Sincnsine, 1875. ]
MAXIMS FBOM IS MAS WJtLTKllS. 271 99, Mono, viii. lr Their virrue Ul thy only friend Thai never rneu deserts in dcntli : As flits away their vital breath All other tie* trad frtoncbliips end. Xor lather, mother, wife, nor turn l^ido tw then can Langex «*t«y t Nor kiiiiiiblk; virtue is the one Companion of our darksome way. Alone each, creature sees tho tight. Alone this world at length he loaves. Alone the recompense rooeivts, Of all Ids notions, wrong or righl - His log.] I -like body placed Within tho sad funereal gt<- Out kinsman one by nan turn rouudi Forsake the spot, and hoMiewurd haste. His virtue never qniti his side, A faithful guardian, comrade, gai Bo'ttu ' ' of virtue gai To help when comm our day of down : We cross the dread and w gloom, By virtue's friendly arm sustnitr
- j MahftbhArata, xiL iilii -.-Umth U nol
the ootL Let no one deem the wise are dead Wlio'vo "shuffled oft* tills mortal coil," Tho wiee whose lives were pure from soil, «eS0uls with holy Ion* were fed. !J:>. Mahal hwutn, *n. Ifl &i— $$f. tttdltttii 'aimed. Himself in men'* oatoeai to raise On no one dwell : But ruthcr let a man excel All other nwn in doing well, And thus command tlio meed of praise. Oft worthies* num. in blind eon Their own superior merits vaunt, And bettor man with faille: I {'-proof theiuselve* with Horn I hoy inx.ttt. By blaiui'lifjw acts aloti to, — Although they n IS. ii other m I tnli« — To liitrli exiecin and honour m The amti i>tea "'■> ft". 4JlJ U . r . jr, as. 1141*4, *ud KurqiyM i»ui- <lori tmU*,hM*. I. I Tbe orlour sweet of virtuous dee Though voice lesa, lar and wide will fly :t To tell his presence in the sky The noonday sun nu herald needs. 1 1 ;.- eelf.npplanse n fool in vnin hi others seeks renown to jn»in. A wise men'* ng concealed, At I ' mt«, iii, 2320; Ikahma-ilhnrmn, il. S, 1 : — Ti'u' bat em Thoo say.- - for ikJl the ilk oi
- •- fair one, like a wife.
3?, MuhAbhamto, xiL 1 - -Af -i HS& psranuumi bUurS.. T'u- ImmIv— is it not like foam The tossing wave an instant cr Itj bit, bird-like, resting Soon flies to seek another luune. Iri ilua thy frail abode, so dear. How canst than slumber free from fear ? Why dost then not wake up. when all Thy watchful enemies ever sock To strike thee thetv where thou art weak. To bring about thy lwmj'd-for Ml F Thy days tire numbered, — nil apace Thy years roll pa, — thy po aj ; Why do*l Ihuu vtu'uly thuu delay* And not arise and haste away To sonio unchanging dwelling. place ? 83, HahabMrnta, i. 30&i § :—Trui h beita than By wTtighing, trnth and sacrifice appraise : A thou ;hs. 39* Mnliibkiratn. xitt. 1.S44: — The *atns. In one scale (rath, in tin other lay Lnd Airamcdhas ; try ; pQs so h%ll Ev'n half us m I wcicli. 40. Punuhataiitrsi, I. h *«. The iamriooi nirn ut hoiqii who dwell, Arii! fbl hnS with nil th-ar f^ Of Tnrioojvroi et oxploro,— Are simply fn«r< "itliiu ■• well. Ju*'» Ta«b«, rr. 191 (. , aud with r. 10591 ootap. /*mU Z Goof. lai**$, it. 1 1 1 1 Pittf, r. d i sod tii* i'i ia Clwro r i.nkuduni «tt mmptt ; 5 Il*T-» hi tii, rtiit/, unl Bi, thoUMod A Mil iralii twi WMfiwl la thd ba(* aOM: — truth* Uic ttn.wmuil AiiaaiMJaas."