<Ia&t**t, I
LI Aid ViihK) 11 "1 will cuuKU Tor.a Co dig a largn tan I witll liis own bands, and if hn dnatc not perform i 1 will kill Lira, and Mot wife." Having an inn <. calow, he commanded htm to dig a large tank, I ii with water fail to pro yoq pttl <,.. J c . Toria, having heard the kings comti slowly nnd jpjitdw fully re hi run I liomo, H i* wife, uoiieiug hi* aid ooctnfa nid to hini ""What makes you no sad te-duyV* lie re- plied u The king has ordered me to I tank, to till it with water, and alter to make rrt>e* grow 00 it* bunks, during the eomv single night." Turin"* wife said to Into. " Cheer ap, do not bo d i s piri te d , and mix a littlu wn :oid, where the tank i . to b©, and then it will form by j I the tank was found com* •'.. TIil- khiLr, being greatly mtttm could not accomplish ma purpose of tt Tana. .ifierwnrds, the king planted a largo plain with muiiinrd seed : when fit for reaping, ha commanded Toria to reap and gather Lhc produce into onu heap on a <■•■
- htm I** bo put to
rfrutli liplin very bud. HI- hint in this utate, asked him Lho reason. J J ■ told bar all I.. Shu i at bo sad uIwtoi rforauuL"' daughter
- I hey oauiy in largo number
apace I produce away in iheir Ix-uk* to the king"* threshing-floor. Again T.i, hia wife. Hon Ik? on ho arranged a great bunt, lIih day timd lu< nasembbd hi* retainer*, n largo nn ruber of healers nn> ' < rfioa, ui out tor I , m.mgst these latter* Toria w to carry eggs and watoi . of tin* hunt vu not to kill tiger* and bears, but al the king might -ti/" iW daughter of i, and makj Ifc. 11m fag wbv to a cave, they nid thai u bare bad lliil tor rvfi it With thf« pretext thoy «*--!'-- 1 Tor p. miiu f(M then, rolling lurgn stones to the door completely blocked up the entrance; tliei- > '«rd large qttoniiba! , mouth of iheeave, umlaut tire tr* rt. to ria. Baring done riuine, bo,i had at last done fur the rxuuh rd. Dut ■• the egg*, and nil the sialic* wets • water that h n had with him on tli- remaining entfnr ■ Hrv waa ai f, gnat diffloultj T nuiaa^tMl to crawl onf of th - 0S1 ro big gwnt aatouuhmant, hn sav white iwhea of the fire wore becoming oow*. whilst tbe tnvlf-consiim«l wo(h! be«k,mo buOalotM. Having cnllfiatad L l ! tamo. Wfien the king Ran y en- vious, ami ukod Toria from whence he procnTBd Tlir. f Impliml » : ram riiat cava y ■■hi poshed mo. I have not got vt 'ry -r I waa alone, antl thoruforv i not majittgo to driiru uutre away, if you and all your retainer! gv>. yuu will Ik? uble l» got as many as you wont. V. . cure theni j the door of tho ravp t and light s fire in iVant, aa y Thu king said ' 1 my poopTu will enter t have •ndnciont oron and cows, bo pkttftcd uot to go io with ua. but kind!, Uirna." 1'lie king' and bin pcoplu then entered tho cave. Turin blocked nn t hn dixirway with great txeriion, and thvn Itghtod a Jarge fire n* y n»M all that were in the cave Soma dnya after this occurrence the dan of the So bo hvr hnaband " I intend
- ir*a ht»u na said to bar
' will also go with you." She answered "It is very foolish of yon to think of auob a thing, jon will not bo *<acii where 1 «i Turin replied "Ifyoo are able to g»,MUre!yI can-'^ Sin sftSu V. i v well, aloag then." After travnlling a long dia- Toria became io Faint Unit ha could pro- ceed no further. Hi* wife said to hint " Did not 1 warn yoaj noi to attempt anch a journey ? Aa for quenching your liiirat, there ia no water to 1* found bcro. But ait down, I will una if J can Ibid wnne Car yow.*' 8 wan gone, impi'lli!.! by hi* great thirst, Toria Hucked a raw iii with, una >"■> find he *i i tin lie bocamA changed mt'i n fnivj, SooOC ' ■ n'« wife oune I bringing water, bni ntfttoi to be found