[Jrr.T, 187S, Yikfaaiudljavtdft-P- * orVikKMnAditya- deva.* Thu inscription then proceeds to the genealogy of a Kudttuiba chieftain Kfctt&i who wax tliii juibordinate of this king. The Hr&r of the K ado in has mentioned to king C'lmttu or Clui^ugn, wliu nci|iiitvJ also rbe name of Kutnkadugovn. Ilia mm wua Juya- sjmhu. Jttyu.«*iwtai luul Ji ' ioxw, Miivuli, Tuilu or Tuilupti. S;*iu(avudij^ Ui Jukldeva, Vikra* Buj'kluiJ Thu greatest auKmg Lbdtd W*i Tuilupa, and to him and his wife Clnti-uttdahtdovi was burn Kirn i. Thu inscription than proceeds to rccoiT' l hut were- mods irlrilo the Great f!hUftatw ttiag Ktvttidelta wns. governing tbo Bannvaue Twelve -thousand, Tl»u port ton con- taining the record of the grants and the data of thu inacri prion i* below thn ground. The titlf* of KtrniikVa are very similar to those ni J.Lynkn'-.-i Jil km the. IwitnVr etono referred to above. No. 2. — The vtonc-tubtcl containing tbia in- wrription also is partially buried in the ground. Above the ground there arc twen ty -seven linea of about twenty- throe tetters each. The oin- hkuns ul the top of the atone, very rudely engraved, urn representations of the ffikjQ smd Busavu, with tho emu and moon abovu Llmm. The inscription is well- preserved and records grants made in the Safe* year 1200 (a. u, 1368-9), being llttktt Knftypfiant, while tbo Mahiipmdhi'inn or Prime- Minister If Ad ha. VHttka was governing the Baunvaso Twelve* thousand under tin* king Yfmbnkksrayn who was riding at llnstbiivui ipumt. This Primo- Mintoter is the celebrated MiidluivitehArya. Vidyarauyo, the elder brother of bityaniteli.'irca§ t thu atitlior of commentaries on thn ftigv&Ia and other works ; MadhavAcbarya himself was a scholar rvud author and was associated in souie of hiM writing!, with his brother- Bukkn- rsyn, — 'the younger brother of Harihara 1 ; tho son of Saugama of thu Yildava ihuiily; and the father of Harihura II , — nucceedud his brother on thu throne of Vij&yanagam. • TlkmoiLlIljs II ut Sir W. Wte t in *jr W hVln-.-'i KMarab* paeatoff?. tW im> %n gircK Mtav win* of MayoratorsuK II. and U.i> imraajgl Casttti(!!i r jjjnuiiifalifl. UiiirmidaUdirrt, nad Kiattiil.-*» &, Dot oci- or, J ' HjLifbATnth««™' «• prrba^ * ScaitlH form «f 1 JufcvtiiU/ tbc «i:'w-n1 tiBijifl <rf thn nU oo irhidi Vijuy». Man w*m baitt. »wl in tatter Umcj Ute pojvaUr mtaq «f VyijUMUtur* tuelf, | In u> fiolapltaaa of Uw lfidb*vly»iHuSiHTritu, eturt* Cu f«i(« IJfi uf VwL Y. «( Dr. ilciiiWld 3.— Tho atooe-tablrt cmtnining this in* fiQB^tion stand© by tlu a&fa of Ko. 2. Thn rxn- blems at die lop of the tablet are : — bi I ha fiintn, rat on its right, a cow and calf with the
- in abore them: and on its left, a lion with the
moon above it. The inscription consiata of twenty-nine line* of about twenty-five letters gaeh, and rvcorda grants made in tlio ,^akft y«u- 900 (a.d. 1068-9), being the Kilaka *rtiii*oi*ora, whs lit the Great Chieftain Klrtlivarniadeva|j, — the supremo lord of BunavfiBlpum ; ho wh> on his banner a representation of (Gnruila) the king of trinls 5 J M>d whoso crest was a lxm, — was governing tho liauava&i Twelve- thonaand- Jnst below tho dale a large portion of the *ur- face of the stone has been chipped off"; tit' of ilif iiiHertptioti is in very good order, No. i.— The titone-tablet containing; this in- scription is on the right as ono facta tbo central shrine. The emblems at the top of the tablet consist of n tmgft frith tlto sun abovn it and a ligun^ of Hosnva with tho moon above it- The inscription tx>nsisUr of thirty -seven lines of twenty-five letters eaclu The letters are of a liadsomettliat Doodeca type and nro rather ijiji'.!,' ;u I djihWu 1 ■■' rand. I ) i ing to I fall and to my l«iug preswed for timv I DOuld make oat no more than that the inscriptiau hi dated I3S1 (a. D. laWH 1'tiH»),U-,f lt rtl^ Vikrama rem vittmra, or, perhaps Suk n 1VJI ( 1600), being the Yilambi or Vikiiri raihvat- lara ; tlio iitvi. KyMnble only of the name of the aaiiivaUaru is legible. No. 5, TKr atone containing thti inscription staiiib up aguiaHt the > wall of tho oncloMure of the temple. The emblem* at the top of the ■tone, ,'i ires of a man on horfiolxick and of warriort or coufpiere4 eneitkioa in front of him. Tho inscription con- sists of twenty-four lines of nbont forty-two letters each ; it is in good order, but the bitters are of a bad and somewhat modern typo and dif- ficult to read. Tho ml <Ued Salt- Talianaaaka 1474 (aj», 155^3), being the fi-M'n t-khu'i of ftaf. diArjn «l«*mb« ImoMlf u "tiw prim garaa. tU« tea of bjuuuo, imiaumii i»r uw«uifanm.HWSbera r »cwJ w<i«tem ■ m:«jui 4 thn -,u nf M hiius i Mid thft nturin* bnthei el MaJluts."
- ram- of KWtirormiulf r» oeeort ia 8b If BJ-
- -. iubmh* jpuualfiu jr, kul auteriuf bjp lira iaufrrtniiif
it*p.ui 9itk» «M. iVkoat tbU XMUTarmatUn m Q* aund u Uu, Kirttid*?* of S*t, I slwra. f ' iUMch<art%ilniitkrrtji, - Urn I ill- h, «1v> »|>plSi)d K« liArkkdauidfrvft ui No- 1 uf tan BsakvpOf uwaipbui*. II. II. WTLua'* *a?fc*. Siysui. U "On- iiriion luiDJaUfT nf Ban*