< Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu
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OK NOT]' 223 Professor Tnwnoy's translation of tlxio drum* i* «0imnlili3. Though nearly literal, it. ia written in anch good bold English us -scarcely to betray a foreign original. It has ctmipa translation*, wbilut many difficult passage- been rendered iti axodleiu styh-. foot-nou* tlio TWesaar is indebted to B£r -hanker 1,11 redness ia aot a!w. v know lodged. The following are the principal mi*. trail Page 3. hn. 2, "I lung to perforin tllr ui^i with bowed hwid." Tht I word* of this sentence have no equivalent ginol, which standa thus :— where the first an>- <..i./rds must be token together, nuil so taken mean simply 'to obey* or 'perform/ On the umo page, Urn word* 'in » U»i*t; tjnio t*tm instructed' are exactly the ru verse of what the unthor The translator would bW m to have looked Sanskrit ,'Uh4tjd without attending to the l'rft- fcfit. or observing that, n fow page* farther oo, the queen saya "your pupil was hut lately handed over to yon," Again, 'she is uf high birth' (pug© 61 is nn entirely wrong truncation com pound af^mgaj|. Equally mi i* tho phrase 'which resembles the cry of a peacock" a equivalent ofnr«jjr. The sound of the drum was ii thp Ic«*e rojfomliling 4r cryh because like tho sound of tho thunder indicating tho approach of rain. On pagi and 17 wo find tho expression " 6ira 1 »i-like hip**' a* adsiing of f^Nf>f and ^faftR* ;— a often mot with tin to a woman'* hp, hut fcrUtaJy not to lior IJH1 I Again, ■ T oooejri thooman, tho word of nTtrilu man moat camn tme M (pagr- the moaning oT«h r Wft?f«'if*!ft^I«Jr^r»PFn« nor "beside' or acprff (page 4 > I. In th* tatteeonsn tho attendant had been saying " I liavo finished pi. only ueootf nary to breathe on Then, observing that there won n wind. she w»j» " m *r iw «ft v4 -^i-. . (my brood * -essary, for} this place In windy.' It hj diflicull to see hew sjr snqf irftTTT ^TT a^T* h J i*+f can Ih> made to mean M Who mr wr- thai wc nhould attract kite attention of the khurr" (page •("}. but perhaps the Professor's text d ill r>i nd I mi onrs. The word transhuod ' fingnr' on pago 55 means "thumb* only; and lower down on tho aame page the word* 'beat remedy' ihoold rather bar* the first thing to be done iTTT^rJ 1 whfl*4 U)C ~"~ s TP*T , *Pt in tho tame clause is * h (tftly they have Ik The fooE-noto on ihia hut word h mi .leading. It ia to bo hoped that tha Proftwor had a difTdrout rcnditiK from oni j*, <m pege 53 which he rt i poor cr«  «itb erampn i* oorodittoa road* arrpjf %K ft Again, * t hiit in very strange,* pogq ife, a tot) R ninLrifig of N?qTf?ir r which ioiphu rath» . •imply ttii 'lied Tehiuli-; uf gn and mit ' vwinahU? waggon-lnadtt or jowahj.' J wow net to plpniiful a » the loarnoil tmiwlatoe ™- tnppoaid, even in tha gor : Boat, h, bidding tdhrn to Hum two w,>rLn we htartiJy wish them tho au<w«» thi-y •» wel ■erne. ^AUB-rt-IlJf, A Di.-fiDN*iT of im Him.s LAxeiiAOE, bt 4, D ItATKv Mammnary. &«aam t Lubmi A Co. ; Loadita i Trtlnwr A CM, 19*S. ifl much to ho regretted that tho libm! policy which complin arerth'i inwi imablo dictionary of Maratld hi extended to the eiitor kngm ,»ij y 11 a ia without exception important of all. Pritate enterp, : , Uiia CMe ' >rd to supply tl»e want, and, wn must ndmit, with mlrnirnhlo yuxcoaa. Mr. Bute's dictionary foams comparo? odeod the;. been prodigal of Ida mores of ki and ha«  bounteou-ly poured out information of o Mddam liOHUiwcd open ns b> Xot only ha* hn ghw I Mtpavata articl ■ nrcliai«? form of the caaca of nouiiH and pronoun*, of tho leaned of rarbs, and the itunasrotia v.v of adroths hut bo haa ptiifued to i' ii letter a i Dondooaod and dhji mmnijiry of the phunetie vuriaciona which it un- dcrgoofl. and of tho ftmctioii* which it discharge*!, 1'heae abort essaya are extremely Tatnabln, nuil will guido the atudent tltrott^Ji tin- mjaty mm** uf Hindi spelling. I>.i I d pics hud do it > a, tho author giv^ .-reafc profusion may i nwdtlilila farm of U words are capable. Tltn usofulneae I mmr« cunuot be exaggerated; in pru- y existing works, like Thumsou and forties. a any but tht- form to feiuid. and thu atudflui who found in his TuUi Das or UihArt f^d u word which theae arorthioa saw hi to distort in order to suit thmr mi'trc. hod ou hope .: mdesw he could ovt u knowledge restore tho word to its proper shape — a task to which few hut the most »dvu

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