< Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu
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10 By THE BEY. F. KITTEL. XEBCAHA. fnduwi Mvangtlkui Etvitw, >'i>. I- pp. Ofcff.) The vrigtimtuvs of K cmture uro ibo Jevimu, who harts rtihivaicd Loth Saiustrr/it and thu ■. Ji. 'I'll.- - trriiteu from swrtarJari motive*, but alto from a tor* for acumens, and have reproduced aevcrnt J?;irml rit a uicuUfiu works hi Kiumruac, Tb«' world dutc hack us far iw the beginning til (.!."!'•: fcurf 441. Tbair grvai g?. lion Ucraaclwindra probably tired ill the twelfth contary. 'II"' raw of whkh I know was copied -, The 'mi ii i original mu composed n thousand riolr -iiir Jaina -work.' in Knnnrpi"*, knowing -- 1. 'N&gavnrma'p (.TdJetntLu or Prosody* II in '-<j*ody is the only standard work on that subject known in tho KoiwHt-Gt-, It cot 'It HuneVrit and Juiuurege metres. As his Sanskrit source ho monlhma only ihn wfll-knovrn ^'AAotufiu of Pifl- ■ 2. NSgnrnrmn'» . illy Ijocu able to proenro the find and the ntid chapter. Thfl headings of its tive chapters aru ; SirWa wmriti, R t'^.-frriiJt, .SatfavarinVa Stylmalu,. si vocahoUvry based upon VfltanUJiSt, Haldyudha, HIiAgud, and thfl Atnxmk&il 0* author Ki'vt'j uidy hew and Tin- Is iiiirt fcar» moaning or tiin Snnnkrit fearntsj often obliged, on account of the • it appear*, to MAO ft generally kno kfit ono. Balayudha wai n prodeccsttor of Hetna- clmmt nd Amnrn' . BaJra'a CoMmiadkiiriit, ii troAtisa on p and dramatic rom position, is professedly hv 'tfagarnnnn, numac-handm, and other*. Tha text «f my manuscript is rather incorrect. Hon? ero a few 9r. Urst rlunptw in an imperfect translation :— •■ 'V'li.- notion afthamfad (eaflta «fiili) T the pi tiaitaaa) ol ■ at* oonti • . and arc cowhimil ! amorous Uja) and *o oi , laeftba mind orotr lant. am (Unit ..r.-ful woman and uthur? 1 a* lurking to thu means of i- lanul of (01 thi» TtsU objocl mco the hern mount that am fkmoua hi poetical and drama- r»l works, 1 E LDtliar, when the specinlitiv:! of thu action of tlic mind, thu proper lie* of which an au tUHad, comttont and tucuostant, are porcoiTod by ipectatova from jtcrofj ' iO! kdkj, mowfacat or thu arm*, and no on, Auutkd&u occur. My in Tarioux pnkUo| In front and Mtthig I 1 diath ri Iris are prodnr> .1."'

    • Jf< v iho mind {ehiUa) ;

Rata arises from tl untno) rim fatd), IS;, this mind (moiir vn »peauc* tho is Imrn <-• for beauty {Uoivulm) knuw ami cojojr tfa it boru of thu Mtlcn. ami thui i* JaM&Atfru. 'J'lm

niih"i«>ly i 1 id whundti

thu afftdpi (cuttHtaut proncrtyj iai,«iU) com with i position i i bhiitia in dxHi>Iayed ; when it ia not couatant. ii bocofljaa jaS(*A ipertyj." ' ' Tlio sight conataut affactiuna [ifhihji Ui'ldi) aru: amoTOua jwajigji [r,Ui), mocking (pan ft >ltn)> , nrtTort (uUJh ■)■, iihmunt iyiiMiiya), feir (bhuyuf, und aversion (ntpujaaaJdV 14 Tiui ui-eht natural (Hpoulamrouv) afToction rifen fctva-.i) ami korripilaumi (^ulntaS, tw»«j purspir. to move ipvech (frirni IiJli<Hi'u.b tremor (taiapa)* and changu or colour ipiicarrnya)." " Thu njijHMirnuiru-ulh'c'.ioim (gculuim) (mnu- Uilfft) arcr: fkYrwning (Klt.fikuti) t roloarln^ >■ taco (moife the look of th* ayea ^oi'Aatni uiiriJ Hia) T dtajjlcw-'iiiu uf linnds «uid I enorrijiji r^d«nJto^ t and other uctioai of thu mom* bar* of (ha body," "Thu thinr-threa inconvtant nBcctiana (vjfabki* haatc i '■• u»inn('it-rn , !>i') r dBath(mni-< HaklmeM ■ i r<oba«o< uiL'ut iuu-vi-i.ti. indijronco (daii /a), roaoUection (ttiiriti), Iojir of pri'At i. ol 'mini ...",., Enili (dZttr3Ki) r M etc. '"Hie o^ght rai'W con (►rnuitoB. m*a) jini t nmoroaji emotion l«i'>!y«' mi licToUm r1ra), anger i n/it'i, tenor ' hhtty<b*okt J, amid]

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