Acr.rrc, 18TC,]
THE DVAlASEAJlAvA, 233 Afterwords a* Mukruja and otltea. in ihn desire of paradiau, wnur to perform pcnannw, in like manner Rhtma tou stud to Kahtm-. '■ Do pn manage Urn kingdom, and I w 111 iro to perioral panancea, K«heiuarajit refused, saying, " I will not MfWtle Truta yon, hnr mil myself accompany you to do penance- Then Blums and K Lher seated K a r n a ■^ en the throne, and Bhinia went to Svarya (*,n. 1078), Afflicted at his separation from Bhima, K*bc- marAja retired ty u pure piston called 31 n n «i i . / k e a va r a, neat- tbo village of I) a h i s I h a 1 a, on the baidiu of the SarASvuti. and diet formed punanees. Then Korua Raja gar
- village of Dadfi . tin Knfivru-ji Deva-
prasAda, that hu might attend npon Kahvmnnija hfia penances l! Karna RAja too, nuking- ittnlhgirf, kept nil under hi* nabjection. Onoe u ■■' informed Kara* Rnjn tlmt a portrait- pain tor who hail travelled in many count rie* had arrived, ft'<> bfl door, i i | appear i »u i he nija't order the i the coiirl and sit down, making obeihancu, and sui J : " O Kuja, your fiuuu has travailed into many countri.-*, therefore many people think or yon and are dusiroua uf accing yon. 1 too hare hewn for long m desirous. Then the pain fat t to UtO king u roll «■! TUinv Lukitlitui waa ropreitrntrd dancing tofore the ritja, and theni was painted a maiden much nieire beautiful Ulan l-tUlmii When the raja maw it lie praised the maiden'* beauty ejcooedingly. He inqufoed of what race the maid was. and the par 1: " Thuro is in thp Dekhun a city named (.' hail ri rn p nr ; the king thereof ifl •'.'•yakesi:* this maid ia hie daughter the princess ifftyAiiallnilnvi, in tha bloom of youth. Many prince* wish to Wed bttti but abe accepts of none. Her attendant told her that the r of her age waa passing away, UK aim should accept a rmnhnTid : then the utaid togas to worship Gauri, to obtain a bridegroom full of The Bawidhn Jain r-h nhavo the hair of their Fiends and their beards*, baring pointed portraits of ziuiny royal princes, showed thorn to the princess. AtuT words imno unskilled painter who MBM) b 1 dmpur exhibited your portrait to this princess, who, when sbesuwit.agrwd to marry you. WWn slra mova hirrU fly Lng from thi« direction, aha asks thfim if they am como | ; t Kara a refliaes to uatf or drink, and becanne h*r desire tf» niiirryyin ig nut speedily gratified aim ia griuTJii. lur Uiis reaaon the maiden haa sent i:v^t..fv to yoiirpreaence. Sha has awum thai she W JU ha,, ,„, ut i, t , r bridpgnwm, wmI Jnyakesi Eija also ha* nnlhorixed my coanuj." HaTmg thua spoken, tha painter prweatod the itiiU of gnld T jewela, Ae. which Jayaknai had sent Ku.iil received tfcum, and great en^vr* na«a to marry mjI aroao in his mind. The paittUu" aaitl, mureorer. Hurt Ins Raja Jayakesi, knowing EltQft to bo a great JlahA.. ruju T had went an ifephant aa a present, which napaO inigld to ■novated, Karna agreed and aakwl whutv the olcphant htw : hu waa told it waa in thu garden. He went oat priv lOSoe it, and after having examined it, went on i ttu gardon, where be saw a very beautiful woman. He considered whn titer r hi* was not the aunt! who bo hail seen in the rail. sked bar attendant who Iho ladv was. lowered that iar lUttora race wae called Kftdnmba, and that ahe was the princeaa the tin u if h tor of JnyakeAi, llujaoftbo Dekhau, who had come rlmlhr wkh i ho desire of marrying him»~ liaving taken an oath tliat it' oUiOi'wiae, eha would burn Ucretitf. rtarna said hu would marry the lady and make her his / They went in), auirriage was performed acoonling to dm usual ensrotu. The pnraon of the bride wan Rtatned with kanku; Mlt ww wared oftff the heada of bride and . hridfgroom and cast away. I7j* Tmtk SotffiU Tlioa tho Itiij | MayanaFladoTi, andbastov., I EtonouT upon Iu3f. Al wanli Karon Raja, having no son, w<v» rory and, and he ttsed to go to the temple or Lnkahminrid therepniy for n'ion. The Guru taught him a mantra of Lokshml's, which he ooatfnoad rep. Guining nwni food and tlrink and women, and al raping on Uie ground rforming all this observance privately, mi known to any. He alfio offered Aonia of tfia . and worshipped her, presenting bilUhn, the lottta, &0r» alio keeping • fiat A*i tqL 1, pa- IfiayftMj toL ID. f. IM