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the t hunah mAhItmta. 241 lUi a v a n a t h a, and to tha west of it the niuun- tain of ft a i v a t a k a , from whose golden lop rises ft river which § (Sailed S va rn are kha. The summits of the mountain look iik fJ*m»MH<Si Jiirda of various kinds affi&l pilgrim with kiam sweet melody. Many persons «« engaged in Egging in the uunes far metal, tfala, ftriga, tfahuaba, Yayati, Dhnndnmara, D h a ratn , and Bhagjratha nave, by tha perform* anee of sacrifices there, attained everlasting ce- lestial happiness. The rivHT Svarnarekbi has it8 origin in Patala. The king of serpents also cama from Putt la, through the ciinnncl of tho river, to visit the god Dimudur, Sain ha, Fradyntuna, and other Ysjlams dwell in tho Knhfitm, v wives and children, and [iTOtoot it with their countless forces. Their wii't-j bestow large clmrities on BrAhmarw. Thvrv is a lank or kunda near Damons r, oon- sfcructad by Bevaii which goes by this name of Raivataka. There is also another holy tank called Bra tuna Kunda, where the god Diiuodar coines to hatha at noon every day. Any una who erects a t Ample of fire stones in tln« kabetra tain thrtrhy obtain tho happiness of heaven for five tliuuiati Tin- p&DOd of luippiness varies uccurding to the sixu of tha temple built. Around thu II a i vataka is a plain four mite* in extent, which is called Antnrgraha btshefcra. It is of thu highlit sanctity J Its water possesses the property of dissolving tha bones of dead bodies, and oti [| in tanned Viliyaka. There D ah>o ciuny nicotics, who by practising uiutteritie* procure salvation.' Tha sag* tlien U) place. The liaja and his wife, ut tended by some follower^ went to the Vastrapatha Kabetra, reaching there about the fall-moon in the nvmt! k. After bathing was proceeding to vbu HlmvuinHha and Daroodar, when cars from heaven arrived tuid waited far him. Tho Rujii, with his wifu and fi>l lowers, got into tho cars and ascended to In reply Us Purvati's questions asking forth..- houndariea of the A n ta rgraha Kshetra referred to in the above paragraph, Siva says,

  • The Kshctra extends from the river Svar-

narekhi, whtrh lies to tho oast of the town of Karnakuhja ( J un'igadb), to the mountain yaAtn. It contain >i th ag sacred spots : — Damodar, iJhnvnuulhJL, Damodar Yish- nn r the Svurnnrokha, Brahma Kurds, Brah- meivara, GaSgcsvnra, Knlmegha, ludresrara, Rai vataka mountain, I'jivauta suuuntain, Revati Knnda, Kabhisvaro, Bhiuui Kunda, and hhirnes- vara. These are tlie celebrated sacred places in tho Aniargraha Kshotra.* Siva gives the following directions for the guidance of pilgrims visiting tho Vastrlpathn • — ' hi the west of tho Vnstrapatha lies tho holy tain of U nnuvxsnkn (now called Osaui}, whieh receives its name from the eireomstancv of Bhima having killed, the giant Unnokn there. In that mountAin there is a cavity whioh goes down as far as There are many or emblems of Siva there, and sixteen seals of saints, and many gold mines. When the pilgrim has finished his work here he should bathe in thu waters called (Jaegi Strota, whioh lie to the west of tho mountain of Hangal, and then how J.ju-n to truEgvsTua HahAdeeft, eituated near it, and perform a irsddluv. Ho Ahanhl then go to Siddhesrara Ifalildeva and i'liaktu Th-ihu (now known an TrivenlJi, then to Lokesviim, and then to Hid res vara, whidi lies to the wast of .Sidi lhe» vara. Then he shoald p i respeotB to I he goddess YakshesTari, which is in the Yakshran (now callej LAkhuvnn) wood, also lying to tha west of the moontain of Mangal . He shoulii then direct- his steps towards tho moun- tain or lloivatuka, and having there hat hi tlicRevati Knnda and Bhiitia Kurida and seen the imago of D&modnr, he should come to Bhava- tutl in. There ulso 1 t ho if rigi and other k ii rids, hu should ascend tha moon taw ot Uj iyaiiLu. The pdgrim slionld perform the riles which are to bo performed in a piE^: the holy spots in the mountain, such as Aruba* Devi, Hatblpaglaa (tho elephant'* foot), tha Haoakupika (mercurial well), the Sat knnda m tanks), fUtnnukha, fiangA, and [tha shrines of] Pradyumna and other V^javua who hnrv Itecotue Uuddhaj in the Kali age." Tho foltowing extract probably refers to tho foondm (on of H a u t h a 1 i by ^'irnan, the fifth iiHTiruntion of Vishnu. Tho place was at first called after the fouuiler, Vnmauapura, which was afterwards changed to VanuuiasthaU, and this last word in the course of time became cor* nip ted into Va d t h a I i or Banthali : — 1 In the linf of I timiiyn Kaiyapa wa« born a king by name Btdi I rule his subjects enjoyed happiness* He was a wor-

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