Jult, 1875.]
SEVEN LDfGiTTA LEGENDS 217 name simhusana (lion's throne), and it appears nnder your hips; kmg Gambhira, look there! He said: "King 1 of gurus, I understand." G. Tlte arms of Vy&sa. I shall now make you acquainted with the circumstances concerning the (two) arms (plural ) which are tied to Nandi's staff. Veda Vyjisu, who was an incarnation oflndirara- mana (Vishnu), at first particularly related all the greatness of Hara to his disciple S u k a in u n i . Afterwards Vyusa, from madness, composed a Sdstra about Hari in which he stated that Hari was greater than Hara, called his excellent disciple, and said : " Leave the former way, and joyfully live according to this!" He said: " King of gurus ! Formerly one (way) and now one ! Can there he two ? ! Knowing devotees have only one. If you in- struct me as if you were instructing unknowing people, it will not do for me." He (Vyasa) grumbled, arose, became angry, lifted up his hands, and went to kill him. He said : " guru, shall your arms be torn off ? There is no use in this ! guru of true and pure spirit, if you, sitting on your lotus-seat before Sri Visvanfttha (Siva), read your composition to me with uplifted hands, I will hear and walk according to it," When he (Vyasa) heard that, he came, sat down before the lord of the three worlds, said: "Now hear with devotion!" He took the idstra with his left hand, read, at the same time lifted his right hand on high, and emphatically said ; " The lord Naniyana is greater than la vara!" When lord Basava heard with his ears the string of words (sabda- siitm) uttered (by htm), he became wrathful, K-viftly came, Stripped (Vynsa's) two arms ofl", and threw them away. Vyasa arose, came lamenting to Vaikuntha, fell at HarTs feet, stood up with his hands joined, and spoke : " Hari ! When I praised thee, saying 1 Except thee there is nowhere another deity !' I suffered the loss of my two arms (hasta). O Hari, Narayana, remover of evil ! If thou,
- Of the ilokas a* they stand, the following is a transla-
tion: (Take care!) When Namlilsesa hears thin, ho will become wrathful. At ( Yyfen's) thinking (of lifting them) upwards to heaven, the two arms are destroyed. Having lifted ap (his) arm, it u uttered {by Vyfiaa) ■ . CjR »*) true, thing written (by thee) regarding mo P I am the creator of the whole world, {f»it) my creator is the great fsvara!— Deresdra is the creator of sacrifice, and Vukpati (!•' from compassion, wilt be kind enough to give me my two arms (bdhu) again, I shall think of thee night and day." He said : " O Vyasa, foolish man, do not further blaspheme my father ! I am the creator of the world, lndndhara (Siva) is my creator. When he takes away, can I give?! Adore the feet of the lord of beings (or , of demons, bJuUa) ! He will graciously show thee favour. Go without fear !" A grantha : — m sr iitvuln-o'lh'j.-riij i. > b h u r ish ijail ■m-rhiutuijuiii bdhu-dvayam vinasyati [j sal/jaw tat] ■■'.h sulyamudd/iriiya bhvja- muchyate vn pa-ram uddi y>'i devo kchiut parah alio vyusa matibhrashtu kiiit dosha mama li~ khyate aliaili sarvajagai-kartd mama kartd make- svarah || A sloka : Tajka-Jcartd clia devendro jagat-Jcarld cha vdk- pat ift | ahaiit jagati kartd cha mania kartd malic- harah ||t He (Vydsa) made 'obeisance to the feet of Hari, came to the temple (audi) of Hara, performed sdshtduga at his feet, stood np with his hands joined, and praised him with .the Vydsdshtaka (a certain song). Faramesa at once was pleased, came, and said : " I will give thee a boon. Pray!" Then he said: "Q father, thou with the black throat, give me my two arms, god I" At that very moment &iva restored them in a faultless condition. Then the devotees carefully tied the arms which Xaihlikesvara had cot off, to the right of Nandi's staff (dhvaja), and displayed them at Kits! and Kalyiina* Further (or, in course of time) the devotees of the town of lndndhara fastened the left arm to the chariot (tUHiHua^whicli came, sat (in it), and praised properly. 7. The Lute. I shall now tell thee about the lute, king is the creator of the world, and I am creator in the world ; my creator is the great Isvnra I f In the Canarese Basava. Pu-r&na, 68, v. 53, it is stated that when king Bijja|a ruled ot KalyAn»,and the king him- self, a number of Bedae or KahbUae, and the Lifig&yta inhabitants of the town were once going in procession to fjivn'a Temple, the Liugaytaa displayed Nan<li-I> flairs, umbrellas, and many I'uasahasta* (of cloth). Conf. sec also Capt. Mackerune'fl account of the " Vyaaana-toln Kallu," Ind, Ant vol. ii. p. 43,