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THE TRADITION OP THE GOLD.tHGGLNG- AtfTS.* BY mZDEJLIC SCHTEJlX, I'UOFESSGa OP HISTtiKY AT TOE UXIVBRSITY OF UUPEXliADEN*. Trantlat-if ty ditto M. H. Chitdert. TTEKODQTUS w the mrlint Gnu. v ■*-*- who mentions guIJ^%ging ants. Omit, im&lornnt matter, the following is the noootrnt ho gives of them : — " Bob khavaore Tmliitns of another tribe, icbo border on tho city of Kanpatyrna Ami dm P n k i t » k pi theeo people dwell nerth- wanlof a!! ttiu ludiuiu, and fallow nwurly tine ranaemodAflrjifra* tht'Ibtktriau*. Tin v arv mora warlike tluui any of tlw other tribes, and from them tho incn aro *ent forth who go to pro- cure tho goM Fur it [i in this part of India that the sandy dusert lies. Hern in this desire there lire ntnlrt tl „ in tunt somewhat less than dogs, hut bigger than Ibsen. TV i »bcr of tl- i i have beta ! lunters in the land whereof w am speaking. 11 ipse nuts make their dwellings under ground. ami. like thu (Jrr-fk anta, irbloh Ihsj Tnry 4iape, throw up naud-hvups ua they barrow. Sow tin? land which their throw •fgoiri Tho todToni »J the desert to collect thia sand tak» throo camels audi I i in the middle, and a tun! in a icmUiig-roia* The rider aj t* an the Cental*, and i hey a i Jnr to choose for the purpose one that baa just dropped her young: fur their ft o mcl» can run as fast oa horses, whilo they b«ar b union s rein When. then, th« Indian* roach thn place whora the gold ii, they fill their bags with Urn sand nnd ritle « nn at their bent speed ; the anta. however. Kcnting thorn, as the Persian* say, ruah fi>rtJi in Now theae animals ore so swiit, i lore, that tlicro ia nothing in tho World like '

  • Profntaof Sohktta'* taaay wai published is the IV-

as a rrtraphbit in rhiai»h, •J»J waa ii*> printed wioniti (jtolui, a lit knoilat TOUUU, whir' •tut- ufpamltni: Ii»i#wpp"«4tJ 1 will he men bj ftf) lTsttOairT Rawhamn i— " Hosi 1 aattottl :' - L ■ .-. r- :,u'V of fuW k m wi well km fruui Khi>ip>i, wul liml* it* ut in fovea the FnrtuJt I hav* «lleltt!r ra ii not the Bt*1 wW < -^jui Bunirn, u TuTrtietiaad ft ii prubabl* tliv. I ua t Iub nyian hia bwfl going tin ttom • nrj r. >• -ta c»fl nail Utf Pan. tit '• iccw ' K. 'Kruw ia teuu *omtr Mtni cr eiffct feet h*t :w the uirfa^ of lie fTinmd, uv| flullprtinjc the evsnt*! eirtb in »vnr» prm twmt to waahina: the itW oat cf tb* • teninded of tha dc^riyuun «ukh Hcfodotoa pi* of lb« tho Indian* get a frtort while the imtB ore mi M>t » Dtuglu gold-gatliererniiild e^onpo. Oxa- j- 1 1 -. the mala famistfl, whloh are not so float aa ilirt fcmnJoa, grow tired, uud begin to drag first ono and Bfaen the other: but the femaJea re* ooUeel the young which they have left behind, end turrar giro way or flag. Saeb, ociMrdlog to the I'cminii*. is the manner in which tho Indiana get the greater part of their gold • gome lit dug out or i.1m-> :.."pply in tnoru acanty."f Stioh i • .l-dEgtring anta tdU bg the for-traveUed HuTodatua, "tho Hunt Inddt of hot finir," who had come to Susa fin ilii k pripnnitinn of bis magnificat history, a work sottroely i«s minnhh? from a geosT^- eal than frotn a historical point of eiew. The story, for Uiu truth of whieh Heroilyiutji was compelled to rely entirely upon the Htuterxicnt.-; of the Persians, we find repented hy^ a gitsit mnny later Gr^k and Raman anthnrs.J How deeply the legend had taken root nmong the nneivnt Greeks nitty beat bo seen from tliu narrative u f II a r p u k r a t i o n, who records (ho nicasnia of the comic poets rolutive to a fruitless expedition against the gold-digging aula imrlnrfaikfin by tbe Athenians with troop* of all uruis, and prorndotts for three day*. "■)' vms rnmoored among tha Atheniana one dny," ho says, " that a mound of gold-dost I •een seen on Mount H y ni e 1 1 u s gunnicd by this warlike anta : whermipon they armed ei and set out against the foe, but roturttbg to Athons after much expenditure of labour to no purpose* they said mockingly to 'acts in tljo lu»| of tha lailka* hordariar on K»»p»- ljfUt|r.T KAiuiMrii fufEaijapara or Kti- tt 1 1 1, wakh mad* tirfir dnUbft aedfliTeaad, and thtaw □P uuid-linftpA u* liwj bnrTDw*d, the Mad which th*y threw anJwJuje fui ProfeMLW Wihraa Ibdaetl loot uu, nnd Lr fott it w*i» kai>wu thure w<n mj mlurM m&- tuiily at wnrk m TiU't, «njf*r«tnl thi* WlfJin>irOP of Uw Kt-.fj In lrroih*r.i .ih tbi' 1 Ekftl t ua irnufi* i^f (tohl tv?llnrte<] in thai wnaLry wr-rn cmtfvil ^ij'iJ»i*er M4-atil " irymor flfhwrn a, h«Twptnf , ttnqiw"iJoii- r of nn mrlitprnilimt dlacoTnTj 1 , *nil aiyrtm tdl ut tho lurid and lahodooa npotitioB, uf the vridcaeo b fiTOBT of his tbwrr.— A- II- 11. C. t Ilenodoto*. Hi 1M, IDS, 1 taki the tmaWtin free Hawfinsoo. —A. M-H-C. J Coat. Senbo. II I j IV. 1 : Aniae. d#A'*frtt dhwasv. k . Mira, 5 , IKo Ohrjaoatota, C»rof. XX I -r Tiio jt>aUo«M Tya n. TL 1 j Cl»w- Aha. f^«i. IL 13; vEJkn, aV.Vai *ttsu XV. 14 ; H«i>.'k™t a. i. )(poffn , Thmnirt . t>m(. XXV1J.; HfUodor. X SfliTWtjuChi] Xtl. m-Wi: l*ieBdt^aIhatB. IL& , 8cfiot »J ^jihoa. Antt«. Kim,

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