Joli, 1875.]
SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 207 Paridliavi aamvatiara, while the valorous king Sudasivadevaraya* was ruling at bis capital of Vidyitnagari.t No. 6. — The stone-tablet containing this in- scription stands up against the same wall. There are no emblems at the top of the stone. This in- scription, again, is in good order, but the letters, as before, are not of a good typo ; it consists of thirty-one lines of about fifty letters each. With the exception that it belongs to the time of Sadasivadevamahariiya, I could not ascertain the date and contents of this inscription. No. 7, — The stone-tablet containing this in- scription stands against the B. wall of the en- re of the temple. The emblems at the top of the stone are a Uhga with the sun above it and the figure of Basava with the moon above it. The inscription consists of twenty-two lines of about twenty-three letters each. The letters of this, again, are of a bad type and are also very much defaced, and with the limited time at my disposal I could not make out the contents. jjo. 8. — The stone- tablet containing this in- scription stands up against the wall as the pre- ceding. The emblems at the top of the stone are the same as those of the preceding. There are traces of about eighteen lines, but hardly a letter ia distinctly visible from beginning to end. In one of the smaller shrines, outside the cen - tral temple but in the same courtyard, there is a handsomely carved stone 'Mane? bed- stead, or Utter, on which the image of the god is carried about the town on the occasion of t foals. The following inscription on the litter is published at page 277 of the Canarese Sehonl- Paper for March 1873 by Srinivaa Ramchan- dra Bank&pAr, Master of the Vernacular School at Badangdd in the North Canara District ; — 4fptf fivfr 5ft% ^r 5r(f5T)frr *rwnn% fat ^(tT:) ^faPJ*^? *^ : tf'*i**ftjC II With the corrections that I have suggested, the translation is :—" In the year Vibhava, in the dewy season *, in the month ofMftglm,in
- Thia king u not MQtfonsd in tlie liat of the kings o!
Vyayanagwa jfit< II. of TLonuu' ed. of Prinsop's Antiquities. But hi- uau oooon in inscriptions, — e.Q., Major Diioh'b No. I", from llarihara, dated Sakn 1476 or 1477, Anaoda hxhi&iUth* j »nd id., the bright fortnight, on Wednesday the day of the Sivaratri, this handsome litter of stone, intended for the festival of spring, was given to (the god) Sri-Madhukeivara by king Raghu of Soda, at the prosperous city of Jayantipura, in the pavilion used as a hall of audience." The litter was shown to me when I was at Banawasi, but the inscription was not pointed out to me nor did it attract my attention in- dependently ; I do not know exactly whereabouts on the litter it is. There is said to be another 1 litter or bedstead, somewhere in the Fort, similar to the one mentioned above, but without a roof and destitute of any elaborate carvings. The original of the inscription is, I presume, in the Kayastha characters. The publisher of it in the Canarese School-Paper interprets the first word numerically as giving, by inverting according to rule the order of the letters, the date 641. The system according to which words meaning l earth ' or * sky ' are nsed to denote ' one', words meaning ' arrow ' to denote words meaning • sua ' to denote * twelve', 4c, is well-known. There is given, at page 22 of Brown's Ottf r-mlogy t another system called * Katapayadt', according to which each consonant of the Sanskrit alphabet has a nume- rical power ; the table is as follows ; — 1. m ? <T H 2. ^ 3 IT X 3-
- T
W 4- ^ V
5. 5 T H ST 6. 1 ?T — «T 7. ®
- T
— m fc 5f f — f 9. B 1 - 25 0. ST ^T " " In both Bystems the unit is named first, then the ten, and so on, and the figures have accord- ingly/ to be reversed in reading off the date§. Such a word as ' Srivarshe of the text must be No. M, ot Mr. Hopa'a No. 38, <t r from Harihara, totted &aka 14S3, Darmati sarfiuafsaro. f X corruption of VilB] X Tho two months M< ffhn and PhMjrana. from a,bc=.t the middle of January to tbe middle of March. § ' Ankinim vAmatti gatih."