SEVEN LIXGATTA LEGEND*. 213 was performing austerities in the shade of the tree with (leaves of) one leaf; he had a disciple. On a Certain day, fco make puja to the lioga in his hand, he gave him the order : "Take (some) leaves* of Hue B2va of one leaf, and bring them !" He went, and said (to him- Belf): "I shall take;" bathe could not reach them with his hand. Not daring to climb (the tree) lest he might sin, nor to go back (without the leaves), ho looked round about, mid, lo, there lay the Bkeli - camel. He trod and stood on it. tool: leaves, and brought and them to the guru. When he (Devala) 10 know (the itora), he said with wrath : " Didst thou daro to tread on bones and take down these leaves ? ! Ue born in the womb of low people (holtya) I Go!" rim. and Kami din va muni, with great wrath, lord of muni : '" D at thou not know P ! When S a n a I k u m i r a was proud provoked inukara, the father of many •Hiconio ft camel!' When he (Sa the deliverance from the curse I ?' he the order: 'When thou 1 at the letion of thy ; " , ' Ine great Devala, the lard of the munis, treads <m thy bones, on thy backbones, and cuts off res of or Afterwards, when he (Sand lying, by means of this man (thy disciple) he s feet ( -mod). 8 ha man 1 Then he i. "Let him dot be bora as a cowherd I ! Let hira be called king of K a c a - di k all up u ra, and be 008 by the name of this (UUva or Bilma) tree!'* Bnt Baid : " King of the munis ! As thon art rim, he thoa born, unhesitatingly teach him the wbol I knowledge* the come with him, and enter thy he I" He ated. Hear further, king! The lord of KuradikalpattJina, Ma b a n d i t a r A y a , wish- j a son ; but his wife had given birth only to girls, When she again became pregnant, the kino* grew angry, and said to his mis "If now she giyefl 1 lirth to a female I will cut • Here mvl fui ll0nn ' m thc i Hum], m « mo«t frequently so ng of Uilbmn seems to be be of the billa jbowi," iSilbwa being HlOUltt form of Bulav*. her throat oonmrit the mar- He heard (the words) to his grief; and when she again gave birth to a female, he quickly took (he child, walked thn the town (ilrn), and inquired : Has nowhere a male been born ?" Finding none, he looked to a house in the outer street (where the low use to live), and went (to it), when tha disciple of Devala, the lord of the munis, had Mum (therein). From compassion ho an- his child there, took that male child With him, put it at her (the queen's) side, and brought and told the news (of a son. having been born) to his master. "With the words : - (the king) went and saw; then he was immersed in the sea of joy, straightway gave all the gifts to the Brahmaaas, and distributed cart-loads of sugar. Thereafter he gi ike name B i 1 1 a - m a ,t performed the ceremony of (giving) the name, and lived in bapp Wheca liillama had attained to manhood, MaUandata, from love, bad his marriage performed, fastened the royal insignia on him, and we ' abode oi enemy of Cupid (i.e. to Kaililsa) ; but his son kingdom in happiness, and truthfully. Meanwhile D e v a 1 a muni guru, was born in the world of nn called "master of the (guru-) came quickly (to BiHama), utti Sirs, gave him the
- that of Kuui (/.«;. hole) Somesvara. When
tho king, who had obtained excelli knowledge, lived in happiness, his minister M Q 1- layya did not bow his head (before hini>
- towards him. The lord of the land
observed it, had him called, and told "Have some Bilva haves of one leaf brought, and give them to me for the Unga pfija 1" He said: " Well !" called for the- servants, and gave tho order. They sought (for the leaves) till they hecamo fatigued, came to the minis- I their hands and told him. When ho had heard (their tale), he was astonished, to the ruler of the land, and begged (his gracefully listened, and 3] "If I tell thee the place, wilt thon alone. With joy, go and bring (the leaves) ?" To this he va8 . bow. As Bilh™ nn.l Bitta mmm the i Link that Sanskrit B h i U a and Draridiaa Bill a are identical, both denoting a bow- man."