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THE INDIAN ANTIQUAEJ. [ArGrsT, 1875. 16. Do not eat the ucJidihislUa (what remains in the dish after one's meal is over). I". Do not eat what has been offered B to Siva. 18. Do not eat meals served with the hare palm ; i.e. rice, ghee, and curry mast be served with a spoon-like ntonsil. 19. Do not use buffalo's ghee and milk for komas (sacrificial ceremonies). 20. Do not use buffalo's ghee and milk for obituary anniversaries. 21. Take your meals so that there may be no remainder at the end on (1) the leaf, (2) the hand when each morsel is swallowed. 22. Do not chew betel -leaf when you are un- clean. 23. Lead the life of a Brahmachari (after the Upanayana ceremony), perform the homos, and the sixteen various ceremonies prescribed for him. 24. Give the dues in the shape of money pre- sents to your tutors. 25. Do not recite the Yedas in villages and streets. 26. Do not sell females, in marriage. 27. Do not stick to any vow solely for the attainment of any one aim. 28. If a female touches a girl who has just attained puberty — before the holy water [jiun- ydha) is sprinkled on her — she must bathe before taking her food, being unclean. If a male Brah- man does so, changing the holy thread and purification by holy water are requisite. 29. Brahmans should not weave. 30. Do not wash your clothes yourself. 31. Kshatriyaa, &c. should not— Brahmans only should — worship Rudraksba beads or the llitga of Sv S3. Brahmans should not accept the manes' offerings of a 6udra's Srdddlta. 33. Performance of sraddha is necessary for a deceased father, father's father, mother's father, and their wives. 34. Performance of srilddha on full-moon days ry to ingratiate the Pitris or ancestors. 25. Perform the saphidi ceremony at tin- pre- Bovibed I une, 36, Keep your head unshaved for a complete

  • year, as a vow, on bha dfiftth of your father and

mother. U". Death anniversaries are to bo performed by reference to the nakshatra (lunar mansion) on which the person died. If you become polluted by a female relative bringing forth, at the time when you are to per- form a eupindt ceremony, perform it after the pollution has left you, not otherwise. An adopted son should perform the anniver- sary ceremonies of the deaths of his natural father and mother. 40. Tho corpse should be burnt in the person's own soil, not in that of another person. 4 1. Sanyasis should not see women. 42. Have always a love and regard for the future world. 43. Do not perform sraddhas for departed Sanyaets. 44. Brahman women should not see men other than their husbands. 45. Brahman females should not stir out (of their houses) without maid-servanty. 46.. "Wear only white clothes. 47. Do not bore a hole in your nose. 48. If a Brahman drinks (liquor) lie loses his caste, 49. If a Brahman takes to wife another | '■'.• I. other than his wife) Brahman woman, he loses his caste. 50. "Within the walls of a pagoda, idols should not be consecrated, nor temples endowed to tho ghosts of ancestors who have died violent (or ac- cidental) deaths. 51. Sudras should not touch the idol in a pagoda. 52. "What has been offered to one deity can- not bo again offered to another. (The fame object should not constitute offerings to two separate deities.) 53. Marriage cannot bo performed without a or burnt-offering — the casting of clarified butter, &c. into the sacred Ere as an offeru the gods accompanied with prayers, and invoca- f inns according to the object of the sacrifice. i>4. A Brahman, should not worship another Brahman, lying prostrate on the belly. ."5. Neither is it proper that they should iroi -- ship (makew(JWi8&Jra)toanoth'T. • offt different caste. 56. Do not perform the sacrifice of the cow. 57. Such, a state of things should not that some are Saivas and some Vaishnavas. The Keralaitos are to hold both in ci|ual veneration. 58. Wear only one holy thread— fima-nuZ. 59. The eldest eon alone can nuu 60. The offering to the pilrtu should bo of rice. 61. Kshatriyas, Ac in performing their dhns should consider uncles in the place of fathers (Brahman). 62. Among the Kshatriyas, Ac. succession to property is in the lino of nepli 63. Widows should observe the rules of san- ytba (strict celibacy). 64. There should be no sad. -X. Sampras] Wabiia*. Erndkolam.

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