Jpit, 1875.]
SANSKRIT ANT) OLD CANAKE3E PfS PR ITT IONS. SOS twenty- three letter* cacti , the olMrneter* of and the fallowing inacription are smaller than those of the preceding. It record* a grant made by Btaramagavrtndn of Kiriya-Buiikapura* to the god NagurAfiramclATO of KankApura. The date is the sauna ua that of tile preceding. No. 8:— The lowest of the thre^- eoieustfi of twelve lines of about twonty-threo letters each. It record* a grant made by ft DnndanAyaku, wbOM) name I could not read with certainty, in the reign of the Chalufcyn Tribhnvannmalla, i.e. VUcinmaditja It. Tho date ia oflaced, but tm» juimo of tho *iiAifof#flra ia legible, tiz. Srtmokha ; accordingly the date must be the sixteenth yea* ofVikramMUya II. or&akn 1013 (a.o. 1091-2). Xo, 7.— Tin- inscription on tho left, hand con- aiata or thirtv-sornn line* of aboul so von toon letters each. It records grants made to thu Join temple of Kinyn-Bntikspura by Midi* gnvtmda antl other village-headmen ia tho ^nhhnkrit stnhvaUam, being the rorty-flfth year dukya king ViLnima.t Tla*e tour inscriptions are in tolnrjihly goad condition, Htmgil, (ha ancient Punungnl. the head- quarters town of tho TAInkA of thu «wuo name Dliirwarl District, is about fifteen milaa to the S.W. of UenfcApAr. There are a great ntimbnr of monumental atones here, but only three inaflriptiona proper, Of the monumental stone* Rome are very largo and elaborate and furious; pnrtiqnlarly two by Lbs task near thu He venue Bungalow. Of tho inscription* one only, at the leuipte of HanuniiWiVu in ihe fields of Ho-IAkoti, would repay examination ; 1 had D r givf any all r. Near this inscription there is a Knall temple with some curious and interesting sculpture* ol men and women Ac. In tln> town therein a lino oW Jain temple bo centre chamber of wWOffl * largo *te»o lotua ia pendent friim tho roof. In J ho same chamber tlui AahtuuUkpalas,--gnardiajJB of the eight points of the compose,— are rtprt in en col l»nt Mtilptaroft in panobj pointing to* words their respective alalions. FeneWft BunawAsi i» situated in the Di ^ortb Canara, on the cunibies of 3Iaiaur, about fifteen mile* to the H. by S. of Sirw. Tho old forms of ita name, as niet with in juaeri prions, are • i.t.. • tba r«Mtr St^SpBt*.' y anarftsL ' the alndc in the forest", — the origin, ol form; IfanurAsi ; Banav&ve ; and Ihininmse; add another nanus of it would appear to be- Jnyunlipuru. It if, n piano of considerable age and reputed sanctity, Probably the Bflrtfcat authentic not ice of it is to bo found in the large Cave-alphabet inscription, dated Sak: (lun. 6B5*6), in the Saivw tottplo ftt AA»o|l in the lltinog-nnrl Talnki of ill D Ctlldgl »irv- -I'late Ne. 8 of Mr. Ho|i m liciu 9 we are told fhnt tho ChAlukya king I'nlikesi II. reduced to isnnjecltnn "' VanaTaaL which wua girt about by the river Banuanadi glitttontng with the hue of the high waves of tild Vanvhi, end which rivalled with ita pro** purity the city of the gods/' BanawAai would appear to have been ut Ihur time the rapital, or one of the capitals, of an «oriy branch of the KQutanbft dynasty. Tho Varodn, modern lowj elofio under tho walls of the pre- r jwn, and Hamsinadi ia probably the old nnmo of a tributary atream of aoloo siw: 1 flowa into it about seven miloa higher up. Thn inacriptious are ell m «ai around the greet temple of Madbakeavurado'.u -, bhoy am all in thy Old Cftnarfifie oluiraetBra and huisfaa^C- |-V,iir of them are onstonef net ttprighi m the ground on the right and tuft of the portteo of the temple, and four are on stnaes loaning against the wall of the temple enclosure. Thu temple wems to bo of considerable ontiqmty, but it is not remarkable for architectural beanty, Dr. Buchanan gives an account of some oft n snripfcimui of Burnt wosi and ita neighbourhood | bed lie was dependent for informatiou 00 to contents upon n Brikhniati priest called Al 1 i iiga who, to connoal hui ignomnoe of the auhjeet. pretty £p uhia power of imagina- tion, and the result waa tlie commnuieaiion of a groat deal of nonsense. ffo, 1 :^ Tula, insoriptinn is in aatato of very fine preservation. It IS partially buried to ground on the loft as ottfi fiwoa tho centre shrine | above tho ground there oro thirty*etL'U: erf about lhirty-M?ri>u letter each. Tho emhlema at tho top ef 0)0 tablet hava been eni A with the exception of part of the !%*. The iuacriptinn opens with thfl ■ta i ow i onl >hat the uurth wna governed by thfl kinjr* Of tho Chilukya race, sprung from Uitrieeabitava. The Chllulrya king mentioned by na mo ia Yibbu- ~t U. ia tlw B&ki jt*r 104S (A.B. 1U»-.).