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THE i ANTIQL'AJtY. [Af/r | three gods again cumu into a state of separata exiaienee, Bnihnoa undertook thy itfOXJC uf crea- tion, Vishnu applied himself ta the task of pro- tvuling, bad Sfft promised to attend to liis work -.troying. Bruhmu then netted Uakahar prajAp.-iti ami the seven Lukou or rvgietu. Out' djvjr Brahma, Vwtuan, Siva, and ottur l'.'I* to M«nnt Kai Lisa, where a tli«f»nto soon BXOSQ between Brahma and Siva as to superiority, — Bndiuiu paid be Wus superior to Siva, who also net np:i liko claim to preeminence. A great Altercation ensued, and the quarrel ran to such a | is was on the point of d&og a Wow on Brahma with IiLs triJeut, when Vishnu interfered and persuaded Brahma to nr!cnnivled'.£o aiva'a superiority* telling him the following at/try ".—* When I and you did not 1 lay a&k •■vtmeui, and when lie willed to create he flrat derated you, I wis then creatod by you at hix bidding . It was das to the gracA of Siva that I assumed the form of a lortowc and protected the whole world. You onght therefore to propitiitfe Siva." When Brahma beard this from Viuhriu. he prayed to Siva, who, being thereby gTadnualyphyo<io him, bade him ask for a boon. Brohma said, ' lly lord, under your grace, I create the universe, ant) 1 am thunco styled PitSimuhn, or grandfather. ' imach a Iwon that f may be nblo to create ydtL* Vivien! BMjnded this reoncKt uf Brahma to .Siva. Siva approved and granted it, and then disappeared. I abode, Brahma then broughttluj three Vcdot again two existence, and as noon ho bad revived tbc fourth, the AH them camrt nut from his mouth Siray having' lialf bis body like that of a nam, and tha other half like that of a womar; Whan Efoftbma saw 5iv», he begged him to resolve himself into separate pernonR. bo accordingly, and besides produced fern Itody cloven other forma. The woman a^ked Brahma what Rhe was to <ia. Brahma told liar ho should Estao liicili i VJHhnpfa- i be bajn his daughter, Shu accord- ingly did ho, and became thy daughter of I JaLdia, Inr the order of Bmhma, married her hi Siva. Brahma then begged Sirs tliat hu ihonM undertake the work of creation. Siva paid that he would nnnline hinwelf to hi* own Work of destroying, and that liruhma hud better keep tha ereation in bis own hands ; and Brahma agreed.* The story proceeds to Siva won insulted by bin father-iu-bw Dnkshu, in tlutt hewosnolitiv naortuca performi Dakahu, ttud huw Sim OBUsed Jiin destruef: The fullowiiur exbnot rdatefl to the- nhctity t.rthe TaAtrS pat ha Kahetr. 'Tliure f in a ceriuin country a king 1 whose name was Gaja. In the dtdine nf life he enf tha govemment of his kbg< I son. an d repaired to t he banks of the Gaisgn. with liia wife, ami dwelt there. After soma time there ramo to the banks nf the river a «vge named lihadrn, nccompanieil by a larjre number of o l her sagefl. The so^.-. b bulbed lu the watera cflheOa r lowu on the bank for meditation and derotkm. Tlifl ! to B96 liirn, nnd was tempted lo go near him. The Raja Was rejoiced to low him, n:ul requested the saga to honour hia honita by a vL-iit. The sage consented, and went to the Itfija'fl abode. The K«ju and his wife war- shi{iped him, and, seating thenuelves before him with jnirnrl pnl'ms, th$f en treated llhadru witlf great luunillty to show way to nalva- tiun. They said : ' O sage, mankind are wander- ing in a mare of life and death, being deooired by rhe temptations of the world. Will your holiness oblige the world by pom ting out ft wuy bj wnlon Oternol Wiss may be serarcil'r" Thfaage replied ; * The world abotmds with tunny saerod rivers* such as the Gaegn, and abodev i l r !.-,heu and aiva. But they bestow cf blue* when people Irnihe in the rivers and visit the places nt pu Hi ciilur seasons. But tint Vns- LrAjmtlirk Kshctrn grants to thapiljrrnn ing bappmess in heaven at whatever time ho oli' loses to go there. I waa once on a to the rocred places and I happened to sec V .!mu. Ho totd mo I need not bother myself with visiting l HHSred places, — that I ehould only pay bO !-> A mo d ur and IxitliM in tin* waters of the Diimodur Knftda, nnd ; in I had done that, there should be nothing left for mo to do, J have accordingly vinhed that, sacred place/ When ha RAj* lienrd tliui he said, 1 Reverend sire, it kiny desire to know in what ry the Vastrupatba Kkhetra is and what rivers, what mountaiui!, and forests there are in it.' The Satt: ' Tho land whirl thu Kahetra ia anrroundud by tlie «ea. It eontains many large towns. Thcra is a mountain named Ujiyauta DOAV

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