IARAYA, 2SS Raj »ik and fJiaII her Wtifc] On Utifl OOOtflSoiI Karen wua filled with joy, and gave advice to Juyusihhn to proteat RrAh- uinns and all the four cqwuhu (pastes) accord- ing to the practice of their forefather, and begged him to extend favour to lib (Karna'ii) brother'!! koii i>. *apra*Ad*. Thou Ear, jjuu, went to Iitdropnro, J a y a ■ i ii h a then performed the funeral rites for hi ji father, feasting BvahlQiUM of tor. When D u r u p r n 4 i 4 a heard tluil Kama had gone to Scarpa, he riffls bp J&; , and said : "This is my son Trtbhnranapdl a ; treat hitn an your own sou: ho is a worshipper of all i .^ana)auL Darsanaft." Uuving Lima add, and having prepared a pyre on the bank* of th<- Sancvat f f D & v a p r u a a d a bam t himself alive, tr. follow (Cargo '.n kvf't Trillin i Minrturu- H<rlf t and in battle TribliEivanxi|uIn placed himself before Jayainfdia. J a y n s I f» h a conquered tho whole Ga rtJh as far ua thu ocean, anil performed iioerilioea. Tht Tuxlftk Sttrgit. ■ ii Java sin I'm prnatHi-d the hear- ing of thu DhaniHtf&trtt*. Om Itiahia
- aid to him: "0 liijn! tho RmIchIu.^.i^ mmn
•* to S i 'i li li [mi i , causing ; " and do* stray tho placu : fifw suffer ; ibot llutrOi and iim not able to sleep iu puuee. Thu
- ICikshnaaa hare broken down the tantpfr of
I u y u m b h u m a h a k a I a d a r a m tw Sri. all) a la tir aopor), whore you wash tho Tlr They are an wicked ad Lavana . i >w come and nettled at SriBthidu. '■'■•■. tthfld of «hi> Chalukya raw oonld protect w. Ji« 3 im/ 1 JuyaeiFiha replied : " O tmw : t IftlB croat- ly ntiluiiu-'i'l T<« hejtrof this m, ■ Ktdmpu- irtdhipaV doing yo tj did you not at mice ma'-. • TiinU too told tao nothing of tho ma I regard it as ranch better to diu fighting among grait raja > dJo Of ffiP MWB LJ.i Hwurd ia ae tho ornament of my on be w«>ll if it bo stained with the blood of the Hakalioaas. Then Juyasinlta took an army with him and • tuo km »* ti» nskiauu. li want with the davotttS to .Sn'alhala tode./ stray the lUkelutsos. Tho Senapatia of Jayaaifdia wore Of hi families and great reputation, and I were not audi aA,wouM torn hack in iiirlit. Jayaatnlia I tllO baoka of th« Surasratl, am] a rt.'i k'KliA«Q Mjoln-j Juya^inUaa army want/ to B &r bar (or Biirbuntk) and told bun. 1 UurburaW urdered hia anuyf t«ii fTtigage : tho mk»Ufljuu>, theraforn, asizmg tlh'ir arm-., ga in% their teeth, ad rannn I to tha bftttlo. When the RikfthaRas name to fight at thu Sens riiNu% a great rtfon i arow, whkh was ii an ottl CHnOJL Then thu earth bagan '■■> qrijikf-, uml tba mkalinaaa went despoir funrbodiug evil. At the ordara of their lord, die Rakahaaaa east atone*, fire, wood, &■ Jayaniuha'a army , T 1 1 ■ K , ' ; , rv alvut + _' of Wly, tnd nil joined in elose flght ami arore um «cottvivd f and thoy ware expert iu warduiir off the arrows wbiah Jaya- a Hhot uL -hum. On neoonnt or their tftroogtli, the army ot fafHvd y stopped uoL to pick i.thtTj timt t'dl; tboroJblO were iht y aabuncJ oud abandoned tho hope of victory. At Mtuy ran anil fell. Mime lost their tooth, others had flniir kneea Imik^ti gnu knew, htti.biyv i^jufl of fbrue, call"! to fail VfttrtOKSJ '■ O warriors * flying bur will you go J Wher- Bvnf you gi* death will some day reach you : tliareffiro if you die fJgl. hia hattta with yottif faces to Lite oneiuy, your fame will iucreii^e." Thus saying, iTayiuunlut too, suizing weapana jiinuctlft want forwanL-j, Ho added; Should yu'i full in fight ynn will rga, mi away you will gn to ' i i < did the warriors maku a wluud agaiuut the uesh- i siting liukshoKas- And nowGhirans with their rim?/, ohaanting vanes, proetaiinod tba fame ui tha warriors. When JayosiuFia'a army thus mivanced to Lk> attack, Bar bar in person attacked Jay a- •Tinlia. Tho Raja of A ii t u r d 1 1 a u a d e s a ' m yoonger brother was on BarlMir'a aide. Nuw Jayaftiuhuaud Uarbar began to tight : Jayasinlia wounded him ii ud Li-iund hia handi- Tim of Barbar, by name P i fig* 1 1 k n , thnngh: her hiialwid would now bealain. so eonun . Je^lauiha, with greai heunQisy dk tutrefltod, t Tbii M«m> to nlv< " lawifiifin irnnk. 4/