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THE TNMAN AxNTIQTjABT. [Jrrnr, 1875, Mtplained according to the K^apoyAdi ?.y if ft u to be explained numerically at all. Ami it in possible to extract from, it tin. 1 tlute 645, not 1)41 an given Ed the Canarese Sthoat-Pnpcr; but them is mi objection to this, vis., that the first nod livit letters of tut word arc compound letters and we sh^ttld have to reject in each instance the letter * r' us superfluous, though it. has a numerical power according to the to hie. Moreover, we hare still nothing to indicate the iuitud date from which the date of the inscrip- tion la to be calculated ; VikramAditynHwmvfti 045 and Saka 645 do not work out as tho Vibhsra tamratsara ur anything near it; nor doen Sake 1642, which may be arrived at by calculating tli e date from the reestablish men t of ihcSaku oil bj theCli.'.lukya king Vikram fid itytt- Permadidova nt the eouiuii-nccment of hie reign in t ha tow L.'93 of the original Saka era. The whole sty la of tho inscription is against its being of any eori'sklemhle age. ' SudA/ in the wcond line of the verse, in perhaps a mistake on the part of the copy is t for ' 3(radiV ; at any rate ihn modern * Sundu 1 or ' SoudAtlu- undent hi" or ' SudhApuru' , in North Caimni, is evidently moutit. And the king Rnghn allnded to is as undoubtedly the HnghnnAtha-.NAyaka who governed Sudhapuru under the sovereign of Vijayanagnra* from baka 154J to l£til. Tlie VibhavR sathvaUara occurred in his time. in Saka 16A0 (mJD, 1628-9), and ihb ac- cord inglj is the date of tho inscription. Nm. rr. This, again? in a KAdambo inscription from Balagamve. I have eaU ttfl No. $9 of Major Dixon's work. The original in the Old O.tnarepe characters and language, is en ft •tone.tftU't v 1' high by 1* 9*" farad. The emblems at the top of the stone are i— In the centre, some reprcyoutuliou that 1 cannot ctearlj make out in the photograph; on ita rigl seated figure, apparently Join, with the moon above it; and on its led, a cow and calf with the sun above them. The inscription records the grant, in tho Saka year 997 (a. D. 1075-6), being the itakahasa mmrateara f of the Tillage of Kundavigo to the Taifihriava temple of the god NArasimhadera of DojHgiive. The grant waa made by the KAdamba OaugapemmAnodi - Bhn vanaikavira- idflra, whoso place in the genwdogy I cannnt at present determine, with the sanction sovereign the Chfdukya king SfimesYftra- devn II It hi to he noticed that Gangapsanmanadi- Bhuvanaikarira-TTdaTAdityadtWa, though sob. ordinate to the Ubulukyu king, does not style himself a Chieftain or Great Chkftain and assumes some of the titles of a paramount sovereign. Transcription. [a] *^£ fco3R^£; P**l • 5j?dj(a^«^c^^tf?3ort3cio <£©3o [4] 3(e?^^5i3= 3^co>r*o jte&ZSfo wcoiAsaJo tjsaiitfj^ *- [8] rp-^o a^Aft-tfjsfaoa 3*d $rftiuft; ifrj&nWz^ilfgttQQ • #5j;(3j$)«- [7] tiii^aSa^Ci^ ^r(4^r)i{SjBBtr«Q s^X^w^^<f^=tea> sJcrXSS- [9] d^5b^3=*jodb itf 35 ^*?*?^ tfa»waaj3& , 5«a; 8tJg»«n£tf 0- [10] xi^As^iVo ria-^fjtrtrfjtfStfffa EtoMTMfii&Q ^•rfackaisfceWie. "&$• [11] djaiJerftf ^fc)a^^Sa^** ? «^^& (^^£ r (^^ [12] *3tfo 7fcbg,&n9 • 3^ ft W^^fqi e)*^Ct^iQ^JCri??35^^o 3- [13] tf^BA^^trf^^SoS^n^^^frl^SQy^rSfSj^r^o.

  • Dr. Buefanua, Vol. II. p Me,
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