TEE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [Jour, 1875, BOOK NOTICES. f«y FUmmr StKaxfiT Smuts, Th*JM?<m'M?t ^ of Kalulfen, edited with notei by Sboaiax P. Pu*Jit, 11.A. 1 300, .'.nfcrrfManfmi'hm of £LMulAw,bt«nrfl]r (tuiuu fcivil into EdjjImU rruH by G. B tvmat of ttm EnjfLUh LongukKO, Pirvulsocf College, CalttttU, J 'I'll' 1 ' number of the Pan | | '.- Eforie* now to bo noticed was edited by onu of the few native scholars of, the Presidency who hare taken pari in thf> work,— the only oue {>erbupa who has tjsrw»|ied tbo idea nf true editorship aa bold ia die West. Mr. Pandit has been most sanceMfiri in tbu task lii fbfl prod Mis first time, of a correct edition of the drama, "hosed, as every edition of a Sanskrit work ought Lo be, on tbo collation of several rortbj MSB, collected from different parti q~ India."* Sevon manniwirijite were thus collated, namely, six written in the Deranflgari chnrnetor and obtained from various part* of the Iiekhan, and one a tbo Tulugu character. W« regret, however, to notice In thin volunis, aa indeed in the whole of the Scries in a gr< or Ice* degree, improvements of tbo text in the note* of Iht md. The text fa apparently printed first ; and tbotl when the Hotel aro prepared^ I assagea as are fonnd to bo untruntlacablct or faulty in other respects, are reconsidered, and emended there instead of its But we maintain that snob a thorough trifling and to ni Of view should be mod?.- of the (Oft, beforo it ia finally adopted, as to r any after-corrections unnecessary. At anv roto, no belter advice conld possibly bo given* , editor* of the Series thau that tendered by tho ip of Gloucester to the present reviser* of the af tho KiigbJih J -!.".- J . - . rbs, - J/aftw llus reading fai better than that of the mttrgin or wofe#/' There is on* peciitinrity in the Prakrit of the present edition which dos* not commend itself to our judgment, and that ia the doubling of an aspirate by on aspirate, instead of by » non- aa pirate as directed by Yantruchi. Tims ?^jff ia repraiontad by itjp"» instead of by ipstff the form proscribed in tli fi support of this innovation tho editor says, "2oy authority for the doriation in the eoaonrrent testimony of ail r,ho These h.v. ' i-if method of writing Prft. kpt oonjm In Sanskrit they giro all the ooa* a or a conjunct distinctly, but iiiPrakrit the presence of the first component of every com ut merely indicated by | dot placed beforo si. Thil dot indicates that the letter beforn -., it is placed is to be irn/W. Tlius what ou$ ttf fully written srwirf they write V-^n 1 , pj. jnutta is ar-srs-n* and not 9 f« i a*b and so also in i tse of oyiijiweta containing aspirates as f-7T» SMfft 3"^ 1 JT-filTr*'* The inference Mr. Pandit draws from thin la nob, however* * neces- sary one. Of eouna' u» regarda una*pimi< «l loiters there can lm no doubt 01 to thy morning of the (symbol, but it is not at all clear that in thy eaau otaardrateo the dot ■ d to represent any kiud of doubling different from v'ararttclii'i well- known system. Flut even »uppooing for the sake of argument tbut a departure from the gr^ was intended by tho«o nameless copyists, would i o any reason for porpetualin: j The notes appended to the ploy are excellent. nnd will be fnimd of considcrnbto value in elneid- atiug it, Irat their nnmbfir might with advantage been greater They contain three or four inaccnrarioB which it may l>o well to point oat- Far instance, «*fl.*j| trf on jiage 23, means * be notorul.' rather than ■ be well oom|M»cd ;' and ^J»f» which ou page 3 J us rend^nil 'the shop of a butcher,' would more correctly be "n slaughter- house.'— tho latter being 0|ten to the sky, and I fore mora likely to attract the bird* »nid to be havering ovm- it, Thie. is confirmed by Professor TarJbmtba's definition of the vocable by ?ffaw* r>TR- On page dl, lino 4, occurs tho expre*siou 3k«ki ,l d u ,l , {jH.»4*y«r as an epithet of MfllurikV th- WV of which Ur. Paridit renders ' the Inner part/ instead or" ' tbo stem.' TWiMy the piih of the may horo buen nppvrmast In tho kkCm min'd, but as ho did not give n form to tho thought we Itave no business to do so for him, Tho phrase "Nor doea conjwjtnr.* like to acquaint mr with that only , 4 «" u BDt ft g (>N i mm,. latioti of JT^TTWf>pirrat *x£t on pigs 42. A !• ringwonld he "Conjecture do*» not possess perception of truth as its chief r*^ ^'onjetrture in not ifrrayi to be relied '•'ii ' H benoo did Mr. Punilst obtain she lie a 'blBBAos* for the ward »r<hjfrT in tho sentence
- nTPF ^f^f?rqwrajrirqT ^raripT'lfn't the last
mem her of which he renders ' blesses him (tic) with her font, & A- tCSKtbot Of kicks him with her foot.' «wiBan< i oil, bill ir tho an- notator thmigbt otherwise, he might hate given ni something more aoenrate thau tho above. A gal in soma authority in needed for ' »ffe t or brow w* (page 77, lino tJJ; the root ?RJ srFWf>T = ^1'il-tf, hut *&i T^pT-j ha- soeaniug. Au- thority is a i ror the rendering nf ^fs^TPTPt: page by 'lovers/ and i ^ pags BO bj 's '• ill i bo*.'