Jilt, 1ST-!-.]
X LLXGAYTA LEGE 215 3:111:1; regarding family the Komatiga* is Sarasijodbhnva ; and the P a n e h A 1 a f is Visvakarma. On the earth all the Brahmas form the H u il r a v a iii s a , all the kings the H a r i * v a ik s a, all the Vaisyas the X a 1 i a o d h a b - v a v a 111 s a , and all the people of the- PanchAJa the V i s vakarma vaniti a. The yamopavila of Parabralima's knot is for the Brahman a rinjnopmita of I Iriri's knot is for the Kslin the yajhopcajUa of Sarasiiodbbava's knot . the V&isya; the excellent (parnma) yajho, of Visvakarma's knot is for thepoojik-.it' the Pauch'ila." By the order of P a r a Siva they looked to their different faniili !. and joyfully took care of them. If, in this n one enters that of the other, and people con- tinue to pay regard to him vh(> is spoil* d as to family and has become an outcaste (juti- hvn), offence will certainly bo given. He who walks in the way of the family, and adores the deity of the family, obtains final liberation. To the yajnopatiila of the Ihi lord of many va) the others are not equal; those who make them equal (to it) become great sinners, and go to a dreadful hell. Hear, O Gambhira! T w/pavUn of the knot of Pm-abrahma is qnite equal in weight to the BudrdkehS; n Heht paii- chakshairi (nan ) without uttering differ- ent words, and with excellent faith (hhakti), one has to prepare it and put it on ; at that very moment all known and unknown sins will be burnt. He who undertakes a sacrifice (yajita) has to put on eighteen % tue other five. A graml^ : yqjhopatftaSh dva dhuryaiii, srautm. harmaai 1 "idiure yat in va&lr-i-hhuoe chaiurlha- Jcniii l| pahchamam prathh$?iani eh a chl vidya • Tli. K .1 1 1 .! 1 igas are mercluuits. t Tin- I'm in' li a.[ an aro tin* five classes of handicrafts- men : the carpenter, blauLsuiitb, bnuier, goldsmith, and stuuecutU. i r or mason. t Tin- porporl "f tiHa translation, which follow* the general rales of Eannada svntux. in not dear tome. It is oernap Sa who undertakes a sa- criuce and the other (■- 1 .'hteen, Tlie asliJiUliuia vorgu am onorae- LS fullowi I 1. BcAhmon*, 2. Kshatriva, Z. Yoisya, 1m, 5. Vir.i Snim, 6. SaKya (weavers*, 7- G 111 l-.i. N. Kcirnb&ra (p«»t sachl %, ML (waobermen), 11. Ni.vida (barbers), 12. Mhwhehha (Mu- salmAtu), 18. Beda or Kir/iiu (banb'i-A 1 1 T*mba|a {fior- ms, 15. Bannagara (dyon), l'». Jlnag&ra (luinters, idol- makers, Ac), 17. HUeja * pcvplv, *4- ** or " One has to put on t n lie and canoni- c.il 1 ere monies; one has to put on anoth the north of Kits? ; one has to put on an- other for raiment, and one for the removal of guilt ; so there are five." The Br&hmana who ) on is the very Tara Siva; the sins of him who bows down to (his) feet ar stroyed ; he who declares this to be false! goes to hell. Thus said he a). The king (Gambhira) asked:" gnru, Na (kola), the MA the arrttfi (tola) which arc tied (to the staff), the h'-fc (kinnrr: ..hen did they come existence ? Gautama risbj, tell me !" He lex hira know. When ho (Satyaaivayogi) had told this, the king said: " Satyasi Hage of Indudhara (Siva), oblige thy child (by ing him the stories) V He said : s< By the fa- vour of the husband of the moon-faced woman, of Hamp'j's Viropaksha lifiga, I shall tell." Chapter XI. an Gftmhhtra said. : " Nandi'e t 'j'), ' . ; ' bo, thu are tied (to the staff), the l&ie, &c., when did they come into existence? guru, me!" and joined h The muni (with the following praise) : " When thou I become Sri Brahma for the creation of the three worlds, thou becatnest Vishnu to them, and becamest the grave ftfahi to punish cruel beings, thou who art to the earth the Trimurti, HompS's Vurupakaha !" • I. Hear! I shall lay op tliL-e all that Gautama r.'tya told. Listen attentively, I comfortably seated ! Hear, best of kings ! lam going to tell thee the origin of A The bad EAkshaea, sailed Lokamaya, was on earth. He became very strong and proud, and gave much trouble to the Suras. Then gardeners, i . a* of t.ho ti iiii^'a. About oQdrs Brown, in bis TSngn Diotionary, n ti), nnd are EopBgae." "' The TainbaiavBda*, a class of boggon kLo wowlup Sivft and who bfltl admv iiro generally SudriiH, but wear ti; • read." Be am .Mririitlia Cnuntry it law been statol Rev. Mr. Wiirtb : " l A portion of the wearers, aboa* 2imi years b '■ commaoitj , whii-Ii ie called the Dei ring of tlie I bead. Tli.'.r priecfc aro of titefr uwn caste." ! to hare divided the original four caste* into eiglitfcn subdirisioni;, aud each of these again into font.