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THE INDIAN ANT1QUAEY, [JcLv, L875. all the Suras came together, consulted and said : "Come, let ns go to the prince of the Saras, and inform him!" They went, joyfully bowed their heads, and told Mm : " King of the Suras, Indra I Listen to our complaint, father ! Loka- maya, the wicked Rilkshasa, has come, gives much trouble, and does i (ns) to remain in our town." When he heard that, be said : "Stand all up ! Bring the most beautiful Aiinvata (my ck-phant) ! To day I will try his power !" He rose in fierce wrath, monnted the elephant which had been brought and placed before him," without delay joined the immortals, went with them at a swift pace to kshasa, aud took up a position before him. The Rakshasa ob- m tiring him, began to abuse (him) in an un- restrained way. so that the earth was split. d Devendra saw the huge mass coming, he fell with frifl posteriors turned upwards, rose, said : M Wherefore shall I mount the elephant

i) ? and wherefore the confusion? Let

us go whore Brahma is, and ask advice ! It Is not safe (here). 11 I!" audi, mi: with them to Brahma to inform him i he had introduced them to him whose vehicle is N '), they joined their hands, and told him all at once. Haying heard them, he mounted Garuda, went, and had at fight with the ItAkshasa; but he be- came wearied, said : " Bhfduksba (Siva) will bo able to do it; I am not !" went where the feet of Siva were, who is black like a dark-blue cloud greeted him, and spoke. When the Adi Murti heard it, he quickly monnted the AdiBasava . went, and ent oil" the Kak&hasa's head. At that very moment he (the Haksliasa) praised him. Then Siva was pleased and said : "Ask a boon!" He answered: "Siva must make my body clean on earth '" Then he was enough to make a badge of honour of him. He took the backbone and made a sl.rjf i of it ; he made a top-ornament (or en j of the head ; and made ajflag (or wing, pfikke=paksha*) of the itchy skin. He upli the distinguishing sign (mudrd) of the impe Nandi on high, appointed it to be N a n d i * s [Nandi /•<.<! «),f and cansing it to be carried " : other MS. reads p&ihAlisHi. t _TLii a u ornamented j H jle with a figure of Basara i/.t-r which is the pmou. I Tlu» translator has been nnable at Mnditari (Merwixa.) to ascertain the* meaning- *f M'Xyi's ma ri&im or § t'.e. liari' s lord. (lit,, cansing it to walk) before Nandi in the midst of the true devotees (mraiia) commenced return m g. 4. Tho Mdyimarid Then Muyi, the younger sister of that wicked person (Lokamaya), with excessive rigour, provoked hiin. Hara, in wrath, cut off her head. She joyfully praised him, saving : " powerful Faraniatma !" He, from com- passion, was pleased, and said : " I will ;_' thee a boon. Pray (for one) !" " god, m: me like my elder brother!" said she. He called her head MdyimarUipu, * caused it to be carried (lit., caused it to walk) to the left of Nam nice stall" (dhvajt), and together with the fine host (gun a) entered the palace of Kail&e and Hari Hara§ lived in happiness. On ear atl the eminent faithful prepare the badges of honour of (he two, and at Hara'e processions display them in front. 5. The Kirtiimikha and SiinltiU To the demon (danuja) Hiranya Prah- lada was born, aud paid devotion to Hari. 1 : ** Pay devotion to 1 : ra '." and gave him various instructions. When he ( called upon Hari, he (Hari) heard it, in the form of X a r a s i iii h a was born in a pillar, tore open the belly of Hiranya, took tl entrails, [ with his vanamdld lapped the blood, became excessively proud, and at- tacked the bust of the immortals, T When Sankara, who breaks the teeth of til proud, heard it, ho boiled with excessive rage and said; "Come, master Sri ^irabhadral ! thou ! Nuruyaria is not my equal. Courageously go, and break the display of prid.- of him who has overstepped Ids boundary ! Tin He went in the form i il" S n p a h h ;i , seized the neck of Hari, and whirled (him) OH high. Ho came to Hara's feet, and in falling down praised, saying: "Hara, Hara!" Para- wan was pleased, and said: "I will gl a boon. Ask !" The wicked one "Take np my body!" Then he mack the Mrtimukha of the head, and of the skin Hari (or of the lion) which he had taken op, he mado a seat (fauna). On earth it got the lor Yitabhndm is. we arc at present unable to M y. UY have seen a large painted figure of cloth linn

K i r t i in u k b u is also tha name

I on rtrkiH-couTi.. elsewhere on Hindu templet .— En.j

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