 1106* (a.d. 1184-.!)), being the SGbbakrit sauhaatsara, to one thousand lirAhmaus, of the village of Kukkanuru. situated in the Belavala, i.LBo]vola, Three-hundred. It also mentions a minor grant of land and a hoasa by Divakara-lliri- dauiiyakat of Kobhara. Tlie Kukkanuru in quest Ion is probably the village or town, of the same name which is to be found on the map abont nine miles to the south of Yeiburga. in the Haidarabld territory. From another copper-plate at Behatti, — a Devagiri-Y.i inscription of Krishna or Kanharadeva, — we team that Kukkanuru was the chief town of a cirele of thirty villages, anil in .Saka 1175 (a. 1>, 1253-4), being the Pramadi samvatsara, was bestowed or re-bestowed upon one thousand a rul two Hrahmang by Kanharadeva's minister CliiiuFHlnriija* It should be noted that the letter ^ does not occur in this inscription ; in each casi should be used, it is represented by =r. Tran i] m~& ii #tf g^wnrinrT: yRr^/inrr l 2] r^RTTtffT^rr: 3Tjtrt*t: u-nfc- 3] *i II Hl% TTT frw m?T tf *T*qL 5] 3T: 1(11) Bjffer ^nmHi^rwrarc: muvfi I h] ?r(qr)ffPr ■qfr^pt *rer»M |(n) *r $im- 10] *?# ii '^pjjftmx 1(11) *Tfawnraft- ll] ^TWFiftOTTfr* WIT: I HSTTT-T STORKT^- 12] *: <Tnrf^"W: |(||) TfJTT^OrarSTT- • In ■ -.sand one hundred ■ f 'Da 11 used in fi- » military o&oa with administrative ahargg t»f a circl* of Till t Thi socond plate commenced nil -71. [13] szrrR^rt T^ret Arfifc | Trrr: fpizif&ft [[ 1] ffsSFT: Jp^tlPT: || * ^ *i-4+i ^ *f r?- [15] ?! ^ |(5)»tw *r t ^i^N* ^r fr> ?(*)- [in] >rrr ^ ftgrer SNMuftg | arm =r ir- [l:J =rrt% irfr =r gr% ft- sroJfa W: r 3T5?l- M* *J u RWO* u rP|Rs «ft^iiRwn-it=r: [20] ^ ^rcTT »nt ir.vTf: ^and | j|t^t- [21] =?t jf^r-f -JTirrff rTim-zT^r^ [22] Rrvfr 54 wt ftnrt *f fir- [*•] 5f «T(^t)fefft?T: || vrfCTftiStf Mini 1 sM^(*)rzj^nVf?=rCr- [37] qTT^frrTT nsn am ^Nt=tt- [28] RRT'CT: l^r^-^T(^)^: |(||) irfl [:n] ^«d«|^i [|] Tm^rg r) ||- [32] ^ itTT: % «r£i'5M.T: %^(7f) ?T ?T [88] R-fT J -R- RT CT^ ^3f(^m)i%tftrrf(f)5Tt |(|() [34] m ittfft qr^nx «w r? ^k 3Ftr [35] if tr-K 1 ^rysTit^^Rt ^t?tt- [«;] =rf irq-^u^ |(n) ^rFTFir-|ST: ^ffur^; [37] jTTT: fTilfM^: f Vtt^^iw'fin}*- [3s] irppr ^inr: |(n) tt ^i^rti » : [»u] =T§ 4lHMM^(%) if^: II ?R¥ ^fr^TOT- [42] °iW^fr 3PRT?ir4<*i<«*: |(||) *m [13] sfTJTr^^ 3^-R-f h^t: 1 ¥*r*7 ^,- [41] «tt^ w %^f ft?r, j(n) i^rrir ffnr?r- [45] .r-r: pp^ o^Jirr: i P i ^t i iHiini r? [■w] ^t? jit Jrnrw^t |(||) ^r ^ Pf.%?nriTr5- [♦r] u^K^Ti^w^tiJfff^TWTr 'H^MN ^i jr(sf) • - [49] ^T<WTnyfjfT^f5inwT?RrTrf3r- § The Mdond mie oi the MWond pUto oonni thai k'tur.-T. ■word *W , /«a r . would j^t* c o tense in this paesaire ; but tin- form BTarer ■ girei a eaitible mcuniiig, u pr