THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [August, 1875. saying, " Raja I you have made this Barbar a prisoner, therefore you have conquered and he is defeated. Many evil deeds has this Barbar done in a pure land, and this is punishment he receives because of it. Therefore, now, Barbar will no more do evil, and will leave the BrAb- niatis in peace, wherefore do spare him. " When he heard these entreaties he released Barbar and returneda to his own place at P a 1 1 an .^ (To be a i b *■ **** PERSONAL NAMES IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE AKMADABAD CQLLECTORATE. BY C. E- G. CfBAWFOKD, By. C-S-, GOGHl. The following classification is based on the names found in the compiler's Criminal and Supplementary Returns- for the past thirteen months. It is therefore necessarily imperfect and entirely tentative, and does not make the slightest pretence to contain either all the names in use, or all the castes which use the names it gives. Probably, too,, there are many mis- takes. The compiler, according to his dim lights, has arranged tbe names he has collected in four classes, as follows : — A. Names mostly drawn from mythology and mainly common to all Hindus, but chiefly in use among the high castes and artizans. These only appear in the I ED also used by the lower caste.-, as in their high-caste use they are known. B, Names mainly local, used by all, but chief- ly by Rajputs and by the lower castes, 0. Names used in one caste only, I). Names used by the lower castes only. In the lists the specifications of castes are only meant to show the uses which have como under the compiler's observation, without im- plying that other uses are non-existent. Of affixes, ldl f chah-l, Y&m, d&i, KM high-caste; ji is universal, bhdi and sihj are chiefly used by the Rajput CrAsias; aspiring Kolis also use OT iahg as it is locally pronounced. The diminutives lit, da, iyd are usually appended to the names of Kolis, Dlieds, WAghris, and the like by members of other castes ; hd is used for boys. Only such Musalman names are given as are plainly Hindu. These are found very numer- ously among the Molcsalam Grasias, and point to the imperfect character of their Mnhammad- anism.
- Abbreviation!!.
Ab. Abir Kuth. Knriibh&r Bh. Bbmwfitl Mob. Mehmaq Br. Bnthiaan Mol. MoleHuUm Db. DL. Mua. Musalmttn In many cases final o is represented by d in these lists ; it often appears before an affix. A Ariiba-lal, Ksh.*-rinn, Kan. AmbaidAs, So. Anaiid, KhojA ; -ram, Br. Andil, Ko. Kurh. Arjan, Wag. Ko. R. Kum. Sutar ; -1A1, Br. Bapn-bhai, Gr. ; -mian, -sAheb, Mol. Bechar, WAg, Ko, Jogi, Bhausar, W. Kan. Kum. ; -sing, -ji, Gr. BhagwAn, Ko. Darzi, Br. Kum. R. Bimga, Bhagu, Ko. Charan. B ha wan, Kan. RAwaliya. R. W. Ko. Mus. Bhima, Bhim, Ko. KAth. Bh. R. KAth. Kum. ; -ji, Gr. Bhupat-sing, Gr. Chhagan, Ko. Br. BhurA, W. Chakn, Ko. W, Clmmpa, Kath. ; -si, W. Chela, Kath. Wag. Dh. Chika, Ko. W. DAdA, KAth. ; -bhai, Mol. Gr. ; -ji, Gr. DAji, R. Darzi ; -bhai, Gr. DalA, Ko. ; -bhAi. Gr. Dana, Ko. Kath. Ah. ; -sing, Ko. Dayfi, Kan. Devi, Wig. Kath. R. Kum. ChamAr ; -si, -chaud, W. ; -shaukar, -ji, Br. ; -das, I'abAri, Devi-sing; -Gr. Desa, Ah. ; -bhai, Gr. Dhana, Kan. Bh. Jogi, Darzi,. Ko. Chiiran, Kum DosA, Ko. R. Kath.; -bhAi, Gr.; -mi An, Bins. Dudha, Ko. Kan. Kuril. ; -bhai, Gr. Dyala, Bh. Darzi. . GagA, WAg. Ko. Bhausar. Gagu-bhai, Mol. Ganga-bhui, Gr. -ji, Gr. Gagal, W. Gala, Ko. Ganesh, Kan. Ko. Gokal, Ko. Kum.
- al-sihg, Gr.
GhehelA, WAg. KAth. Ko. W. Kan.; -bhAi, BhArnt. Gr. GrAatt Kai). Kmoia Kath. Kitbi Ko, B Eii Eftfaatrl 11. Rijput S.j. Soni. fat <W&g. Woghri